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NSIDC Presentations and Posters

Browse and sort the following table to locate presentations and posters authored by NSIDC scientists and staff for conferences and events held worldwide. Some files may require proprietary software to view and download times may vary.

Select a table header to sort the table contents by author, title, subject, conference, or date.

Primary Author Presentation/Poster Title Subject Conference Date
Armstrong, R. L.Time Series of SMMR and SSM/I Brightness Temperatures over Homogeneous Targets: A Preliminary Look at Variability/Stability [file] [abstract] remote sensingSpecialist Meeting on Microwave Remote Sensing2001-11
Armstrong, R. L.Multi-sensor approach to mapping snow cover using data from NASA's EOS Aqua and Terra spacecraft (AMSR-E and MODIS) [file] [abstract] snowAGU2003-12
Armstrong, R. L.Solutions to the snow cover mapping anomaly over the Tibetan Plateau [file] [abstract] remote sensingAGU2004-12
Armstrong, R. L.Graphical representation of Cold Land Processes Experiment snow pit data [file] [abstract] snowAGU2005-12
Armstrong, R. L.Snow cover mapping at the continental to global scale using combined visislbe and passive microwave satellite data [file] [abstract] snowAGU2007-12
Ballagh, L."Long-Lived Digital Data" for NSF Scientists [file] [abstract] data managementNational Science Board presentation at the University of Colorado2006-02
Ballagh, L. M.Enhancing Glacier, Temperature and Precipitation Data Records using PostGIS, GeoServer and Google Earth        [abstract] technology/data visualization38th International 2008 Arctic Workshop2008-03
Ballagh, L.M.A first look at comparing ice thickness from ice charts and submarine data in a GIS        [abstract] sea iceEuropean Geosciences Union General Assembly2007-04
Ballagh, L.M.Communicating Scientific Buzz with GeoRSS [file] [abstract] technology/data visualizationFifth International Symposium on Digital Earth2007-06
Ballagh, L.M.A Climate Change Tour for a K-12 Audience [file] [abstract] outreach/educationGeological Society of America Annual Meeting2009-10
Ballagh, L.M.Maps, maps, and more maps: Three approaches to reach the masses [file] [abstract] technology/data visualizationGeological Society of America Annual Meeting2010-11
Ballagh, L.Climate Records of Snow, Glaciers and Sea Ice [file] [abstract] otherAGU2005-12
Ballagh, L. M.Visualizing glaciers and sea ice via Google Earth [file] [abstract] technology/data visualizationAGU2006-12
Ballagh, L. M.A Longer Look at Glaciers and Sea Ice: New and Updated Data Products from the NOAA Program at NSIDC [file] [abstract] arcticAGU2006-12
Ballagh, L. M.Evaluating derived sea ice thickness estimates from two remote sensing data sets [file] [abstract] sea iceAGU2007-12
Ballagh, L.M.Mapping Glacier Data and Photographs via GeoServer and Virtual Globes [file] [abstract] technology/data visualizationAGU2008-12
Barrett, A.Arctic atmospheric circulation and surface air temperature anomalies: are the rules changing [file] [abstract] arcticAGU2008-12
Bauer, R.Antarctic data management at the National Snow and Ice Data Center: Web-based geospatial tools for Antarctic discovery and analysis [file] [abstract] antarcticAGU2006-12
Bauer, R.Antarctic cryosphere access portal (A-CAP): geo-spatial browse and distribution of NSF-OPP's Antarctic ice and climate data via the Web        [abstract] antarcticAGU2008-12
Bauer, R.The Antarctic Glaciological Data Center: An Archive for NSF Antarctic Program Glaciological Research. [file] [abstract] antarcticAGU2009-12
Beitler, J.A.Not as Cool as They Used to Be [file] [abstract] outreach/educationIPY/NSTA: The Role of Polar Regions in Earth’s Changing Climate System2007-11
Beitler, J. A.When instant gratification isn’t soon enough: Getting attention in a short-attention-span world [file] [abstract] outreach/educationAGU2005-12
Beitler, J. A.Lessons over a decade of writing about scientific data [file] [abstract] outreach/educationAGU2006-12
Beitler, J.A.Playing with satellite data: Beyond the Web page [file] [abstract] outreach/educationAGU2008-12
Billingsley, B.Using GeoTIFFs for Data Sharing: Limitations and Solutions. [file] [abstract] technology/data visualizationAGU2008-12
Billingsley, B.Software reuse example and challenges at NSIDC [file] [abstract] data managementAGU2009-12
Brodzik, M. J.Evolving Software Architecture at NSIDC [file] [abstract] data managementESDIS management review of NSIDC, April 20112011-04
Brodzik, M. J.Deriving long-term Northern Hemisphere snow extent trends from satellite passive microwave and visible data [file] [abstract] snowIGARSS2006-07
Brodzik, M. J.Deriving long-term Northern Hemisphere snow extent trends from satellite passive microwave and visible data [file] [abstract] snowIGS International Symposium on Cryospheric Indicators of Global Climate Change2006-08
Brodzik, M.J.Bringing value to IceBridge airborne mission data users [file] [abstract] data managementWorld Climate Research Program (WCRP) Open Science Conference2011-10
Brodzik, M. J.Northern Hemisphere snow extent trends derived from visible and microwave satellite data [file] [abstract] snowAGU2002-12
Brodzik, M. J.The effect of sensor differences in deriving long-term trends from satellite passive microwave snow extent [file] [abstract] snowAGU2005-12
Brodzik, M. J.Regional trend analysis of satellite-derived snow extent and global temperature anomalies [file] [abstract] snowAGU2006-12
Brodzik, M. J.Preliminary study of local regression methods to interpolate gridded passive microwave brightness temperatures [file] [abstract] remote sensingAGU2007-12
Brodzik, M. J.Global snow extent climate data records and trends derived from satellite passive microwave and visible data [file] [abstract] snowAGU2008-12
Collins, J.Redefining NSIDC's metadata workflow [file] [abstract] data managementData Center Managers' Meeting2010-05
Collins, J.The Virtual Observatory in Action: Recurring Themes in Polar Science Use Cases [file] [abstract] technology/data visualizationVirtual Observatories in Geosciences 20072007-06
Collins, J.Database Design for Points, Grids, and the Pole: The Searchlight Project Case Study [file] [abstract] data managementCircumpolar Conference on Geospatial Sciences and Applications (GeoNorth 2009)2009-08
Collins, J.Collecting and Preserving Local and Traditional Climate Knowledge [file] [abstract] data managementWorld Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Open Science Conference2011-10
Collins, J.From static repository to dynamic archive: An exploration of the evolution of NSIDC data services [file] [abstract] technology/data visualizationAGU2006-12
Collins, J.Arctic Observing Network data management: Current capabilities and their promise for the future [file] [abstract] data managementAGU2008-12
Collins, J.Lineage management and user support considerations for on-demand data [file] [abstract] data managementAGU2009-12
Deems, J.S.Operation IceBridge: Science overview and data management [file] [abstract] remote sensingState of the Arctic2010-02
Dueer, R.Quality, Community, and the Sea Ice Record [file] [abstract] sea iceAGU2009-12
Duerr, R.Developing Archive Information Packages for Data Sets: Early Experiments with Digital Library Standards [file] [abstract] data managementAGU2006-01
Duerr, R.PREMIS and METS [file] [abstract] data managementNOAA Metadata ITAT2008-01
Duerr, R.Challenges in Long-Term Data Stewardship [file] [abstract] data managementNASA/IEEE Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies2004-04
Duerr, R.Science Data Management and Preservation: Implications for the Ethos of Science [file] [abstract] data managementAAG2005-04
Duerr, R.E.Discovery and Access of Historic Literature from the IPYs (DAHLI): Rescuing records and publications of early IPY ventures [file] [abstract] otherPolar Libraries Colloquy (PLC)2006-05
Duerr, R.MODIS Enhanced Products and Services at NSIDC [file] [abstract] data managementMODIS Science Team Meeting2008-05
Duerr, R.MODIS Data at NSIDC [file] [abstract] data managementMODIS Science Team Meeting2008-05
Duerr, R.Challenges of a small archive [file] [abstract] data managementTHIC Meeting2004-06
Duerr, R.E.The International Polar Years: Creating Access to 125 Years of Polar Research [file] [abstract] otherSpecial Libraries Association (SLA)2007-06
Duerr, R.Preparing Data for Ingest [file] [abstract] data managementSummer Institute on Data Curation, June 2-5, 2008; GSLIS, UIUC2008-06
Duerr, R. E.Standards for Earth Science Data [file] [abstract] data managementSummer Institute on Data Curation, Graduate School of Library and Information Science2010-06
Duerr, R. E.Issues in Earth Science Data Management [file] [abstract] data managementSummer Institute on Data Curation, Graduate School of Library and Information Science2010-06
Duerr, R.Evolution of Archive Technologies at the National Snow and Ice Data Center [file] [abstract] technology/data visualizationTHIC2005-07
Duerr, R.HDF and HDF-EOS: Implications for Long-Term Archiving and Data Access [file] [abstract] data managementHDF Workshop2004-10
Duerr, R.E.The reason for DAHLI:Making the holdings of historic IPY information accessible to all [file] [abstract] otherGeological Society of America (GSA)2007-10
Duerr, R.E.Collection Management [file] [abstract] data managementFoundations of Digital Curation2010-10
Duerr, R.HDF for the Ages: Keeping HDF data accessible and usable for the long term [file] [abstract] data managementHDF-EOS Workshop IX2005-11
Duerr, Ruth.Virtual Observatories, Virtual Archives: Only as Good as Their Metadata? [file] [abstract] data managementAGU2003-12
Duerr, R.The International Polar Year: Making Data and Information Available for the Long Term [file] [abstract] data managementAGU2004-12
Duerr, R.Distributed Data Management for the Long Term [file] [abstract] data managementDistributed Data Management for the Long Term2005-12
Duerr, R. Provenance: Promise and Practice [file] [abstract] data managementAGU2008-12
Duerr, R.E.Identifying Data in the Earth Sciences [file] [abstract] data managementAGU2010-12
Duerr, R.E.Libre: Freeing Polar Data in an Information Commons [file] [abstract] data managementAGU2010-12
Fetterer, F.The Arctic Observing Network and its Data Management Challenges [file] [abstract] data managementAMS2008-01
Fetterer, F.Sea Ice Forecasting: Operational Need, Research Reality [file] [abstract] arcticArctic Frontiers2010-01
Fetterer, F.The Arctic Observing Network and its data management challenges: three years on [file] [abstract] data managementAMS2011-01
Fetterer, F.Monitoring Arctic Sea Ice: Data product development considerations [file] [abstract] sea iceAMS2012-01
Fetterer, F.Developing Sea Ice Climate Data Records for the NPOESS Era [file] [abstract] sea iceAGU ASLO Ocean Sciences2006-02
Fetterer, F.Glaciers, snow, and sea ice: Observations of Arctic change in the NOAA data collection at NSIDC [file] [abstract] arcticState of the Arctic2010-03
Fetterer, F.NOAAs Arctic Sea Ice Forecastinng Activities, Research, and Priorities [file] [abstract] sea iceInternational Ice Charting Working Group - XI2010-10
Fetterer, F.National Ice Center Arctic sea ice charts and climatologies in gridded and GIS format [file] [abstract] sea iceAGU2006-12
Fetterer, F.Operational Products Archived at the National Snow and Ice Data Center [file] [abstract] otherAGU2009-12
Fowler, D.Insights into GLAS waveforms using Google Earth [file] [abstract] technology/data visualizationAGU2008-12
Gallaher, D. W.Forcing interoperability: An intentionally fractured approach [file] [abstract] technology/data visualizationAGU2008-12
Gergely, K.Visualizations of cryospheric data in virtual globes at the National Snow and Ice Data Center : MODIS Mosaic of Antarctica (MOA) image map [file] [abstract] antarcticAGU2008-12
Gibbons, Peter R.Near-real-time transition from the DMSP SSM/I to SSMIS sensor for NSIDC near-real-time snow and ice climate records [file] [abstract] sea iceAGU2010-12
Haran, T.Improved Ice Sheet DEMs using MODIS and ICESat + ERS1&2 Altimetry [file] [abstract] antarcticDr. Seelye Martin, NASA Cryosphere Program Manager Site Review2008-02
Haran, T.Automated Met-Ice-Geo Observation Systems (AMIGOS) deployed to Larsen B region Feb 2010 using Iridium SBD, dial-in and dial-out communications [file] [abstract] technology/data visualization6th Annual Polar Technology Conference2010-03
Haran, T.HDF-EOS vs. GeoTIFF: GIS Problems when Projection and Datum Spheroids are Different [file] [abstract] technology/data visualizationMODIS Science Team Meeting2008-05
Haran, T. M.A Digital Elevation Model of West Antarctica from MODIS and ICESat: Method, Accuracy, and Applications [file] [abstract] antarcticAGU2006-12
Haran, T.M.Enhancing an ERS1-2 + ICESat digital elevation model of West Antarctica Using MODIS imagery [file] [abstract] antarcticAGU2007-12
Haran, T.New Enchancements of an ERS1-2 + ICESat DEM of West Antarctica Using MODIS, Shapelets, and Kriging [file] [abstract] antarcticAGU2008-12
Haran, T.M.Updated MODIS-derived ice sheet data sets for Antarctica and Greenland: MOA 2009, MOG 2010 mosaics and products [file] [abstract] remote sensingAGU2011-12
Harper, D.The Human Side of Agile in Earth Sciences Application Development [file] [abstract] technology/data visualizationUCAR Software Engineering Assembly2012-02
Howard, A.M.NOAA’s Climate Database Modernization Program at the National Snow and Ice Data Center [file] [abstract] otherPolar Libraries Colloquy (PLC)2006-05
Howard, A.M.Tracking climate change in the 21st century: supporting research with historic photographs and Google Earth [file] [abstract] otherSpecial Libraries Association2007-06
Howard, A.M.Tracking climate change in the 21st century: supporting research with historic photographs and Google Earth [file] [abstract] otherSpecial Libraries Association2007-06
Howard, A.M.Historic glacier photographs at the National Snow and Ice Data Center: online glacier photograph database [file] [abstract] otherGSA2006-10
Howard, A.M.Discovery and Access of Historic Literature from the IPYs (DAHLI) [file] [abstract] data managementAGU2006-12
Kaneda, K.Data Conservancy: Digital Curation of the Magmatic System of McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antartica [file] [abstract] data managementGeological Society of America2010-11
Khalsa, S.J.Glaciers on the Web: The GLIMS Glacier Viewer [file] [abstract] data managementAGU2009-12
Korn, D.Ice, Cloud, and Land Satellite (ICESat) digital elevation models (DEMs) of Greenland and Antarctica at NSIDC [file] [abstract] remote sensingAGU2007-12
Korn, D.Modeling the mass balance of the Wolverine Glacier, Alaska USA using the PTAA model [file] [abstract] glaciersAGU2010-12
Kovarik, J.Data Storage Systems at NSIDC: Evolution in Response to Change [file] [abstract] data managementAGU2008-12
LeDrew, E.Data Management in IPY [file] [abstract] data managementEC-PORS2009-10
Leitzell, K. H.Uncloaking the scientific process [file] [abstract] outreach/educationAGU2009-12
Leon, A.AMSR-E Products and NASA’s AMSR-E Validation Data at NSIDC [file] [abstract] hydrosphereAGU2006-12
Leon, A.AMSR-E at the NSIDC DAAC: Updates to products and services [file] [abstract] hydrosphereAGU2008-12
Leon, A.NSIDC Metadata Improvements: Building the foundation for interoperability, discovery and services [file] [abstract] data managementAGU2011-12
Lewis, S.Geospatial Selection Using Mapx and JAZ JavaScript Libraries [file] [abstract] technology/data visualizationAGU2008-12
Lewis, S.Services for Analysis of the Greenland Environment (SAGE) [file] [abstract] technology/data visualizationAGU2009-12
Ma, L.Verification of Atmospheric Reanalysis Air Temperature Data from ERA40, NCEP1, and NCEP2 with Ground-Based Measurements in China [file] [abstract] atmosphereAGU2006-12
Maurer, J.Atlas of the Cryosphere: a Web Map Service for the Earth's frozen regions [file] [abstract] technology/data visualizationGeoinformatics2007-05
Maurer, J.Atlas of the Cryosphere: Mapping the Earth’s frozen regions on the Internet [file] [abstract] technology/data visualizationIPY GeoNorth 20072007-08
Maurer, J.Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer - Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) product overview [file] [abstract] hydrosphereAGU2003-12
Maurer, J.Tools for working with the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) data products from the Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) mission [file] [abstract] technology/data visualizationAGU2004-12
Maurer, J.Atlas of the Cryosphere: a dynamic web mapping tool for exploring snow and ice [file] [abstract] outreach/educationAGU2006-12
Maurer, J.Dynamic access to cryospheric data at the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) [file] [abstract] technology/data visualizationAGU2006-12
Maurer, J.Local-scale snow accumulation variability on the Greenland ice sheet from ground-penetrating radar (GPR) [file] [abstract] snowAGU2007-12
Meier, W.N.NSIDC Overview and Arctic Climate Change [file] [abstract] arcticArctic Domain Awareness Conference2006-01
Meier, W.N.Arctic Sea Ice: Climate's Canary in a Coal Mine [file] [abstract] outreach/educationNational Science Teachers Association Conference2011-03
Meier, W.Passive microwave basics [file] [abstract] remote sensingNSIDC informal seminar2010-04
Meier, W.N.A new sea ice climate data record for climate studies [file] [abstract] sea iceWCRP Open Science Conference2011-10
Meier, W.N.Climate Change on the Fast Track: An Arctic in Transformation [file] [abstract] outreach/educationFoundation for American Communications Seminar for Journalists2007-11
Meier, W.N.Combined enhanced resolution passive microwave and scatterometer sea ice fields [file] [abstract] sea iceAGU2006-12
Meier, W.N.Whither Arctic Sea Ice? - An Earth Exploration Toolbook chapter on the climate's canary in a coal mine [file] [abstract] outreach/educationAGU2006-12
Meier, W.Operational sea ice charts: An integrated data product suitable for observing long-term changes in Arctic sea ice? [file] [abstract] sea iceAGU2006-12
Meier, W.N.Combined enhanced resolution passive microwave and scatterometer sea ice fields [file] [abstract] sea iceAGU2007-12
Meier, W.N.Combined enhanced resolution passive microwave and scatterometer sea ice fields        [abstract] sea iceAGU2007-12
Meier, W.N.Striking back: A case study in addressing a skeptic's public assertions about sea ice data [file] [abstract] outreach/educationAGU2008-12
Meier, W.N.Enhanced resolution passive microwave sea ice motion fields: Impacts on the 2008 summer melt season and long-term sea ice circulation patterns [file] [abstract] sea iceAGU2008-12
Meier, W.N.Progress and ongoing issues in the development of a passive microwave sea ice extent and concentration climate data record [file] [abstract] sea iceAGU2008-12
Meier, W.Help, I don't know which sea ice algorithm to use: Developing an authoritative sea ice climate data record [file] [abstract] sea iceAGU2009-12
Muto, A.Multi-decadal surface temperature trends near the Ice Divide of East Antarctica using borehole firn temperature measurements and inversion method [file] [abstract] antarcticAGU2008-12
Parsons, M.A.How to Cite an Earth Science Data Set [file] [abstract] data managementESIP2006-01
Parsons, Mark.Data Sharing in IPY: Policy, Practice, and Services [file] [abstract] data managementSwedish IPY Investigators Workshop2009-01
Parsons, M. A.Canada, the IPY, and Data Management [file] [abstract] data managementCryosphere System (CRYSYS) Annual Science Meeting2006-02
Parsons, M. A.IPY Data Management [file] [abstract] data managementelectronic Geophysical Year (eGY) Meeting2006-03
Parsons, M. A.Data, Libraries, and Scientists: Understanding the Arctic and the Earth [file] [abstract] data management2nd Global Research Library 2020 Workshop (GRL2020)2008-03
Parsons, M. A.Local and Traditional Knowledge in Understanding Arctic Change [file] [abstract] data managementState of the Arctic2010-03
Parsons, M. A.Local and Traditional Knowledge in Understanding Arctic Change [file] [abstract] data managementState of the Arctic2010-03
Parsons, M. A.Data Citation [file] [abstract] data managementGeoData 20112011-03
Parsons, M. A.Data and information--the legacy of IPY [file] [abstract] data managementEuropean Geosciences Union General Assembly2006-04
Parsons, M. A.Data Management for IPY [file] [abstract] data managementEuropean Geosciences Union General Assembly2006-04
Parsons, M. A.Information Technology Vision for Data Synthesis [file] [abstract] technology/data visualizationArctic System Synthesis Workshop: New Perspectives through Data Discovery and Modeling2007-04
Parsons, M. A.The International Polar Year Data and Information Service [file] [abstract] data management2nd International Polar Year (IPY) workshop on Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks2008-04
Parsons, M. A.Data Management for IPY [file] [abstract] data managementAntarctic Peninsula Climate Variability Workshop2006-05
Parsons, M. A.IPY, eGY and Data Management [file] [abstract] data managementAGU2006-05
Parsons, M. Securing the legacy of the International Polar Year [file] [abstract] data managementUnidata Seminar2008-05
Parsons, M.A.Data Sharing Lessons from the Poles [file] [abstract] data managementCASIMR2009-05
Parsons, M.A.Managing Permafrost Data: Past Approaches and Future Directions [file] [abstract] data managementNinth International Conference on Permafrost2008-06
Parsons, M.A.The State of Arctic Data - the IPY experience [file] [abstract] data managementIPY2010-06
Parsons, M. A.The State of Arctic Data—the IPY experience [file] [abstract] data managementInternational Polar Year Open Science Conference2010-06
Parsons, M. A.Data for the ages--A look at data’s role in science over the 125-year history of IPY [file] [abstract] data managementIUGG2007-07
Parsons, M. A.A Polar Perspective on IGY+50 and eGY [file] [abstract] othereGY Launch at IUGG2007-07
Parsons, M.A.Data Sharing, Access, and Archiving in IPY [file] [abstract] data managementIPY Data Workshop2008-07
Parsons, M.The Many Dimensions of Sea Ice - A Beginning Ontology [file] [abstract] data managementFederation of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP Federation) Summer Meeting2011-07
Parsons, M. A.Data Management for the International Polar Year--Ensuring the Legacy [file] [abstract] data managementIGARSS2006-08
Parsons, M. A.The challenge of and approach to IPY data management—Building the legacy [file] [abstract] data managementFirst International Circumpolar Conference on Geospatial Sciences and Applications (IPY GeoNorth)2007-08
Parsons, M.A.An International Polar Year perspective on data sharing [file] [abstract] data managementGeoNorth2009-08
Parsons, M. A.Data Management for the International Polar Year [file] [abstract] data managementJoint Committee for Antarctic Data Management (JCADM)2005-09
Parsons, M. A.International Polar Year Data Management [file] [abstract] data managementCODATA2006-10
Parsons, M. A.Data sharing in IPY: Policy, practice, and services [file] [abstract] data managementGovernment of Canada Program for IPY Researchers Workshop2007-10
Parsons, M. A.Data Management for the International Polar Year [file] [abstract] data managementIPY Discussion Forum2005-11
Parsons, M. A.International Polar Year Data Management [file] [abstract] data managementNSF Biodiversity and Ecosystem Informatics2006-11
Parsons, M. A.Data and Scientists in a Sustained Arctic Observing Network [file] [abstract] data managementInternational Polar Year (IPY) workshop on Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks2007-11
Parsons, M.A.Scientific Data as the Core Legacy of IPY [file] [abstract] data managementInternational Symposium: Fifty Years after IGY2008-11
Parsons, M. A.Data management considerations for the International Polar Year [file] [abstract] data managementAGU2004-12
Parsons, M. A.Data Management--A Utility for Science [file] [abstract] data managementAGU2005-12
Parsons, M. A.The challenge of and approach to IPY data management -- building the legacy [file] [abstract] data managementAGU2006-12
Parsons, M. A.Data sharing, access, and archiving in IPY [file] [abstract] data managementAGU2007-12
Parsons, M. A.Exploring the new world of the Arctic: Change, trust, and data [file] [abstract] data managementAGU2007-12
Parsons, M.A.Scientific Data as the Core Legacy of IPY [file] [abstract] data managementAGU2008-12
Parsons, M.Report From the Cryospheric Cyberinfrastructure: Discovery, Access, and Delivery of Data for IPY (DADDI) [file] [abstract] data managementAGU2008-12
Parsonsn, M.A.How to Cite an Earth Science Data Set [file] [abstract] data managementEarth Science Information Partners2006-07
Pharris, K.Web Site Usability: First, Ignore the Science. [file] [abstract] outreach/educationAGU2005-12
Raup, B.H.Improving ASTER DEMs over glacierized terrain using photoclinometry [file] [abstract] remote sensingAGU2006-12
Regner, K.Introducing LANCE, NASA’s Near-real Time Processing Capability for Aqua AMSR-E [file] [abstract] data managementAGU2010-12
Renfrow, S.What About Sea Ice? [file] [abstract] outreach/educationAGU2005-12
Renfrow, S.Using Blogs to Create and Manage Media Buzz [file] [abstract] outreach/educationAmerican Geophysical Union Fall Conference2006-12
Renfrow, S.Turning the tide: Serving science to a more-than-media audience [file] [abstract] outreach/educationAGU2008-12
Savoie, M. H.Locating Stable Calibration Targets [file] [abstract] remote sensingAGU2004-12
Savoie, M. H.AMSR-E/Aqua Daily Gridded Brightness Temperatures [file] [abstract] otherAGU2006-12
Savoie, M. H.Atmospheric corrections for improved passive microwave snow cover retrievals over the Tibet Plateau [file] [abstract] remote sensingAGU2007-12
Schaefer, K.Estimating Terrestrial Wood Biomass from Observed Concentrations of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide [file] [abstract] biosphereAGU2008-12
Schumacher, H. V.Data products from the Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) at the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) [file] [abstract] remote sensingAGU2003-12
Scott, D. J.Passive microwave sea ice data and complications in the development of a sea ice climate data record [file] [abstract] data managementState of the Arctic2010-03
Scott, D. J.Revealing passive microwave data production at NSIDC [file] [abstract] data managementAGU2010-12
Serreze, M.Arctic Sea Ice in 2008: Standing on the Threshold [file] [abstract] arcticAGU2008-12
Stroeve, J.Arctic Sea Ice Decline: Are Current Climate Models too Conservative [file] [abstract] sea iceAGU2006-12
Stroeve, J.C.Emerging Arctic Amplification [file] [abstract] arcticAGU2008-12
Stroeve, J.C.The Emergence of Surface-Based Arctic Amplification [file] [abstract] arcticAGU2008-12
Swick, R. S.Spatial search of orbital swath data [file] [abstract] remote sensingother2005-06
Swick, R. S.Spatial tools for a round planet [file] [abstract] technology/data visualizationAGU2005-12
Swick, R. S.Visualization of Four Dimensional Data on Virtual Globes [file] [abstract] technology/data visualizationAGU2006-12
Swick, R.Climate change in Google Earth [file] [abstract] technology/data visualizationAGU2007-12
Thornton, P.Results of the North American Carbon Program (NACP) Site Model-Data Comparison (MDC) project [file] [abstract] biosphereAGU2008-12
Truslove, I. A.Completely Test-Driven [file] [abstract] technology/data visualizationUCAR Software Engineering Assembly2012-02
Truslove, I. A.A software architecture to encourage internal and external software reuse [file] [abstract] technology/data visualizationAGU2011-12
Vizcarra, N. B.The Role of Photography in the Study of Climate Change [file] [abstract] glaciersAGU2011-12
Wallace, A.M.ROCS @ NSIDC – A Growing Collection [file] [abstract] otherCIRES Rendezvous2011-04
Weaver, R.L.The NSIDC DAAC's Role in Sustaining the IPY Data Legacy [file] [abstract] data managementAGU2008-12
Young, D.NSIDC technical infrastructure [file] [abstract] technology/data visualizationother2007-12
Young, D.NSIDC technical infrastructure [file] [abstract] technology/data visualizationother2008-12

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Advancing knowledge of Earth's frozen regions
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