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AMCOR INC., SCA-855 (Dep. Sec'y Feb. 4, 1988)

CCASE: AMCOR INC. & E.E. LECHNER DDATE: 19880204 TTEXT: ~1 [1] U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR DEPUTY SECRETARY OF LABOR WASHINGTON, D.C. 20210 DATE: February 4, 1988 CASE NO. SCA-855 IN THE MATTER OF AMCOR, INC., A CORPORATION AND E. E. LECHNER, AN INDIVIDUAL, RESPONDENTS. BEFORE: THE DEPUTY SECRETARY OF LABOR ORDER This case is before me on Respondents' application for relief from being placed on the list of ineligible bidders pursuant to Section 5(a) of the Service Contract Act of 1965, as amended, 41 U.S.C. [secs] 351-358 (1982), and the rules and regulations thereunder, 29 C.F.R. [secs] 6.15-6.21 and Part 8 (1987). /FN/ See Amcor, Inc. v. Brock, 780 F.2d 897 (11th Cir. 1986). Respondents have submitted an application for relief from debarment and counsel for the Administrator has submitted a notice that it does not oppose Respondents' application. The record does not establish that the violations by Respondent [1] /FN/ The Deputy Secretary has been designated by the Secretary to perform the functions of the Board of Service Contract Appeals pending the appointment of a duly constituted Board. 29 C.F.R. [sec] 8.0 (1987); Department of Labor Executive Level Conforming Amendments of 1986, Pub. L. No. 99-619 (November 6, 1986). [1] ~2 [2] were willful or culpable and it appears that at the time of these events, Respondents already had demonstrated a long history of generally satisfactory compliance with the Act, the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) having characterized Respondents' history as "punctilious compliance or trivial violations of no significance, which were promptly rectified". ALJ Decision at 8. The violations found here which totaled $5,296.76 were certainly insignificant compared to Respondents' contracts which totaled almost $12,000,000 at the time these violations were assessed. Cf. In the Matter of Associated Cleaning Consultants, etc., 83-SCA-77, Decision of the Deputy Secretary, December 10, 1987, slip op. at 11-12. Upon consideration of the Respondents' application and Administrator's notice and the full record before me, I find that Respondents should be relieved of the sanction of Section 5(a) of the Service Contract Act. 41 U.S.C. [sec] 354(a)11 (1982). SO ORDERED. [Dennis E. Whitfield] Deputy Secretary of Labor Washington, D.C. [2]

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