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Acronyms Abbreviations

CCC Canadian Climatic Centre GCM
FIA Forest Inventory Analysis dataset produced by the U.S. Forest Service
GCM Global Circulation Model
GFDL Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory's GCM
GISS Goddard Institute of Space Studies's (NASA) GCM
HAD (Hadley)  Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research (UK) GCM
IV (Imp.Val.) Importance value (an index based on the number of stems and basal area of both the understory and the overstory). Can get a maximum of 200 on monotypical stands.
Little's Boundary The boundary of the species as depicted by the Atlas of United States Trees by Elbert L. Little, USDA Forest Service (1971, 1977).
RTA Regression Tree Analysis (similar to Classification and Regression Trees a statistical method based on recursive data partitioning)
UKMO United Kingdom Meteorological Office GCM

ALFISOL Alfisol (%) 
AVGT  Mean annual temperature (deg. C) 
BD  Soil bulk density (g/cm3) 
CEC  Cation exchange capacity 
CLAY  Percent clay (< 0.002 mm size) 
CROPS  Cropland (%) 
DIST.LND  Disturbed land (%) 
ED  Edge density (m/ha) 
ELV.CV  Elevation coefficient of variation 
FORST.LND  Forest land (%) 
GRAZE.PST  Grazing pasture land.(%) 
INCEPTSL  Inceptisol (%) 
INCH3 Percent weight of rock fragments 8-25 cm (same as ROCKFRAG)
JANT  Mean January temperature (deg. C) 
JARPPET  July-August ratio of precipitation to PET 
JULT  Mean July temperature (deg. C) 
KFFACT  Soil erodibility factor, rock fragments free (susceptibility of soil erosion to water movement) 
MAX.ELV  Maximum elevation (m) 
MAYSEPT  Mean May-September temperature (deg. C) 
MIN.ELV  Minimum elevation (m) 
MOLLISOL  Mollisol (%) 
NO10  Percent passing sieve No. 10 (coarse) 
NO200  Percent passing sieve No. 200 (fine) 
OM  Organic matter content (% by weight) 
ORD  Potential soil productivity, (same as PROD) (m3 of timber/ha) 
PERM  Soil permeability rate (cm/hour) 
PET  Potential evapotranspiration (mm/month) 
PH  Soil pH 
PPT  Annual precipitation (mm) 
PROD Same as ORD
ROCKDEP  Depth to bedrock (cm) 
SLOPE  Soil slope (percent) of a soil component  
SPODOSOL  Spodosol (%) 
TAWC  Total available water capacity (cm, to 152 cm) 
ULTISOL  Ultisol (%)