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Image collections
Visible representations of objects produced by optical or spectral instruments or cameras.

AVHRR images (7 items)
Landsat images (6 items)
Aerial photographs (19 items)
Photographs (30 items)
Scientists-at-work photographs (2 items)
Satellite images (31 items)

Results 51 - 60 of 117 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles (DOQs) [New Window]
Description of what Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles are and how to obtain them plus information on the DOQ program, points of contact, DOQ status graphic, examples of DOQs, and free data viewer software.
Earth Resources Observation & Science (EROS) [New Window]
Access to products archived at the EROS Data Center, Sioux Falls, SD, including aerial photography, remote sensing data, satellite imagery, maps, and elevation data with product search retrieval and ordering information.
Earth science photographic archive [New Window]
Photographic archive collection from the USGS Photo Library. Photos dated 1868-1992 are of geology, earthquake damage, national parks, pioneer photographers, St. Helens eruption and mining and available at 100, 700 and 1400 dots/inch resolution.
EarthExplorer [New Window]
Query and order satellite images, aerial photographs, and cartographic products through the U.S. Geological Survey. Log in as a guest or as a registered user with more privileges. Uses Java Script or Applet Versions for PC, MacIntosh, and Unix programs.
Earthquake glossary [New Window]
Dictionary of terms associated with earthquakes with simple definitions and photographs especially suited for students.
Floriday Integrated Science Center - Welcome to the kid's corner [New Window]
Children's website on southern Florida aquatic biology with short movie clips of amphibians, games & puzzles, wildlife pictures, teacher resources, and more.
Galloway Township, New Jersey research site, Toxic Substances Hydrology Program [New Window]
This site provides information on investigations of hydrocarbons in the unsaturated zone and shallow ground water at a gasoline-spill site in Galloway Township, N.J., with links to research projects, mathematical models, and photos.
Glacier effects of the M7.9 Denali fault earthquake of November 3, 2002 [New Window]
Description and photos documenting offsets and 260 km rupture in the Denali glacier in central Alaska after the November 3, 2002 earthquake, the 9th largest earthquake in the United States in the last 200 years.
Gulf of the Farallones regional bathymetry and sidescan-sonar digital mosaics [New Window]
Remotely sensed image products covering the Gulf of the Farallones region west of San Francisco.
Hawaiian Volcano Observatory [New Window]
Hawaiian Volcano Observatory's latest news with links to information on Kilauea, Mauna Loa, and other volcanoes, earthquakes, volcanic hazards, photo archive, and general information about the center.
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