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Last Updated: 7/31/2011 10:40 pm
Password Reset

Payment Management System passwords expire every 90 days. When you first login to the system, the welcome screen displays a message telling you whether your password is temporary or when it is due to expire.

The Payment Management System (PMS) provides a method for changing your password from the “My User Info” link in PMS. Additionally, it provides a process for users to reset their password if it has been forgotten or has expired.

All users are required to set up and answer three security questions. The security questions and answers are a necessary component in the password change/reset process. The tab for setting and answering the security questions is located at the “My User Info” screen in PMS.

For further information about the setup of the security questions and the password reset process, you can download our Guide to Resetting your Password.

If a user’s password needs to be reset (either due to expiration or because it was forgotten) prior to setting up their security questions, they will have to contact the ONE-DHHS Help Desk to have their password reset.

Go to our Help page for more information about the PMS Help Desk hours and support.

The eight password requirements are listed below. You may also view these requirements in the Payment Management System by clicking the “Restrictions” box in the “My User Info” section.

1) Passwords must be between 8 and 30 characters long;
2) Passwords may NOT contain any spaces;
3) Passwords must contain at least 1 uppercase letter;
4) Passwords must contain at least 1 lowercase letter;
5) Passwords must contain at least 1 number;
6) Passwords may not be reused within 300 days;
7) Last six passwords may not be reused and
8) Passwords may not contain significant portions of the PMS User ID nor first or last name of user.

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