Welcome to ORNL's Nuclear Technology Programs Office !

SherrellThe NTPO is your portal into ORNL’s nuclear energy and radioisotope R&D community.  One of NTPO's major functions is to integrate ORNL's human and facility capabilities to assure our nuclear energy and isotopes R&D sponsors obtain the best possible support. This website is designed to provide you quick and easy access to information about our capabilities, expertise and R&D facilities. 

ORNL had it’s beginning during World War II as the Manhattan Project’s center for development and demonstration of nuclear reactor-based plutonium production, and the spent fuel reprocessing technologies required to extract the plutonium from spent fuel.  Thus, ORNL was the world’s first “nuclear fuel cycle laboratory."  Today, our R&D spans the nuclear energy arena – from uranium and isotope enrichment and conversion; nuclear fuels and materials; nuclear reactor performance and safety; nuclear fuel reprocessing; fuel cycle waste engineering and management; geological repository performance and operation; space and planetary fission and radioisotope power systems; and medical and industrial isotopes.

We pride ourselves on leveraging multi-program basic and applied R&D to address our nation’s nuclear energy science and technology challenges.  Our expertise, facilities, and infrastructure are major assets as the world embraces the promise of and tackles the challenges of providing safe, affordable, sustainable, and proliferation-resistant nuclear energy for the 21st century.

Please feel free to contact my office or any of the many individuals and organizations highlighted throughout this website for more information.