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Research, Publications, and Data Collection


In 2005, the National Park Service Conservation Study Institute completed a study for the Blackstone Valley Heritage Corridor Commission to evaluate the Corridor's accomplishments, leveraging, partnership network, and current management structure, and present options for the future. Click here to download the report, entitled Reflecting on the Past, Looking to the Future: A Technical Assistance Report to the John H. Chafee Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor Commission.

This spring, the Conservation Study Institute completed a similar technical assistance project for the Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor Commission entitled Connecting Stories, Landscapes and People: Exploring the Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor Partnership. The study evaluates the Corridor's accomplishments, leveraging, partnership network,and current management structure, and present options for the future.

Click here to download the full report. Click here to read the executive summary.


  • National Trust Publication "Getting Started with Heritage Areas" To request copies call 202-588-6296, email the Trust, or order online.
  • National Trust Forum Journal "Regional Heritage Areas: Connecting People to Places and History" To request copies call 202-588-6296, email the Trust, or order online.
  • George Wright Forum Journal "Stewardship of Heritage Areas" To request copies call 906-487-9722, email the Forum, or visit their website.

Heritage Area Articles Available Online

For a bibliography of heritage areas, updated monthly, click here.

Data Collection

Measuring Heritage Tourism--The Money Generation Model (MGM2)

NPS, the Alliance of National Heritage Areas, and Michigan State University have completed a study that estimates the direct and indirect regional economic impacts of heritage visitors in seven national heritage areas. MSU used a modified Money Generation Model (MGM2) to analyze data collected through visitor surveys. The seven participating areas were: MotorCities NHA, Essex NHA, Lackawanna Heritage Valley, Silos and Smokestacks NHA, Cane River NHA, Augusta Canal NHA, and Ohio and Erie National Heritage CanalWay.

A report for each each area reflects visitor demographics, visitation profiles, and the level of awareness among residents and visitors of the heritage area designation. A summary report highlights trends across the heritage areas, project conclusions and recommendations. to view the procedure guide, individual area results and a summary report, visit the MSU website.

To view the MGM2 report, click here.

See also:

Research Workshops and Proceedings

Workshops coordinated by the Washington office have brought practitioners and academics together to discuss current research and how to advance our collective knowledge and understanding of the process and outcomes of heritage development. Workshops have also been coordinated to faciliate coordination, cooperation and communication among the National Park Service and other Federal, state and local agencies. Click here to view the summaries of the workshop proceedings.

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