U S Department of Health and Human Services www.hhs.gov
  CMS Home > Medicare > Provider Inquiry Operations > Contingency_Planning_and_Corporate_Cluster_Approaches
Provider Inquiry Operations


Contact centers are required to update their written contingency plans by December 31st of each fiscal year.  The contingency plan shall describe how Medicare telecommunications will be maintained or continued in the event of manmade or natural disasters.  This plan shall cover the spectrum of telecommunications losses (e.g., partial through total loss of operation), and may include arrangements with other contractors to assist in telephone workload management during the time the contact center is unable to receive provider calls.  Plans shall be submitted to the service reports mailbox at servicereports@cms.hhs.gov or via postal mail with a copy to the Regional Office (RO).


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Page Last Modified: 07/28/2008 10:58:10 AM
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