USGS Multi-Hazards Demonstration Project

Maps, Images, Movies

ShakeOut Scenario ShakeMaps

ShakeOut Scenario Mainshock, Magnitude 7.8
Shakemap This map shows instrumental intensities in the magnitude 7.8 ShakeOut Scenario earthquake and was made by the USGS ShakeMap team. Other ShakeMaps for this earthquake depict additional measures of ground motion such as peak ground acceleration. All may be viewed, or downloaded in various formats, from the ShakeMap Scenarios page on the USGS ShakeMap website.

ShakeOut Scenario Aftershocks
For the four largest aftershocks in this scenario earthquake sequence, ShakeMaps were also made. ShakeMaps estimate different types of ground motion that cause damage to different types of structures: instrumental intensity, peak ground acceleration, peak velocity, and spectral response at different periods. Below are samples of different types of maps for each of the large aftershocks. The complete set of maps for each earthquake may be viewed or downlaoded from the ShakeMap Scenarios web page.

PGA, Mag 6.0

Intensity, Mag 5.7


3.0 Sec SA, Mag 7.2

PGV, Mag 7.0

ShakeOut Scenario Videos

Researchers have created animated movies that show the changes in ground motion as the ShakeOut Scenario earthquake ruptures the San Andreas Fault and shakes the region.

Intensity of Ground Motion
Researchers have created animated movies that show how the ground moves as the ShakeOut Scenario earthquake ruptures the San Andreas Fault and shakes the region.

Fifteen new map view and perspective view movies display the intensity of ground motion as the earthquake waves move through the region. Exaggeration of the ground deformation in the perspective views enables the viewer to see how the ground moves in response to the propagating waves. In addition to a view above the region, views from 14 different locations throughout southern California illustrate the intensity of the earthquake around the region.The movies will be released at a press conference on November 12, 2008.


Velocity of Ground Motion
Three ShakeOut Scenario simulations were developed by the Southern California Earthquake Center Simulation workgroup. When estimating casualties and damage, the Scenario used the simulation performed on supercomputers at USC, using computer code by Rob Graves of URS Corporation. The movies labeled “URS” show the Graves simulation in Quicktime and Windows Media formats. In the “Realtime” versions, one second of movie equals one second of earthquake. In every movie, a time counter in lower left corner counts the seconds that elapse after the earthquake starts. Visualizations by Geoff Ely.

Realtime ShakeOut Scenario Simulation: URS v1.1.0
Quicktime - 17 Mb

Realtime ShakeOut Scenario Simulation: URS v1.1.0
Windows Media- 24 Mb

ShakeOut Scenario Simulation: URS v1.1.0
Quicktime -13.2 Mb

ShakeOut Scenario Simulation: URS v1.1.0
Windows Media- 8 Mb

Comparison of SCEC Simulations (SDSU/CMU/URS)
Quicktime-26 Mb

Snapshots at Different Times: Comparison of SCEC Simulations

Earthquake at 30 seconds
30 Seconds

Earthquake at 60 seconds
60 Seconds

Earthquake at 90 seconds
90 Seconds

Earthquake at 120 seconds
120 Seconds

Earthquake at 150 seconds
150 Seconds

Earthquake at 180 seconds
180 Seconds

Earthquake at 210 seconds
210 Seconds

Earthquake at 240 seconds
240 Seconds

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Last Modified: November 10, 2008