[NPS Arrowhead] U.S. Dept. of Interior National Park Service Archeology Program
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Content Development

This website entered its second phase of development in the summer of 2005.

During the first phase, the content was developed by a number of staff in the Archeology and Ethnography Program who wrote and edited it, specifically David Andrews, Michele Aubry, Terry Childs, Matt Cochran, Miki Crespi, Joe Flanagan, Barbara Little, Frank McManamon, and Mark Schoepfle. Interns, Jodi Barnes, Alec Bennett, Rachel Berry, Andrew Bozanic, Laura Bruce, Mary Cherer, Heather Hembrey, Charlotte King, Teresa Moyer,and Andrew Stout also helped develop content.

In the summer of 2005, we entered our second phase as the Archeology Program. The content is developed by staff members, specifically Michele Aubry, Matt Burns, Terry Childs, Karolyn Kinsey, Barbara Little, Frank McManamon, and Karen Mudar. Teresa Moyer, a former consultant, and Martha Graham, a former staff member, also developed content. Interns, including Jodi Barnes, Jennifer Cobb, Sophia Kelly, and Charlotte King and volunteers, including Jessica Stibick, also have assisted in content development.

Layout and Design

David Andrews designed our new website launched in 2002. Matt Burns and Matt Cochran turned the design into HTML.

Matt Burns and Everett Lindsay designed and implemented the second phase of this web site. Jessica Stibick assisted in troubleshooting the new site.

Site Management

Matt Burns and Barbara Little have maintained the website since October 2005. Previously, Matt Burns, Terry Childs, and Everett Lindsay maintained the website.

Additional Thanks

This site is produced and maintained in cooperation with the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers (NCSHPO).