FEDERAL REGISTER: 45 FR 64908 (October 1, 1980) DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AGENCY: Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) 30 CFR Parts 784 and 817 Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation Operations: Permanent Regulatory Program ACTION: Final Interpretive rules. SUMMARY: The Office of Surface Mining is providing an interpretation of 30 CFR 784.15 and 817.133 to clarify OSM's position that an operator of a long duration underground coal mining operation may apply for approval of an alternative post-mining land use through the permit revision procedures of 30 CFR 788.12 toward the end of the mine life rather than initial permit application. DATE: These interpretive rules become effective October 1, 1980. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Raymond E. Aufmuth, Physical Scientist, Technical Services Division, Office of Surface Mining, U.S. Department of the Interior, 1951 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, D.C. 20240, telephone (202) 343-4022. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: These interpretive rules do not establish any new substantive requirements but merely explain the Office of Surface Mining's interpretation of previously published rules. These interpretations will be followed in all program areas including State program review and oversight, enforcement action, Federal programs and the Federal lands program. The Department's regulations allow Interpretive rules of this kind to be published without opportunity for public comment. 43 CFR 14.5(c)(2). Because there was no need for expedited rulemaking action and consistent with OSM's general commitment to seek public involvement to the fullest extent possible, OSM published these rules as proposed on August 1, 1980 (45 FR 51240-41) with a thirty day comment period. No comments were received on the proposal. Accordingly, these rules became effective on the date of publication in the Federal Register. See 43 CFR 14.5(c)(4). These interpretive rules constitute the Federal standard by which State programs are reviewed under 30 CFR 732. If a provision of any State program currently under review or approved is inconsistent with these interpretive rules, States will be given an opportunity at a later date to amend their programs to reflect the interpretation adopted today. Dated: September 24, 1980. Walter N. Heine, Director, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement . Section 784.200(a) is added to read as follows: Sec. 784.200 Interpretive rules related to General Performance Standards. The following interpretation of rules promulgated in Part 784 of this chapter have been adopted by the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement. (a) Interpretation of Section 784.15: Reclamation Plan: Postmining Land Uses . (1) The requirements of 30 CFR 784.15(a)(2), for approval of an alternative postmining land use, may be met by requesting approval through the permit revision procedures of 30 CFR 788.12 rather than requesting such approval in the original permit application. The original permit application, however, must demonstrate that the land will be returned to its premining land use capability as required by 30 CFR 817.133(a). An application for a permit revision of this type, (1) must be submitted in accordance with the filing deadlines of 30 CFR 771.21(b)(3), (2) shall constitute a significant alteration from the mining operations contemplated by the original permit, and (3) shall be subject to the requirements of 30 CFR 786 and 787. Section 817.200 is amended by adding new paragraph (d) to read as follows: Sec. 817.200 Interpretive rules related to General Performance Standards. The following interpretation of rules promulgated in Part 817 of this chapter have been adopted by the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement. {64909} (d) Interpretation of Section 817.133: Postmining Land Use. (1) The requirements of 30 CFR 784.15(a)(2), for approval of an alternative postmining land use, may be met by requesting approval through the permit revision procedures of 30 CFR 788.12 rather than requesting such approval through the permit application. The original permit application, however, must demonstrate that the land will be returned to its premining land use capability as required by 30 CFR 817.133(a). An application for a permit revision of this type, (1) must be submitted in accordance with the filing deadlines of 30 CFR 771.21(b)(3), (2) shall constitute a significant alteration from the mining operations contemplated by the original permit, and (3) shall be subject to the requirements of 30 CFR 786 and 787. [FR Doc. 80-30347 Filed 9-30-80; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4310-05-M