USDA Forest Service

Logo of the FERA research teamFire and Environmental Research Applications Team


Fire and Environmental Research Applications Team
Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Laboratory

400 N 34th Street, Suite 201
Seattle, WA 98103

(206) 732-7800

Logo of the Pacific Northwest Research Station

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

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Regional Fuels Workshops

Final Report to the Joint Fire Science Program [.pdf 769 kb]

Seven regional workshops were conducted across the country to teach land managers enough about three FERA tools so that they can go out and teach others. These workshops were three days each and attended by approximately 10-15 managers. A teaching cadre of 5 demonstrated in the classroom and in the field how to use each tool, and how they can be used in an integrated fashion.

The tools taught are the Natural Fuels Photo Series, Fuel Characteristic Classification System, and Consume 3.0.

Workshops were held in Georgia (Novermber 2005), Hawaii (February 2006), Oregon (May 2006), Alaska (August 2006), Ohio (November 2006) southern California (March 2007) and in the New Mexico (May 2007).

Additional workshops have been offered by several sponsors:

  • University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho (April 2007).
  • Georgia Forestry Commission in Newton, Georgia (September 2007)
  • Department of Defense, Fort Gordon ARmy Base, Georgia (March 2008)

Software Downloads for Each Workshop

Team Lead: Roger Ottmar

Logo of the Joint Fire Science ProgramWe acknowledge funding from the Joint Fire Science Program 05-4-1-14.

U.S. Forest Service - PNW- FERA
Last Modified: Thursday, 26 June 2008 at 11:57:39 EDT

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