OFFICE OF SURFACE MINING For release December 15, 1989 Alan Cole (202) 343-4719 INTERIOR DEPARTMENT ANNOUNCES OHIO MINING RIGHTS DECISION Harry M. Snyder, Director of the Interior Department's Office of Surface Mining (OSM), has concluded that an owner of private coal property in the Wayne National Forest, Ohio, lacks valid existing rights to surface mine the coal on two properties within the boundaries of the forest. The determinations are based on a careful review of the pertinent documents, plus relevant information from the State of Ohio and from the U.S. Forest Service, which owns the surface rights to the property in the Wayne National Forest,' Snyder said. The Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act prohibits surface coal mining in national forests and other special areas, unless the permit applicant has valid existing rights (VER). Belville Mining Co., owner of the coal rights, had applied for an Ohio state mining permit on one of five subsurface properties and a part of another it owns inside the Wayne National Forest. Using the Ohio State regulatory program as a standard, OSM determined that Belville did not have VER for the McMullen and Culbertson tracts. For the Culbertson property, OSM relied upon a title report from the Forest Service, which concluded that surface mining was not a contemplated use of the land at the time the surface was acquired by the Forest Service in 1936. Thus, under Ohio law, because that use was not contemplated at the time the mineral estate was severed, no surface mining may take place. Snyder said, "The lack of an adequate record supporting OSM's previous determination is the reason I ordered a re-examination of the issue this year." Snyder also said that review of the remaining Belvllle VER applications would proceed once OSM receives title reports on the properties from the Forest Service. "Of utmost concern was the need to make sure fair and open procedures were followed in reaching a decision," Snyder said. "Fairness dictated that all interested parties should have the opportunity to provide information for the record. That opportunity was provided in our re-examination.'