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The Mail & Reproduction Management Division (MRMD)

Latest Information on Impacts on Mail Delivery by Anthrax


Do you like low postage rates and fast mail delivery? If so, check out the Mailer's Memo below.

Mailer'r Memo graphic

Use of Proper Address Expedites Delivery!

A recent survey of incoming postal mail revealed that only 20 percent of our correspondents are properly addressing mail to USDA.

Incoming mail should include:
  • Name
  • STOP Code
  • 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W.
  • Washington, DC 20250 (your STOP Code)

An automated sorting system was installed in the Central Mail Unit in March 1997. This equipment expedites the sorting of properly addressed mail. Mail that can be read by the machine, those pieces containing STOP Codes, are processed first.

Please notify all correspondents of your "new" address.

To find the STOP Code for your office or that of other USDA agencies/offices,
click here link to HQ Mailing AddressesHeadquarters Mailing Addresses

Printed copies of the USDA STOP Code Directory are available. Please contact Michele Lambert at 202-690-3004.

Last updated: 3/20/08
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