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Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)
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Prosecutors' Offices Statistics

Prosecutors' offices are organized by districts (e.g. judicial districts) that cover one or more counties.

Single district profile:
    If you know the district name -
Profiles by district Go to district option
    If you do not know the district name -
Profiles by county Go to county option

Multiple districts:
Compare multiple districts -
Multiple district comparisons within a State within a State

Multiple district comparisons by population group by population size across
one or more States

Not all data are available for each district.


National Survey of Prosecutors, 2001
Variables: (Definitions)
Chief Prosecutor
  • Full-time or part-time
  • Chief prosecutor salary
  • Number of Employees
  • Assistant prosecutors
  • Supervisory attorneys
  • Civil attorneys
  •   Other Staff
  • Additional office staff
  • Managers
  • Victim advocates
  • Legal services
  • Investigators
  • Support
  • Budget
  • Total budget
  • Felony jury verdicts
  • Felony cases closed
  • Felony cases convicted
  • Misdemeanor cases
  • Misdemeanor cases
  • See also Prosecution Statistics

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    Page last revised on August 27, 2009