OSM NEWS U. S. Department of the Interior Office of Surface Mining For Release: September 21, 1999 Jerry Childress (202) 208-2719 jchildre@osmre.gov OSM SEEKS COMMENTS ON KENTUCKY MOUNTAINTOP MINING REPORT Kathy Karpan, Director of the Interior Department's Office of Surface Mining (OSM), released a draft oversight report today on the regulation of Kentucky coal mining operations commonly referred to as mountaintop operations. The report focuses on approximate original contour (AOC) variances, post-mining land uses, and excess spoil determinations. Karpan said OSM will accept written comments on the report through October 21, 1999. Copies can be downloaded from OSM's home page (www.osmre.gov), obtained from OSM's Lexington Field Office on (606) 233-2494, or from OSM's Office of Communications on (202) 208-2719. As part of an Appalachian regional effort to identify and address issues related to mountaintop removal operations, the report focuses on three main issues. First, has the Kentucky Department for Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (DSMRE) required appropriate post-mining land uses in situations where it has authorized a waiver from the AOC requirement. Second, which post-mining land configurations may DSMRE appropriately accept as constituting a return to AOC and which ones may it regard as requiring variances from the AOC requirement. And third, how is "excess spoil" determined, and what restrictions does the Kentucky program place on the amount and placement of excess spoil. The report was developed by OSM's Lexington Field Office with assistance from the OSM Appalachian Regional Coordinating Center, the Department of Interior Solicitor's Office, and Kentucky DSMRE. The draft report is a product of OSM's regular process of state program evaluations. Most coal states operate their own programs for regulating surface coal mining and reclamation. Surface mining programs such as Kentucky's are approved by the Department of Interior and receive financial and technical support from OSM, plus regular operational evaluations through a process known as federal oversight. All written comments on the draft oversight report should be directed to William J. Kovacic, Field Office Director, Office of Surface Mining, 2675 Regency Road, Lexington, Kentucky 40503, or E-mail may be directed to bkovacic@osmre.gov. For answers to questions regarding the draft report, contact Allen D. Klein, Regional Director, Appalachian Regional Coordinating Center, on(412) 937-2828. -OSM-