FEDERAL REGISTER: 53 FR 43320 (October 26, 1988) DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AGENCY: Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) 30 CFR Parts 785 and 823 Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Operations; Permanent Regulatory Program; Prime Farmland ACTION: Correction In rule document 88-23848 beginning on page 40828 in the issue of Tuesday, October 18, 1988, make the following corrections: 1. On page 40831, in the second column, in the fifth complete paragraph, in the second line, "couple" should read "coupled". 2. On page 40835, in the first column, under "Proposed 3 Percent Exemption for Surface Facilities", in the second paragraph, in the 13th line, "real" should read "areal". 3. On the same page, in the second column, in the second complete paragraph, in the 21st line, "varied" should read "valid". 4. On the same page, in the third column, in the second complete paragraph, in the seventh line, "water" should read "waste". 5. On page 40838, in the first column, in the second complete paragraph, in the 12th line, after "the" insert "subsoil". BILLING CODE 1505-01-D