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Violence Reduction Strategies: Focus on Returning Offenders

Violence Reduction Strategies: Focus on Returning Offenders

IACP is pursuing comprehensive violence reduction strategies to enhance public safety. Returning offenders, including those previously incarcerated for violent and/or sex crimes, pose significant challenges to communities.

In partnership with the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), U.S. Department of Justice (USDOJ), the IACP is working to assist law enforcement through the identification and highlighting of potentially progressive approaches to offender reentry and sex offender management.

Targeting Criminality: Successful Police-Corrections Partnerships (Video)

The IACP, in partnership with the Bureau of Justice Assistance, US DOJ, has produced a video highlighting three successful police-corrections partnerships. This 13 minute video provides examples of how partnerships facilitate information sharing and advance agency efforts to strategically address methamphetamines, sex offenders, and gangs. The video can be viewed in it's entirety or in individual segments. For more information, please contact Nancy Kolb.

Offender Reentry

In partnership with BJA, the IACP is examining the potential for intensified law enforcement involvement in offender reentry efforts. The IACP hopes to reduce recidivism, disorder and victimization through increased law enforcement participation in offender reentry programs. The following products are designed to assist law enforcement in their offender reentry efforts and, once complete, will be available on this web site:

  • Video DVD highlighting a leading law enforcement-centric reentry program.
  • Resource guide highlighting law enforcement reentry leading practices.
  • Training curriculum to assist law enforcement agencies in creating and/or expanding their reentry efforts.

Video DVD

The video DVD “Offender Reentry: A Police Perspective” features a police department that has developed, implemented, and currently manages a reentry program. The video illustrates potentially transferable strategies and practices that law enforcement executives can use in implementing or expanding an offender reentry program in their jurisdiction. Copies of the DVD are available by request or can be downloaded or streamed here:

For Dial-Up Connections

56K Windows Media Player Version

56K Real Player Version

For Broadband Connections

256K Windows Media Player Version

256K Real Player Version

384K Quicktime Player Version

Resource Guide

The publication “Building An Offender Reentry Program: A Guide for Law Enforcement” highlights law enforcement-involved reentry program profiles. The guide presents key strategies, components, and results of law enforcement participation in offender reentry efforts. Copies of the resource guide are available by request or can be downloaded here.

To request copies of offender reentry products and publications, please contact: Stevyn Fogg at 800-THE-IACP Ext. 842.

Sex Offender Management

Since November 2005, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), the IACP has worked to identify policy and operational challenges facing law enforcement regarding sex offenders and has developed resources to assist law enforcement executives and their agencies with preventing future victimization, educating the community, holding offenders accountable, and increasing community safety.
In 2007 the IACP, in partnership with the Center for Sex Offender Management, was selected to administer the Sex Offender Management Training and Technical Assistance program to BJA’s FY 2007 Comprehensive Approaches to Sex Offender Management (CASOM) grantees. The CASOM Discretionary Grant Program provides funding to help jurisdictions effectively manage sex offenders in the community by implementing new or enhancing existing programs.

Through the Sex Offender Management Training and Technical Assistance program, the IACP and CSOM provide training and technical assistance to FY 2007 BJA CASOM grantees (comprised of law enforcement and community based supervision agencies.)

All current IACP products and resources available are listed on this page. Future products and resources will be posted as they are completed, to include:

  • A Web cast panel introducing the concept of risk assessments
  • A video highlighting police-corrections partnerships with a segment focused on sex offenders.
  • A resource publication highlighting promising approaches to sex offender management (examples from both law enforcement and community supervision agencies.)

The IACP is developing multiple products and resources to enhance the law enforcement response to sex offenders in the community. Current resources available include:

Tracking Sex Offenders with Electronic Monitoring Technology: Implications and Practical Uses for Law Enforcement: This short document defines and provides examples of electronic monitoring technology, discusses law enforcement involvement with electronic monitoring technology, outlines the benefits and concerns of using this technology, and highlights key considerations for the law enforcement community. To download a copy, please click here.
"Strategically Monitoring Sex Offenders: Accessing Community Corrections Resources to Enhance Law Enforcement Capabilities" This short document outlines the types of information collected by community corrections officers and details the purpose, benefits, access to, and examples of each piece of information. To download a copy, please click here.
"Managing Sex Offenders: Citizens Supporting Law Enforcement" highlights relevant sex offender legislation impacting law enforcement, identifies emerging operational challenges for law enforcement executives, and offers examples of how law enforcement agencies are using citizens to enhance and support their sex offender management and enforcement efforts. To download a copy, please click here.
"Sex Offenders in the Community: Enforcement and Prevention Strategies for Law Enforcement" provides an overview of the sex offender population, identifies various law enforcement prevention and enforcement strategies, features specific examples from jurisdictions around the country, and includes sample departmental forms and documents. To download a copy, please click here.
"Framing a Law Enforcement Response: Addressing Community Concerns about Sex Offenders", a pamphlet that provides talking points designed to help officers frame an agency response to ten frequently asked questions regarding sex offenders. To download a copy please click here.

IACP Model Policy on Registering and Tracking Sex Offenders

IACP provides the Registering and Tracking Sex Offenders model policy to the law enforcement community without charge. To download a copy please click here or visit the Policy Center’s website at: http://www.theiacp.org/pubinfo/modpolalpha.htm.

To request copies of the above sex offender management related products or for more information on IACP sex offender management efforts, please contact: Sarah Wygant, Training Coordinator, at 800-THE-IACP Ext. 830.
For more information on the Center for Sex Offender Management resources, contact Charles Onley at conley@cepp.com or visit: http://www.csom.org

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