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You are here: Topics > Population and community ecology > Ecosystems
Aquatic ecosystems
Communities of interdependent organisms living primarily in or on water.
Benthic ecosystems (3 items)
Estuarine ecosystems (23 items)
Freshwater ecosystems (15 items)
Marine ecosystems (22 items)

Planktonic ecosystems (3 items)
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Results 31 - 40 of 104 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Columbia River USGS Interdisciplinary Science Explorer WebSite [New Window]
Web site for an Internet Map Service (IMS) serving base cartographic data, USGS data, science applications and real time modelling analyses for the Columbia River basin using geospatial analysis technology.
Coral mortality and African dust [New Window]
Report with mini-movie and photos on the hypothesis that the atmospheric transport of dust arising from the desertification in northern Africa led to algal infestation of corals, coral diseases, and the near extinction of associated sea urchins.
Ecological studies in the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program [New Window]
Description of cooperative ecological research associated with the National Water-Quality Assessment program with links to current projects, download data, publications, and publications on biological sampling, habitat and laboratory protocols.
Farm ponds as critical habitats for native amphibians [New Window]
Constructed farm ponds represent significant breeding, rearing, and overwintering habitat for amphibians in the Driftless Area Ecoregion of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa. Links to fact sheet, brochure, annual reports, field manual, and final report.
Fisheries projects, Alaska Science Center [New Window]
Homepage with links to Alaska research projects on fisheries by species: salmon, trout, Pacific halibut, forage fish, other fish species, and aquatic invertebrates.
Florida Integrated Science Center - Gainesville [New Window]
Florida Integrated Science Center at Gainesville is the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies in Florida and southeastern United States. Site has links to projects on manatees, contaminants, invasive plants and animals, Everglades, and aquatic resources.
Florida Integrated Science Center - biological science poster presentations [New Window]
Poster presentations for Center for Aquatic Resource Studies projects related to Greater Everglades, marine and coral studies, ecotoxicology, manatees, coastal ecology, nonindigenous aquatic species, coastal ecology, freshwater fisheries, and herpetology.
Floriday Integrated Science Center - Welcome to the kid's corner [New Window]
Children's website on southern Florida aquatic biology with short movie clips of amphibians, games & puzzles, wildlife pictures, teacher resources, and more.
Geologic framework and process of the Lake Pontchartrain Basin [New Window]
Field methods, topics of investigation, shoreline changes, publications, and satellite imagery related to geologic and hydrologic processes affecting Lake Pontchartrain and adjacent lakes which form a large estuary in the Gulf Coast region.
Geologic studies of coral reef habitats: remote sensing applications to coral reef environments [New Window]
Use of remotely sensed images and spatial data to help map and study coral reef environments. Web page deals with the remote sensing work done for the Pacific Ocean component of the USGS coral reef project.
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