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 Click on the item below that best resolves your inquiry. 
 1.  How can I type in a specific address to find close up recent photos or satellite shots of the aftermath of recent hurricanes, including Katrina ? Priority Item  
 2.  How do I find current sea surface temperature on the web?  
 3.  Where can I get the weather forecast and water temperatures for planning my beach vacation ?  
 4.  Where do I find the history of meteorology ?  
 5.  What is NOAA Coastwatch ?  
 6.  How do I find information on Chesapeake Bay ?  
 7.  How do I find international historical weather, observations and forecasts ? (Updated)  
 8.  Where can I get information about the position of the Gulf Stream ?  
 9.  What was the weather in some particular location on some particular date, or extreme weather in a given year ?  
 10.  How do I find information on natural hazards or disasters?  
 11.  Where would I find cloud datasets derived from satellite radiance data ?  
 12.  What are the names of some global rainfall projects or experiments  
 13.  How do we remotely measure long-term changes in glaciers ?  
 14.  How do I find local weather and climate information ?  
 15.  What is the ocean literacy network ?  
1 - 15 of 716 items     Next>>

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