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A woodland scene
Uneven-aged Management
Most of the Eastern Oregon Region’s state forests have an “uneven-aged” structure with trees of many species, sizes and ages.
Selective harvesting is used to maintain or improve uneven-aged stand structure. The harvesting reduces the density of the stand, alters tree types and creates openings for new seedlings. It favors healthy trees of desirable species.
The larger openings are generally interplanted if it is felt that an insufficient number of desirable seed trees exist in the immediate vicinity to ensure adequate regeneration. In smaller opening with sufficient trees, nature regeneration is relied on.
Uneven-aged management results in high timber production, a visually pleasing forest cover, lower reforestation costs, and a biodiversity of wildlife habitat.
Go to forest management plans (Eastern Region) for a full discussion of uneven-aged management.

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Page updated: November 27, 2007

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