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IEEE-USA Home: For Volunteers

Quick Links

Volunteer Info
  IEEE-USA Presidents
  Volunteer Leaders
  PACE Network
  Event Calendar

  Awards & Recognitions
  Board of Directors
  Governing Documents
  U.S. Regions Quick Links
  How to Volunteer
  Development Support

  Intro to IEEE-USA

  IEEE-USA History
  Staff Contacts
  Staff Profiles

  Visiting the DC Office

Volunteer Central
Membership Development Initiative
Program Handbook
Annual Reports
[2009][2008][2007] [2006][2005][2004]
Year in Review


The IEEE-USA Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee asks for your help in identifying U.S. IEEE members who may be interested in, and well-qualified for, service on IEEE-USA committees and/or in IEEE-USA board positions. Nomination Form | Contact

IEEE-USA Volunteer Who's Who
IEEE-USA Officer profiles:

A listing of all IEEE-USA's volunteer leaders and their positions.

These organizational charts (PDF) illustrate IEEE-USA's volunteer, committee and staff structures.

IEEE-USA Board of Directors
IEEE-USA's Board of Directors is scheduled to meet on the following dates/locations:
  • 28-30 Jan. 2011 (Washington, DC)
  • 18 Feb. 2011 (Miami, FL)
  • 24 June 2011(Bellevue, WA)
  • 18 Nov. 2011 (New Brunswick, NJ)

Summaries of IEEE-USA Board and Operating Committee meetings:  [2011][2010][2009][2008][2007]

Board of Directors "Face Book"  [2011][2010]

IEEE-USA Board of Directors Portrait: [2011][2010][2009][2008][2007][2006][2005][2004][2003][2002]   

IEEE-USA Councils and Committees
An online directory of IEEE-USA's Councils, Committees, Networks, Task Forces, and other volunteer entities with links to their web pages.
An organizational chart and facebook of key IEEE-USA staff and how to contact them. Learn more about IEEE-USA's Principal Staff, our qualifications and backgrounds by reading our Staff Profiles.
IEEE-USA Event Calendar
Check IEEE-USA's Event Calendar for information on forthcoming meetings and events. 
IEEE U.S. Regions

Quick links to the web pages of the six IEEE U.S. regions:



How to Volunteer
Interested in volunteering your time and energy to activities that promote the profession and/or advance the mission of IEEE-USA?  Then check out this page of tips and contact information, which will help you get started.
Visiting the Washington, DC Office
This page will help you prepare for your visit to IEEE-USA's offices, which are located at 2001 L Street, N.W. in Washington, D.C.
Documents and Forms

An archive of key IEEE strategic planning and governance documents for reference by IEEE-USA volunteer leaders and interested members:

Governance Documents


Updated: 04 April 2011
Contact: Chris Brantley,


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