
Management: Management, Production and Research

449 records

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Image Descriptor Description Photographer
1450005 Break fire break/access trail in Georgia Piedmont Billy Humphries
1450041 Break permanent fire break between hardwood and pine stands, Georgia Piedmont Billy Humphries
1450124 Break Bladed to mineral soil fire break, pre-fire. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450106 Break firebreak between stand types Billy Humphries
5029050 Break firebreak line Joseph O'Brien
5078017 Break David J. Moorhead
1442221 Control Prescribed burn to control dwarf mistletoe USDA Forest Service - Rocky Mountain Region Archive
1442222 Control Prescribed burn for mistletoe control USDA Forest Service - Rocky Mountain Region Archive
1146040 Control Using a growing season (May) burn to control hardwoods. Tifton, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1118259 Damage Evidence of fire sears in ponderosa pine. Black Hills, SD. 1991 Brian Lockhart
1118260 Damage Evidence of fire scars in ponderosa pine logs. Black Hills, SD. 1991 Brian Lockhart
1241758 Damage This old fire scar has intact bark covering most of the injury. The cambium was killed by a column of heat without burning the bark. Decay extends into the heartwood behind the injury. Pulling away loose bark revealed a single callous ridge typical of a non-canker stem injury. Susan K. Hagle
1241759 Damage This old fire scar has intact bark covering most of the injury. The cambium was killed by a column of heat without burning the bark. Decay extends into the heartwood behind the injury. Pulling away loose bark revealed a single callous ridge typical of a non-canker stem injury. Susan K. Hagle
1245097 Damage Longleaf fire at Kistachie Hills Wildlands. Stephen F. Austin State University Archive
1245103 Damage Longleaf pine fire, Kisatchie Hills Wilderness, Kisatchie Hills National Forest,Louisiana Stephen F. Austin State University Archive
1245106 Damage fire scar, turpentine longleaf pine, Kisatchie Hills Wilderness, Kisatchie National Forest, Louisiana Stephen F. Austin State University Archive
1245107 Damage fire scar, turpentine tree, Kisatchie Hills Wilderness Area, Kisatchie Hills National Forest, Lousiana Stephen F. Austin State University Archive
1248036 Damage Aerial view of a portion of the Picnic Rock fire, west of Fort Collins CO. This fire occurred in March 2004 William M. Ciesla
1238082 Damage Electrical fire. Greenville, SC Randy Cyr
1238085 Damage Randy Cyr
1238091 Damage Pine foliage killed by brush fire 30 feet away. Greenville, SC Randy Cyr
0014241 Damage Resin leaking after fire. Gerald J. Lenhard
0014242 Damage Root resinosus after fire with Hylastes damage. Gerald J. Lenhard
0014243 Damage Root resinosus after fire with Hylastes damage. Gerald J. Lenhard
0014244 Damage Root injury at base after fire. Gerald J. Lenhard
0014245 Damage Stem resinosus after fire. Gerald J. Lenhard
0014246 Damage with Ambrosia boring dust. Gerald J. Lenhard
0014247 Damage Root resinosus after fire with Hylastes damage. Gerald J. Lenhard
0806061 Damage With catface basal scar. Malheur National Forest, Prairie City Ranger District, Grant County, Oregon Dave Powell
0017036 Damage

Aerial view of a plantation damaged by fire

William M. Ciesla
0756041 Damage burned pine forest in fiji James Denny Ward
0756042 Damage burned pine forest in fiji James Denny Ward
1420130 Damage Severe crown scorch a hot wild fire north of Atmore, Alabama. April 1958 William D. Boyer
1420132 Damage Height-growth seedlings killed by burn. Compartment 14. USDA Forest Service - Escambia Experimental Forest, Brewton, Alabama Thomas C. Croker
1420133 Damage Height-growth seedlings killed by controlled burn. USDA Forest Service - Conecuh National Forest, Andalusia, Alabama. 1954 University of Georgia Archive
1420146 Damage Fire killed slash pine seedlings; live longleaf sedlings after wildfire. Escambia County, Alabama. July 1961 Bob Farrah
1361188 Damage Fire damage to pine. Tree of left will probably live. Tree on right will probably die and be infested by Ips. John L. Foltz
1407031 Damage Throughout the ages, many trees have been wounded by fire, both natural and man-caused. USDA Forest Service - Northeastern Area Archive
1407032 Damage Fire wounds can be fatal. USDA Forest Service - Northeastern Area Archive
1415013 Damage May 2, 2002 Andrej Kunca
1420113 Damage Crown scorch from prescribed burn. Compartment 63. USDA Forest Service - Escambia Experimental Forest, Brewton, Alabama. 1950 Thomas C. Croker
5176009 Damage Wildfire damage in plantations near Concepcion, Chile; mixed Pinus radiata, Eucalyptus globulus forests William M. Ciesla
5176010 Damage Wildfire damage near Concepcion, Chile; mixed Pinus radiata, Eucalyptus globulus forest William M. Ciesla
5176011 Damage Wildfire damage near Concepcion, Chile; mixed Pinus radiata, Eucalyptus globulus forest William M. Ciesla
5382363 Damage

Aerial view of a small wildfire

William M. Ciesla
5035087 Damage Joseph O'Brien
5035088 Damage San Bernardino Fire Joseph O'Brien
5035089 Damage San Bernardino Fire Joseph O'Brien
5035090 Damage San Bernardino Fire Joseph O'Brien
4214051 Damage scar Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Archive
4214052 Damage scar Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Archive
3036057 Damage fired caused basal canker on oak Robert L. Anderson
2141096 Damage

tree scorch

Brytten Steed
2141099 Damage

completely scorched stand

Brytten Steed
2141100 Damage

wildland-urban interface

Brytten Steed
2142001 Damage

burn mosaic

Brytten Steed
2142002 Damage

burn mosaic

Brytten Steed
2166059 Damage wildfire burned over 100 acres in Dodge County Ricky Layson
2166060 Damage wildfire burned over 100 acres in Dodge County Ricky Layson
2166061 Damage wildfire burned over 100 acres in Dodge County Ricky Layson
2166062 Damage wildfire burned over 100 acres in Dodge County Ricky Layson
2254045 Damage Thompson Creek fire Kenneth E. Gibson
2254046 Damage Thompson Creek fire Kenneth E. Gibson
1460010 Development Litter (shed bark and pine needles) buildup at the base of a tree in a stand that has not been burned for 47 years. Introducing fire into this stand will require moist soil and litter conditions to prevent smoldering at the base of these trees which can girdle the stem and lateral roots. Dooly County Georgia. April 2002 Chuck Bargeron
1405026 Development Development of sea breeze front on coast. Dale Wade
1405049 Development Arc cloud development Dale Wade
1507035 Diagram or Graphic Art - Fire injury USDA Forest Service - Region 8 Archive
1505093 Diagram or Graphic Art - Trees after fire Paul A. Mistretta
1505094 Diagram or Graphic Art - Trees being wounded by fire Paul A. Mistretta
1125070 Distribution fire scar; Closeup of burn, nasa photograph, taken from space shuttle. NASA photo STS062-106-042 Lake Hindmarsh, March 1994 Paul Bolstad
1162059 Equipment Crawler Tractor and wheeled fire plow for creating fire braeks for prescribed burning and control of wildfires. Georgia Forestry Commission Tifton, Georgia David J. Moorhead
0016351 Equipment Crawler tractor with straight-blade constructing a firebreak. James H. Miller
1146006 Equipment drip torch David J. Moorhead
0016346 Equipment Aerial drip torch in about 1981. James H. Miller
0016347 Equipment Mixing Alumigel in an aerial drip torch. James H. Miller
1450131 Equipment Waterbomber used to precautionary measures during prescribed burn of conifer compartment 926. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450132 Equipment Helicopter with drip torch used for aerial ignition of prescribed fire. Conifer dominated compartment 926 prescribed burn. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450133 Equipment Aerial ignition of prescribed fire using drip torch from helicopter. Conifer dominated compartment 926 prescribed burn. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450134 Equipment Helicopter with water bucket dumping water on prescribed fire. Conifer dominated compartment 926 prescribed burn. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450010 Equipment Helicopter with drip torch used for aerial ignition of prescribed fire. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450011 Equipment Helicopter with drip torch used for aerial ignition of prescribed fire. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450012 Equipment Helicopter with drip torch used for aerial ignition of prescribed fire. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450013 Equipment Helicopter with drip torch used for aerial ignition of prescribed fire. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1404041 Equipment Fire Weather Instrument Kit: sling psychrometer to measure wet and dry bulb temperature and psychrometric slide rule to calculate relative humidity, wind speed meter, and compass for wind direction and fire location. Dale Wade
1420110 Equipment Plowing fire breaks. USDA Forest Service - Escambia Experimental Forest, Brewton, Alabama. November 1961 Thomas C. Croker
1404018 Equipment Mopping-up to extinguish smoldering debris with foam after a burn. Florida Basic Prescribed Fire School Upper Tampa Bay, Florida. January 1994 Dale Wade
2651059 Equipment Wind speed meter, sling psychrometers, wood moisture meter, and radios for prescribed fire use. David J. Moorhead
2651060 Equipment Drip torches, fuel can, fire flaps, fire rake, and shovel for prescribed fire use. David J. Moorhead
2142003 Feature(s)

stain likely introduced through wood borer activity in scorched tree

Brytten Steed
5204076 Feature(s) Smoke from the wildfires in Georgia. Picture taken in Tifton, GA (about 80 miles) at 8:15am on May 31, 2007 Joseph LaForest
5204077 Feature(s) Smoke from the wildfires in Georgia. Picture taken in Tifton, GA (about 80 miles) at 8:15am on May 31, 2007. Buildings are about 1/2 mile away. Joseph LaForest
5204078 Feature(s) Smoke from the wildfires in Georgia. Picture taken in Tifton, GA (about 80 miles) at 8:15am on May 31, 2007 Joseph LaForest
5204079 Feature(s) Smoke from the wildfires in Georgia. Picture taken in Tifton, GA (about 80 miles) at 8:15am on May 31, 2007. Buildings are about 1/2 mile away. Joseph LaForest
5204080 Feature(s) Smoke from the wildfires in Georgia. Picture taken in Tifton, GA (about 80 miles) at 8:15am on May 31, 2007 Joseph LaForest
5204081 Feature(s) Smoke from the wildfires in Georgia. Picture taken in Tifton, GA (about 80 miles) at 8:15am on May 31, 2007 Joseph LaForest
1405025 Feature(s) Development of sea breeze cloud formations on coast. Dale Wade
1146039 Feature(s) Plowed firebreak, South Georgia David J. Moorhead
1245108 Field fire scar, turpentine tree, Kisatchie Hills Wilderness Area, Kisatchie Hills National Forest, Lousiana Stephen F. Austin State University Archive
0756063 Field burned pine forest James Denny Ward
0756064 Field burned pine forest James Denny Ward
1411036 Field perrenial burns keep litter to a minimum for grazing purposes but kills regeneration; James Denny Ward
5189005 Field

Jack Pine Barrens, Fire Scar

Paul Bolstad
1506089 Field Faster moving (better fueled) fire USDA Forest Service - Region 8 Archive
1171013 Historic 357 year-old tree with five fire scars: 1683, 1693, 1747, 1795, and 1861 Chris Schnepf
1460011 Management Litter (shed bark and pine needles) buildup at the base of a tree in a stand that has not been burned for 47 years. Introducing fire into this stand will require moist soil and litter conditions to prevent smoldering at the base of these trees which can girdle the stem and lateral roots. Dooly County Georgia. April 2002 Chuck Bargeron
1468021 Management Burning of infested woods; December 1895 USDA Forest Service - Ogden Archive
1150007 aerial view of large controlled burn Andrew J. Boone
1150111 Prescribed Fire Gerald J. Lenhard
1150112 Prescribed Fire Gerald J. Lenhard
1150113 Prescribed Fire Gerald J. Lenhard
1162021 Prescribed Fire A bench containing marijuana plants discovered after a prescribed burn. Tift County Georgia David J. Moorhead
1162023 Prescribed Fire Smoke from prescribed fire during a dormant season (January) burn. Tifton, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1162032 Prescribed Fire A bench containing marijuana plants discovered after a prescribed burn. Tift County Georgia David J. Moorhead
1162049 Prescribed Fire Spot fire ignition. Tifton, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1162050 Prescribed Fire Spot fire. Tifton, Georgia David J. Moorhead
0976085 Prescribed Fire close-up view of slash concentration area being burned for fuels reduction Dave Powell
0976086 Prescribed Fire distant view of timber harvest unit with slash being burned for fuels reduction Dave Powell
1118218 Prescribed Fire Site prep burn prior to planting cottonwood Brian Lockhart
1146001 Prescribed Fire Dead snag tree catching on fire during a spring (April) spot fire. Tifton, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1146002 Prescribed Fire Smoke from doramnt season (December) flanking fire in 2-year old rough. Tifton, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1146003 Prescribed Fire Backing fire during spring (April) burn approaching Buddy "the fire dog". Tifton, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1146005 Prescribed Fire Backing fire moving toward Buddy "the fire dog" Tifton, Goeriga David J. Moorhead
1162062 Prescribed Fire Georgia Forestry Commission Appling County Unit. David J. Moorhead
1162063 Prescribed Fire Brandon Moorhead on the fireline. Tifton, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1162064 Prescribed Fire Lines of strip heading fires set at night. Tifton, Georgia. 1984 David J. Moorhead
1162065 Prescribed Fire Setting a line of heading fire at night. Tifton, Georgia 1984 David J. Moorhead
1146041 Prescribed Fire Smoke from smoldering large woody debris (downed logs). Tifton, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1146042 Prescribed Fire Left flank of a flanking fire in 3-year old rough during a dormant season (December) burn. Tifton, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1146043 Prescribed Fire Right flank of a flanking fire in 3-year old rough during a dormant season (December) burn. Tifton, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1146044 Prescribed Fire Heading fire in a 3-year old rough during a dormant season (December) burn. Tifton, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1197038 Prescribed Fire In mature stand Ricky Layson
1197039 Prescribed Fire In natural stand Ricky Layson
1215081 Prescribed Fire Prescribed fire with smoke in underburned stand, Bear Valley RD, Malheur NF Dave Powell
1239010 Prescribed Fire 19 year-old natural stand of loblolly-shortleaf-longleaf pine. Randolph County Alabama. February 2002 David Stephens
1239011 Prescribed Fire 19 year-old natural stand of loblolly-shortleaf-longleaf pine. Randolph County Alabama. February 2002 David Stephens
1239012 Prescribed Fire 19 year-old natural stand of loblolly-shortleaf-longleaf pine. Randolph County Alabama. February 2002 David Stephens
1239013 Prescribed Fire 19 year-old natural stand of loblolly-shortleaf-longleaf pine. Randolph County Alabama. February 2002 David Stephens
1403059 Prescribed Fire Site preparation burn following a drum chopping treatment. Georgia Coastal Plain David J. Moorhead
1404001 Prescribed Fire Diagram of backing fire technique Dale Wade
1404002 Prescribed Fire Diagram of strip-heading fire technique USDA Forest Service Archive
1404003 Prescribed Fire Diagram of flanking fire technique USDA Forest Service Archive
1404004 Prescribed Fire Prescribed Burning Techniques- Strip Flank Fire in a 2-year rough. Francis Marion National Forest. January 1968 USDA Forest Service Archive
1404005 Prescribed Fire Diagram of spot fire technique USDA Forest Service Archive
1404006 Prescribed Fire Diagram of ring fire technique USDA Forest Service Archive
1404007 Prescribed Fire Burn to dispose of slash and prepare site for planting after clearcutting overstory pine. Lumber City, GA. Ring fire drags smoke to center column leaving perimeter lines clear. USDA Forest Service Archive
1247154 Prescribed Fire Hardwood control Terry Price
1301017 Prescribed Fire Joseph O'Brien
1301018 Prescribed Fire Joseph O'Brien
1301019 Prescribed Fire Joseph O'Brien
1307078 Prescribed Fire strips of crown scorch where strip heading fires burned together, aerial view Ronald F. Billings
1307079 Prescribed Fire crown scorch from fire hot spot Ronald F. Billings
0016387 Prescribed Fire Growing season burn to control hardwood sprouts in a pine stand. James H. Miller
0016388 Prescribed Fire Backing fire moving down slope James H. Miller
0016389 Prescribed Fire Stand in June, 2 months after spring burn, steep slopes James H. Miller
0908003 Prescribed Fire needle-drape fuels in midstory David J. Moorhead
0908008 Prescribed Fire backing fire in a 15 year-old stand during growing season (early May) David J. Moorhead
0908009 Prescribed Fire backing fire in a 15 year-old stand during growing season (early May) David J. Moorhead
0908010 Prescribed Fire backing fire in a 15 year-old stand during growing season (early May) David J. Moorhead
0908011 Prescribed Fire backing fire in a 15 year-old stand during growing season (early May) David J. Moorhead
0908012 Prescribed Fire backing fire in a 15 year-old stand during growing season (early May) David J. Moorhead
0908013 Prescribed Fire topkill after dormant season fire David J. Moorhead
0908014 Prescribed Fire topkill after dormant season fire David J. Moorhead
0908015 Prescribed Fire Fusiform canker burning, a common problem in stands with basal cankers David J. Moorhead
0908016 Prescribed Fire dead snag igniting during burn which can cause spotting and control problems David J. Moorhead
0908020 Prescribed Fire disked fire break David J. Moorhead
0908024 Prescribed Fire spot fire technique David J. Moorhead
0908025 Prescribed Fire spot fire technique David J. Moorhead
1146007 Prescribed Fire Dead snag tree burning during prescribed burn. Tifton, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1146008 Prescribed Fire Spring (April) burn in mid-afternoon becomes difficult to maintain as relative humidity is increasing the moisture content of fine fuels carrying the fire. Tifton, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1146009 Prescribed Fire regrowth of bracken fern following a late winter (February) burn. Tifton, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1146010 Prescribed Fire Spring (April) burn in mid-afternoon becomes difficult to maintain as relative humidity is increasing the moisture content of fine fuels carrying the fire. Tifton, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1146012 Prescribed Fire on the fire line. Tifton, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1146013 Prescribed Fire regrowth of bracken fern following a late winter (February) burn. Tifton, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1146014 Prescribed Fire regrowth of bracken fern following a late winter (February) burn. Tifton, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1146021 Prescribed Fire Backing fire in April. Tifton, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1146022 Prescribed Fire After doramant season (December) backing fire in 8-year old plantation. Tifton, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1146023 Prescribed Fire Backing fire during an April burn. Tifton, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1146024 Prescribed Fire Edge of a spot fire backing into wind. April burn. Tifton, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1146025 Prescribed Fire April burn spot fire technique. Tifton, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1146026 Prescribed Fire April burn with spot fire technique. Tifton, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1146031 Prescribed Fire Smoke moving across a public highway in late afternoon from piled logging slash and debris following mechanical site preparation by root raking and piling. These debris piles will burn and smolder through the night causing potentially hazardous driving conditions if smoke lingers on roadway. Alapaha, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1146032 Prescribed Fire logging debris carefully raked into a pile for site preparation burning. By minimizing the amount of soil in the raked pile less smoke and smoldering occurs. Axson, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1146033 Prescribed Fire logging debris carefully raked into a pile for site preparation burning. By minimizing the amount of soil in the raked pile less smoke and smoldering occurs. Axson, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1146034 Prescribed Fire logging debris carefully raked into a pile for site preparation burning. By minimizing the amount of soil in the raked pile less smoke and smoldering occurs. Axson, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1146035 Prescribed Fire Smoke moving across a public highway in late afternoon from piled logging slash and debris following mechanical site preparation by root raking and piling. These debris piles will burn and smolder through the night causing potentially hazardous driving conditions if smoke lingers on roadway. Alapaha, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1146036 Prescribed Fire April burn. Tifton, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1146037 Prescribed Fire Backing fire during April burn. Tifton, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1146038 Prescribed Fire Flaning fire in 3-year old rough. Dormant season (December) burn. Tifton, Georgia David J. Moorhead
0016348 Prescribed Fire Burning Alumigel from aerial drip torch. James H. Miller
0016349 Prescribed Fire Tractor standing by on fireline during site preparation burn. James H. Miller
0016350 Prescribed Fire Setting a backing fire to establish a control line off of a firebreak. James H. Miller
0014182 Prescribed Fire Gerald J. Lenhard
0014183 Prescribed Fire aerial ignition by helicopter Gerald J. Lenhard
0014184 Prescribed Fire aerial ignition by helicopter Gerald J. Lenhard
0014238 Prescribed Fire 4-wheeler with torch Gerald J. Lenhard
0016212 Prescribed Fire Setting a backing fire along a firebreak. James H. Miller
0016345 Prescribed Fire Setting a strip backfire on a mid-slope position. James H. Miller
0806077 Prescribed Fire Prescribed surface fire burning at night, showing short flame lengths and progressive-strip ignition pattern; Blue Mountains, Malheur or Umatilla national forests, northeastern Oregon and southeastern Washington Dave Powell
1420065 Prescribed Fire Prescribed burn in cutover hardwood stand, Henry R. Koen Experimental Forest, USDA Forest Service - Ozark National Forest, near Jasper, Arkansas in May, 1967 W. Robert Maple
1420066 Prescribed Fire Prescribed burn in cutover hardwood stand, Henry R. Koen Experimental Forest, USDA Forest Service - Ozark National Forest, near Jasper, Arkansas in May, 1967 W. Robert Maple
1420085 Prescribed Fire setting controlled burn, Compartment 94, USDA Forest Service - Escambia Experimental Forest, Brewton, Alabama in December 1953 Thomas C. Croker
1420091 Prescribed Fire Virgil Davis setting fire with drip torch. USDA Forest Service - Escambia Experimental Forest, Brewton, Alabama. 1955 Thomas C. Croker
1420111 Prescribed Fire Tall Timbers Research Station near Thomasville, Georgia. H.L. Stoddard reviewing burn plots. May 1964 William D. Boyer
1420105 Prescribed Fire Virgil Davis setting fire with drip torch. USDA Forest Service - Escambia Experimental Forest, Brewton, Alabama. 1955 Thomas C. Croker
1420106 Prescribed Fire Surface fire burning under sparse oak-pijne stand. Compartment 135. USDA Forest Service - Escambia Experimental Forest, Brewton, Alabama Thomas C. Croker
1372028 Prescribed Fire Ricky Layson
1372029 Prescribed Fire Ricky Layson
1404053 Prescribed Fire Backing fire in a 9-year old plantation. Waycross, Georgia. January 25, 1982. Compare with Image Number 1404054 for effects of Sea Breeze wind shift on fire. Dale Wade
1404054 Prescribed Fire Sea Breeze wind shift turning backing fire into a heading fire in a 9-year old plantation. Waycross, Georgia. January 25, 1982. Compare with Image Number 1404053 for fire just before wind shift. Dale Wade
1404055 Prescribed Fire Spotting over break when a backing fire set to establish a "black line" becomes a heading fire after a Sea Breeze causes a 180 degree wind shift in a 9-year old plantation. Waycross, Georgia. January 25, 1982. See images 1404053-54 Dale Wade
1404056 Prescribed Fire Fire whirl during a night burn Dale Wade
1404057 Prescribed Fire Flames from heading fire in a 1-year old rough. Tactical Command School. Collier County Florida. January 27, 1977 Dale Wade
1404058 Prescribed Fire Heading fire in a 1-year old rough. November 1971 Dale Wade
1404060 Prescribed Fire Mopping up burning cankers during burn. March 3, 1992 Dale Wade
1404061 Prescribed Fire Backing fire. Photo by Dr. Ronald Hofstetter. October 1973 Dale Wade
1404063 Prescribed Fire Topography influences on fire. Dale Wade
1404064 Prescribed Fire Wind shift during the setting of a backing fire. August 1974 Dale Wade
1404065 Prescribed Fire Line head fire. Bainbridge, Georgia. 1971 Dale Wade
1404066 Prescribed Fire Burning decadent sawgrass. The dense black smoke is characteristic of fire in decadent sawgrass. Ignition by personnel on foot without the safety of a fireline is not generally recommended. Shark River Slough, Everglades National Park, Florida. February 7, 1973 Dale Wade
1404067 Prescribed Fire Flanking fire. Everglades National Park, Florida. April 20, 1974. Dale Wade
1404068 Prescribed Fire Fire heading with windat the beginning of the dry season. Note the flame length and intensity of the fire and the surface water in the foreground. Everglades National Park, Florida Dale Wade
1404071 Prescribed Fire Fire crowning into a stand of mangrove after a killing frost, but prior to leaf fall. The small mounds in the foreground are cordgrass tussocks. Broad River Marsh, Everglades National Park, Florida. February 1977 Dale Wade
1404019 Prescribed Fire Aerial ignition using "ping pong" balls, "Good" back fire conditions (low fine fuel moisture content) are too good for aerial ignition. 1-hr (fine) fuel moisture should be much higher - in 22-28% range. Beards Chapel, North Carolina. March 1980. Wayne Adkins
1404020 Prescribed Fire Diagram of a backing fire USDA Forest Service Archive
1404021 Prescribed Fire One month after burn, note sprouts on heat damaged stems. The high fireline intensity of the heading fire that flashed across area was the wrong technique. A backing fire should have been used to kill vegeatation at base of stems. Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation, Captiva Island, Florida. October 26, 1976 Dale Wade
1404024 Prescribed Fire Prescribed heading fire in 2-year palmetto/gallberry rough passing a banded red-cockaded woodpecker (RCW) cavity tree on USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station Longterm Rx burn study area. Osceola National Forest, Olustee, Florida. March 1992 Dale Wade
1404025 Prescribed Fire Backing fire in 12-yr palmetto/gallberry rough under South Florida slash pine, Lykes Brothers property near Immokalee, Florida. December 1978 Dale Wade
1404026 Prescribed Fire Prescribed head fire in 4-yr palmetto/gallberry rough on Southern Research Station longterm study area, Osceola National Forest, Oulustee, Florida. February, 1988." Dale Wade
1404027 Prescribed Fire Headfire to reduce fire hazard by consuming fine (1-hr) fuels after Hurricane Hugo before large (100- and 1000-hr) fuels become available. also include fact that Hugo created blowdown September, 1989. Should have burned sooner but could not get permission. Photo Point in Prescribed Burn Plot 2D. USDA Forest Service - Francis Marion National Forest. McClellanville, South Carolina. April 4, 1990 Wayne Adkins
1404028 Prescribed Fire Post-burn photo on April 20, 1900 after heading fire burn on April 4, 1990 to reduce fire hazard by consuming fine (1-hr) fuels after Hurricane Hugo before large (100- and 1000-hr) fuels become available. Hugo created blowdown in September, 1989. Should have burned sooner but could not get permission. Photo Point in Prescribed Burn Plot 2D. USDA Forest Service - Francis Marion National Forest. McClellanville, South Carolina. April 4, 1990 Wayne Adkins
1404029 Prescribed Fire Needle drape in stand which had not been burned in 44 years. Last burn conducted in 1950, Photo taken January 1994. Flomaton, Alabama Dale Wade
1404030 Prescribed Fire Reintroduction of fire (January 1995) 45 years after last burn (1950), by using a heading fire to remove needle drape fuel in midstory. Heading fire used under moist conditions to get flame heights up to mid-story to reduce fuels but consumption of litter layer on soil surface was minor. Needle drape fuels burn quickly and cause little scorch to overstory canopy. Flomatin, Alabama Dale Wade
1404031 Prescribed Fire Backing fire. Triangle Plantation Waycross, Georgia. April 1985 Dale Wade
1404032 Prescribed Fire Spot firing technique. Triangle Plantation Waycross, Georgia. April 1985 Dale Wade
1404033 Prescribed Fire Backing fire in a 4-year old plantation (planted January 1982). Bell Road, Waycross, Georgia. January 30, 1986 Dale Wade
1404034 Prescribed Fire Thinning dense loblolly stand with an early fall burn September 18, 1989. Compartments 901-904. USDA Forest Service - Hitchiti Experimental Forest, Juliette, Georgia Dale Wade
1404035 Prescribed Fire Litter build up around tree bole after 45 years of fire exclusion. Flomatin, Alabama Dale Wade
1404037 Prescribed Fire Patchy growing season burn where fire would not carry (in the foreground) because there was no overstory to provide pine needle litter for fuel. June 1966 Dale Wade
1404039 Prescribed Fire Igniting strip head fire on May 2, 1990 to reduce recently downed fuels following Hurricane Hugo. Plot 3B. USDA Forest Service - Francis Marion National Forest. McClellanville, South Carolina. Dale Wade
1404040 Prescribed Fire Ignition along plowed break. Dale Wade
1404009 Prescribed Fire smoke from black-line fire moving across road. Hitchiti Experimental Forest near Macon Georgia. 1992 Dale Wade
1404010 Prescribed Fire Block J fire smoke column from backfire that become a head fire in pinelands. Everglades National Park. 1974. Dale Wade
1404011 Prescribed Fire Slash disposal burn using ring fire technique, Lumber City, GA. Mixing height above 1,700 feet but still too low to allow dispersal of smoke being generated. USDA Forest Service Archive
1404012 Prescribed Fire Monitoring fine fuel moisture content prior to a doramnt season bun. Francis Marion National Forest. Dale Wade
1404013 Prescribed Fire Backing fire moving into wind. Dale Wade
1404015 Prescribed Fire Burn under damp conditions in palmetto-gallberry fuels on Dry Prairie site at Myakka State Park near Sarasota, Florida. Dale Wade
1404016 Prescribed Fire Prescribed burn next to subdivision in Wekiwa Springs State Park. Orlando, Florida. May 1992 Dale Wade
1404017 Prescribed Fire Large downed fuels buring on Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge, Hillsboro, Georgia. April 5,1975 USDA Forest Service Archive
1404043 Prescribed Fire Heading fire which burned across wetland. Dale Wade
1404044 Prescribed Fire Florida Interagency Basic Fire Training Course Dale Wade
1404045 Prescribed Fire Setting a test fire. Florida Prescribed Fire school. Wekiwa Springs State Park. Orlando, Florida. January 27, 1999 Dale Wade
1404046 Prescribed Fire Smoke plume direction depends on height. Note small plume in left foregorund is moving opposite to the higher plume in the background. Dale Wade
1404047 Prescribed Fire Smoke from fire stating in moist fuel bed. Dale Wade
1404048 Prescribed Fire Heading fire burning in a 4-year rough. Note fire "spotting" across the break from flames flaring over the fire break where a "black line" (setting a backing fire to burn away from break to reduce fuel) was not established before the burn. USDA Forest Service - Osceola National Forest, Olustee, Florida. January 19, 1966. Dale Wade
1404049 Prescribed Fire Starting a burn in a 5-year old plantation. Waycross, Georgia. January 26-1982 Dale Wade
1404050 Prescribed Fire Slowly igniting a "black line" along a narrow fire break. USDA Forest Service - Francis Marion National Forest. McClellanville, South Carolina Dale Wade
1404051 Prescribed Fire Spot ignition in heavy grass rough. Florida Prescribed Fire School. J.W. Corbett Wildlife Management Area. Palm Beach County Florida. February 8, 1996 Dale Wade
1420131 Prescribed Fire Grazed firebreak. USDA Forest Service - Escambia Experimental Forest, Brewton, Alabama University of Georgia Archive
1420121 Prescribed Fire USDA Forest Service - Escambia Experimental Forest, Brewton, Alabama University of Georgia Archive
1420127 Prescribed Fire Heavy 3-year grass rough before setting controlled burn. Compartment 94. USDA Forest Service - Escambia Experimental Forest, Brewton, Alabama. December 1954 Thomas C. Croker
1420129 Prescribed Fire Prescribed burn in fresh logging slash - no crown scorch from backing fire. Compartment 94. USDA Forest Service - Escambia Experimental Forest, Brewton, Alabama. December 1954 Thomas C. Croker
1420166 Prescribed Fire Plowing fire break in USDA Forest Service - Escambia Experimental Forest, Brewton, Alabama. November 1961 Bob Farrah
1423019 Prescribed Fire "Cool" fire in stand, Escambia Experimental Forest, Compartment 125, February 1967 W. Robert Maple
1423026 Prescribed Fire Site before spring prescribed burn, Escambia Experimental Forest, Compartment 53, May 1971 W. Robert Maple
1423027 Prescribed Fire During spring burn, Escambia Experimental Forest, June 1971 W. Robert Maple
1423028 Prescribed Fire Winter burn on Apalachicola National Forest, Florida, April 1987 William D. Boyer
1423052 Prescribed Fire Sapling stand on Escambia Experimental Forest in Alabama. William D. Boyer
1423053 Prescribed Fire Backing fire approaching seedling W. Robert Maple
1423054 Prescribed Fire Seedling after backing fire has past William D. Boyer
1423055 Prescribed Fire Seedling starting height growth after intense fire foliage consumed, bud survives William D. Boyer
1423056 Prescribed Fire Height growth seedling which survived prescribed burn, Conecuh National Forest, Spring 1954 Virgil Davis
1423057 Prescribed Fire Height growth seedling survived prescribed burn Virgil Davis
1423059 Prescribed Fire Height growth seedling burned, bud survived, Johnson Tract, Louisana, May 1964 William D. Boyer
1423060 Prescribed Fire Height growth seedling killed by burn William D. Boyer
1423061 Prescribed Fire Height grwoth seedling top killed by burn. Note sprouting from root collar. Blackwater River State Forest Florida. June 1987. William D. Boyer
1457039 Prescribed Fire Prescribed fire in a white pine seed orchard. Oconto River Seed Orchard, Nicolet National Forest, Wisconsin. Steven Katovich
1673086 Prescribed Fire competition control showing fire tolerance of longleaf pine Ron Halstead
1673087 Prescribed Fire competition control showing fire tolerance of longleaf pine Ron Halstead
1673088 Prescribed Fire competition control showing fire tolerance of longleaf pine Ron Halstead
1678073 Prescribed Fire site preparation David McComb
1437070 Prescribed Fire Central Minnesota, oak woodland, springtime fire Paul Bolstad
1442005 Prescribed Fire Black Hills National Forest USDA Forest Service - Rocky Mountain Region Archive
1442069 Prescribed Fire Drip torch crew; Texas Creek Unit #1; Gunnison National Forest, Colorado 10-7-82 USDA Forest Service - Rocky Mountain Region Archive
1442072 Prescribed Fire Pieplant Creek; Gunnison National Forest, Colorado 10-16-82 USDA Forest Service - Rocky Mountain Region Archive
1442073 Prescribed Fire Fire crew; Taylor Park, Gunnison National Forest, Colorado USDA Forest Service - Rocky Mountain Region Archive
1442074 Prescribed Fire Texas Creek, Gunnison National Forest, Colorado USDA Forest Service - Rocky Mountain Region Archive
1442211 Prescribed Fire Burn on Pieplant Creek Unit #38 - Gunnison National Forest, Colorado. October 6, 1982 USDA Forest Service - Rocky Mountain Region Archive
1442212 Prescribed Fire Burn on Pieplant Creek Unit #38 - Gunnison National Forest, Colorado. October 6, 1982 USDA Forest Service - Rocky Mountain Region Archive
1442213 Prescribed Fire Burn on Pieplant Creek Unit #38 - Gunnison National Forest, Colorado. October 7, 1982 USDA Forest Service - Rocky Mountain Region Archive
1442214 Prescribed Fire Drip torch crew on Pieplant Creek Unit #38 - Gunnison National Forest, Colorado. October 7, 1982 USDA Forest Service - Rocky Mountain Region Archive
1442215 Prescribed Fire Burn on Pieplant Creek Unit #38 - Gunnison National Forest, Colorado. October 7, 1982 USDA Forest Service - Rocky Mountain Region Archive
2651061 Prescribed Fire Pierce County, Georgia Don Registor
2651062 Prescribed Fire top kill after winter burn David J. Moorhead
2651063 Prescribed Fire hardwoods resprouting from prescribed fire damage - 1 growing season David J. Moorhead
2714001 Prescribed Fire site preparation broadcast burn west of Falls City Doug Maguire
2714007 Prescribed Fire Prescribed underburn to reduce stand density and fuels in a Ponderosa pine stand near Black Butte Doug Maguire
2714021 Prescribed Fire Broadcast burning in the Doug Maguire
2714022 Prescribed Fire Broadcast burning Doug Maguire
2714083 Prescribed Fire Heading fire in grass marsh Dale Wade
2714100 Prescribed Fire aerial ignition by of windrows by helicopter David J. Moorhead
2715010 Prescribed Fire backing fire for competition control USDA Forest Service Archive
2715012 Prescribed Fire seedling after dormant season backing fire USDA Forest Service Archive
2715013 Prescribed Fire seedling after dormant season backing fire; note bud was protected from heat damage by surrounding needles which were consumed USDA Forest Service Archive
2715014 Prescribed Fire young sapling stand USDA Forest Service Archive
2715015 Prescribed Fire seedling in active height growth stage after low intensity backing fire USDA Forest Service Archive
2715016 Prescribed Fire height growth after burn; note older brown fire-scorched needles USDA Forest Service Archive
2715017 Prescribed Fire seedling with needles consumed in burn but bud still living USDA Forest Service Archive
2715019 Prescribed Fire sprouting from base of fire damage seedling USDA Forest Service Archive
9000016 Prescribed Fire in Georgia Ricky Layson
9000017 Prescribed Fire in Georgia Ricky Layson
9000018 Prescribed Fire in Georgia Ricky Layson
5187040 Prescribed Fire

Using a drip torch to initiate a backburn in a prescribed fire.

David Cappaert
5187041 Prescribed Fire

drip torch

David Cappaert
5187042 Prescribed Fire

forest floor during prescribed fire

David Cappaert
4799036 Prescribed Fire Burning harvest slash in winter. St. Maries Ranger District. Scott Roberts
4799037 Prescribed Fire Burning harvest slash in winter. St. Maries Ranger District. Scott Roberts
4798069 Prescribed Fire broadcast site preparation burn John D. Hodges
5058021 Prescribed Fire Joseph O'Brien
4800012 Prescribed Fire Underburning two growing seasons since last burn in eastern Oregon James N. Long
4800013 Prescribed Fire Prescribed stand-replacing fire for creation of elk summer range in eastern Washington Cascade Mountains, Pinus contorta (lodgepole pine) and Abies lasiocarpa (subalpine fir) James N. Long
4800022 Prescribed Fire Site preparation for natural regeneration of shortleaf pine - hardwood mixture is accomplished by chainsaw felling of residual hardwoods immediately after full leaf expansion in the spring followed by a hot broadcast burn in late summer. This sequence of treatments reduces sprouting vigor of hardwoods without the use of herbicides. New hardwood sprouts originate lower on the root stocks providing better quality regeneration, reducing the liklihood of stem decay. Some hardwood sprouts have resprouted after the burn. Robert F. Wittwer
1450122 Research New vegetation emerging from burnt ground, 1 year after fire. Conifer compartment 926 prescribed burn. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450123 Research Scorched spruce boles and ground days after fire, conifer dominated compartment 926 prescribed burn. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450060 Research 20% tree retention conifer dominated block, 20 meter vegetation strip between two 5 meter machine corridors, first summer post-harvest. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450078 Research Control plot with trembling aspen and white spruce; Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450125 Research Scorched spruce boles and roots days after fire, conifer dominated compartment 926 prescribed burn. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450126 Research Aerial view of conifer dominated compartment 926 prescribed burn. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450127 Research Aerial view of conifer dominated compartment 926 prescribed burn reaching crown level. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450128 Research Aerial view of conifer dominated compartment 926 prescribed burn. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450129 Research Ground level view of prescribed fire reaching crown level, conifer dominated block 926. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450130 Research Aerial view of conifer dominated compartment 926 prescribed burn. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450014 Research Burning aspen boles and ground, aspen dominated stand compartment 856 prescribed burn. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450015 Research Ashen aspen boles and ground, aspen dominated stand compartment 856 prescribed burn. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450016 Research Ashen aspen boles and ground, aspen dominated stand compartment 856 prescribed burn. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450017 Research Burning aspen boles and ground, aspen dominated stand compartment 856 prescribed burn. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450018 Research Burning aspen boles and ground, aspen dominated stand compartment 856 prescribed burn. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450019 Research Burning aspen boles and ground, aspen dominated stand compartment 856 prescribed burn. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450020 Research Burning aspen boles and ground, aspen dominated stand compartment 856 prescribed burn. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450021 Research Burning aspen boles and ground, aspen dominated stand compartment 856 prescribed burn. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450022 Research Burning ground, aspen dominated stand compartment 856 prescribed burn. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450023 Research Smoldering ground, aspen dominated stand compartment 856 prescribed burn. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450024 Research Burning ground, aspen dominated stand compartment 856 prescribed burn. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450025 Research Burning aspen boles and ground, aspen dominated stand compartment 856 prescribed burn. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450026 Research Burning aspen boles and ground, aspen dominated stand compartment 856 prescribed burn. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450027 Research Burning aspen boles and ground, aspen dominated stand compartment 856 prescribed burn. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450030 Research Aerial view of 10 ha stand 1 year post prescribed burn. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450031 Research Aerial view of 10 ha stand 1 year post prescribed burn. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450032 Research Aerial view of 10 ha stand 1 year post prescribed burn. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450033 Research Aerial view of 10 ha stand 1 year post prescribed burn. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1450034 Research Aerial view of 10 ha stand 1 year post prescribed burn. Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance Project, Northwestern Alberta, Canada David P. Shorthouse
1409064 Research In a white oak severely wounded by fire, heartwood formation comes to a standstill. Wounds stop hearwood from forming, while they initiate the formation of discolored wood. USDA Forest Service - Northeastern Area Archive
0014239 Research Simulating scorch with propane torch. Erich G. Vallery
0014240 Research Simulating scorch with propane torch. Gerald J. Lenhard
1207100 Restoration Area in the Wheeler Point fire (burned in August 1996) that was seeded with blue wildrye, Heppner Ranger District Dave Powell
4799056 Restoration natural patterns of jack pine and aspen following fire in Manitoba Fred Baker
5189009 Restoration Paul Bolstad
5189010 Restoration

Fire mortality, regeneration

Paul Bolstad
9000087 Restoration Engelmann spruce natural regeneration 11 years after the Buck Hollow Fire of August 1990, photo August 2001. Uinta National Forest Doug Page
9000088 Restoration Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir natural regeneration and snags 11 years after the Buck Hollow Fire of August 1990, photo August 2001. Uinta National Forest Doug Page
9000089 Restoration Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir natural regeneration and snags 11 years after the Buck Hollow Fire of August 1990, photo August 2001. Uinta National Forest Doug Page
1426028 Sapling(s) Taken in 1897 in Baldwin County Alabama, during a southern forestry visit by the founder of the USDA Forest Service. Gifford Pinchot
1442007 Seedling(s) regeneration after Geyser Creek Burn on Windriver Ranger District Shoshone National Forest David W. Johnson
9000082 Seedling(s) subalpine fir and Engelmann spruce natural regeneration following Buck Hollow Fire Aug 1990, photo Aug 2001, Uinta National Forest Doug Page
9000083 Seedling(s) Engelmann spruce natural regeneration 11 years after the Buck Hollow Fire of August 1990, photo August 2001. Uinta National Forest Doug Page
9000086 Seedling(s) Engelmann spruce natural regeneration 11 years after the Buck Hollow Fire of August 1990, photo August 2001. Uinta National Forest Doug Page
5035086 Sign San Bernardino Joseph O'Brien
2254001 Sign fire hazard, bug killed timber sign Bob Oakes
4799031 Stand Before fuel reduction treatment. East side of Cascades. Scott Roberts
4799032 Stand After fuel reduction treatment. East side of Cascades. Scott Roberts
4799033 Stand Before fuel reduction treatment. East side of Cascades. Scott Roberts
1162066 Stand Grass fuels in understory of 5-year old stand. Chula, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1162067 Stand Grass fuels in understory of 5-year old stand. Chula, Georgia David J. Moorhead
1324016 Treatment To prepare a site for planting native forage grasses without tillage, scientists in Lincoln, Nebraska, practice controlled burning in the spring to remove plant residue remaining after herbicide treatments killed weeds the preceding autumn. Robert Masters
1361176 Treatment The wound should be cleaned out to sound wood by removing the decayed wood to facilitate wound closure. Georgia Forestry Commission Archive
1172012 Wildfire Charred stem Chris Schnepf
1172013 Wildfire Fire-killed trees Chris Schnepf
1404008 Wildfire 1998 Florida wildfires- Daytona Beach Airport under instrument flight rules after being "smoked in" USDA Forest Service Archive
1359043 Wildfire Scenic view of Long Meadow reburn in the Tower wildfire (Long Meadow wildfire area burned in 1986 and reburned in Tower wildfire of 1996) showing variability in post-fire response of snowbrush ceanothus (Ceanothus velutinus) patches; North Fork John Day Ranger District, Umatilla National Forest, northeastern Oregon Dave Powell
1247228 Wildfire Georgia Forestry Commission Archive
1247244 Wildfire Georgia Forestry Commission Archive
1210098 Wildfire Maes Creek wildfire area in southern Colorado; fire burned in 1978, image acquired in 1981; subalpine zone near upper treeline; San Carlos RD, San Isabel NF Dave Powell
1210100 Wildfire Maes Creek wildfire area in southern Colorado; fire burned in 1978, image acquired in 1987; subalpine zone near upper treeline; San Carlos RD, San Isabel NF Dave Powell
1212008 Wildfire Dense stand of grass and mullein in Wheeler Point fire area, Heppner RD, Umatilla NF Dave Powell
1212009 Wildfire Non-sprouting aspen clone killed in the north part of Wheeler Point fire area, Heppner RD, Umatilla NF Dave Powell
1212020 Wildfire Field of snowbrush ceanothus in intensely burned area in a 1986 wildfire near Jump-off Joe Ridge, NFJD RD, Umatilla NF Dave Powell
1212089 Wildfire Upper portion of Summit wildfire (1996) in fall of 2001; North Fork John Day RD, Umatilla NF Dave Powell
0013086 Wildfire Wildfire damage as viewed from air. Not to be confused with southern pine beetle infestations (no fading crowns). Ronald F. Billings
0806078 Wildfire lightning-ignited wildfire burning during day (long flame lengths); Blue Mountains, Malheur or Umatilla national forests, northeastern Oregon and southeastern Washington Dave Powell
0808023 Wildfire Regeneration in 1986 Lost Lake wildfire area near Olive Lake, North Fork John Day Ranger District, Umatilla National Forest, northeastern Oregon Dave Powell
0808024 Wildfire Olive Lake with 1986 Lost Lake wildfire area in background across lake, North Fork John Day Ranger District, Umatilla National Forest, northeastern Oregon Dave Powell
0808054 Wildfire Snowbrush ceanothus field in 1986 burn near Jump-Off Joe Ridge; North Fork John Day Ranger District, Uma¬tilla National Forest, northeastern Oregon Dave Powell
0808061 Wildfire Mosiac burn pattern in the Boundary fire area as seen from Tower Mountain, North Fork John Day Ranger District. Dave Powell
0808077 Wildfire burned in August, 1996. Note complete consumption of litter layer. Wheeler Point fire area, Heppner Ranger District Dave Powell
0808078 Wildfire fire area, which burned in August, 1996. Wheeler Point, Heppner Ranger District Dave Powell
0808079 Wildfire fire area, which burned in August, 1996. Wheeler Point, Heppner Ranger District Dave Powell
0808080 Wildfire Summit fire area (burned August, 1996 Indian Rock lookout, North Fork John Day Ranger District) Dave Powell
0808081 Wildfire Camera point T-96-5, view #6 initial take, Tower fire (August, 1996). Dave Powell
0808082 Wildfire Camera point T-96-5, view #4 initial take, Tower fire (August, 1996). Dave Powell
0808083 Wildfire Young stand in 1986 burn area. Dave Powell
0808084 Wildfire Young stand in 1986 burn area that reburned in August, 1996. Dave Powell
0808085 Wildfire Camera point T-96-6, view #1 initial take, Tower fire (August, 1996). Dave Powell
0808086 Wildfire Burned stream bottom in Tower fire (August, 1996) with resprouting plants. Dave Powell
0808087 Wildfire High-intensity burn in Tower fire (August, 1996) with unburned meadow. Dave Powell
0808088 Wildfire Burned foot bridge, Tower fire at Winom Creek trail, North Fork John Day Ranger District Dave Powell
0808089 Wildfire Moderate- to high-intensity burn of Tower fire at Winom Creek area, North Fork John Day Ranger District Dave Powell
0808090 Wildfire showing Tower fire impacts. Upper Winom Creek, North Fork John Day Ranger District Dave Powell
0808091 Wildfire High-intensity burned area seeded with native plants, Tower fire. Dave Powell
0808092 Wildfire Scorched tree with cambium showing, Tower fire. Dave Powell
0808093 Wildfire Mosiac burn at upper elevations, Tower fire. Upper Winom Creek, North Fork John Day Ranger District Dave Powell
0808094 Wildfire Tributary stream below large spring above Winom Creek, Tower fire. Dave Powell
0808095 Wildfire Large fire scar in tree from many old fires, Tower fire. Dave Powell
0808096 Wildfire Burned seedling and shade-card lath, Summit fire. at Long Creek Ranger District Dave Powell
0808097 Wildfire with actively burning fire scar, Tower fire. Dave Powell
0808098 Wildfire Junewood plantation with partial burn with pine and larch, Tower fire. Dave Powell
0808099 Wildfire High/moderate intensity burn, Tower fire area. Dave Powell
0808100 Wildfire Surface evidence of high-intensity burn, showing char and ash, Tower fire. Dave Powell
0976012 Wildfire strong vegetative response and dead tree boles. Maes Creek burn, San Carlos District Dave Powell
1450088 Wildfire Yellowstone National Park fire Billy Humphries
1450095 Wildfire USDA Forest Service land, Idaho Billy Humphries
2122032 Wildfire Aerial view of a small but intense wildfire near Drake, CO William M. Ciesla
2122033 Wildfire Aerial view of a small but intense wildfire near Drake, CO William M. Ciesla
2122034 Wildfire Aerial view of trees damaged by a low intensity ground fire near Jamestown, CO William M. Ciesla
2122035 Wildfire Aerial view of tree damage caused by a low intensity ground fire near Jamestown, CO William M. Ciesla
2122038 Wildfire Aerial view of damage caused by the Mason Fire near Florence, CO William M. Ciesla
2122039 Wildfire Aerial view of damage caused by the Mason Fire near Florence, CO William M. Ciesla
2141093 Wildfire

tree scorch

Brytten Steed
2141094 Wildfire

tree scorch

Brytten Steed
2141095 Wildfire

burned tree

Brytten Steed
1420162 Wildfire Lighting strike initiated burn. Compartment 103. USDA Forest Service - Escambia Experimental Forest, Brewton, Alabama. July 1959 Bob Farrah
1420104 Wildfire Severely burned saplings on Florida-Alabama line. 1950 Thomas C. Croker
1420014 Wildfire Wild Fire damage to stand in Florida, 1950 Thomas C. Croker
1420117 Wildfire Lighting set fire. Compartment 95. USDA Forest Service - Escambia Experimental Forest, Brewton, Alabama. October 1959 Bob Farrah
1382022 Wildfire Forest damaged by wildfire. Moscowskaya oblast, Russia. Victor Ryabincov
1382023 Wildfire Republic of Buryatia, Russia Victor Ryabincov
1382033 Wildfire Republic of Buryatia, Russia Victor Ryabincov
1404042 Wildfire A shallow peat burn near Kushlam Gator Hole. Ronald Hofstetter. June 15, 1971 Dale Wade
1404052 Wildfire Florida Division of Forestry vehicle. Collier County Florida. June 1989 Dale Wade
4214049 Wildfire fire damaged plantation Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Archive
4214050 Wildfire burned logs and duff Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Archive
5382452 Wildfire

Aerial view of the Nash ranch fire

William M. Ciesla
2141097 Wildfire

tree scorch

Brytten Steed
2651064 Wildfire Damage to stand during spring of year. Note the growth at the terminals. David J. Moorhead
2651065 Wildfire terminal buds alive after wildfire David J. Moorhead
2651066 Wildfire stand damage David J. Moorhead
2651067 Wildfire 100% scorch David J. Moorhead
2651068 Wildfire Scorch and bud damage from a spring wildfire David J. Moorhead
2651069 Wildfire bud protected by needles David J. Moorhead
2651070 Wildfire one year recovery David J. Moorhead
2651071 Wildfire buds killed David J. Moorhead

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