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September 23, 2008         DOL Home > OALJ Home > USDOL/OALJ Reporter

USDOL v. RICHARD MCGLUMPHY, 1988-SCA-68 (Dep. Sec'y Nov. 30, 1990)

CCASE: U.S. DOL V. RICHARD MCGLUMPHY DDATE: 19901130 TTEXT: ~1 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR DEPUTY SECRETARY OF LABOR WASHINGTON, D.C. 20210 DATE: November 30, 1990 CASE No. 88-SCA-68 IN THE MATTER OF U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, PLAINTIFF, v. RICHARD MCGLUMPHY, RESPONDENT. BEFORE: THE DEPUTY SECRETARY OF LABOR /FN1/ NOTICE OF CASE CLOSING On November 20, 1990, an order was issued directing the Acting Administrator, Wage and Hour Division, to show cause why this matter should not be removed from the docket for failure to file a petition for review of the decision of the administrative law judge by the extended deadline of October 11, 1990. On November 27, 1990, counsel for the Acting Administrator informed me that the Acting Administrator has determined not to file a petition for review. [1] /FN1/ The Deputy Secretary has been designated by the Secretary to perform the functions of the Board of Service Contract Appeals pending the appointment of a duly constituted Board. 29 C.F.R. [sec] 8.0 (1990). [1] ~2 [2] Accordingly, this matter is removed from the docket and the case is closed. SO ORDERED. [Roderick DeArment] Deputy Secretary of Labor Washington, D.C. [2]

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