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Adopt A Park
Adopt A Park Benefits
Adopt A Park
The OPRD Adopt-a-Park program is an on-going relationship between a state park and individuals or volunteers from organizations, schools, youth groups and businesses.

Adopters may provide clean-up and maintenance, help with building and site improvement projects and a variety of other special projects. Examples of previous projects include: trail building, building renovation and conducting interpretive programs. Many Adopters routinely provide litter pick-up, trail brushing, painting, planting, weeding and general maintenance. The wonderful fact is, you can do almost anything.

Adopt-a-Park agreements are established for a one-year, renewable term. The Adopter agrees to provide all labor, tools, material and supplies required to fulfill the terms of the agreement. It is anticipated that some work will need to be performed on a routine basis (i.e. every two weeks).

What kind of person adopts a park? It takes all types: businesses, schools, universities, youth groups, associations, church groups, families, campers, boaters, hikers, mountain bikers, climbers, naturalists, living history buffs ... are you getting the picture?

Adopt A Park Benefits
Educational and recreational opportunities! Adopters receive recognition and prominently displayed routed sign giving credit to the adopting organization. Based on number of hours contributed, ribbons, plaques and hours pins are awarded annually. Adopters receive a reflective vest, a volunteer hat and free day-use passes! All Adopters are covered under OPRD's accident and disability insurance and tort liability.

Workers' Compensation and tort liability insurances are provided by OPRD when you serve as a volunteer. All hosts are covered by Workers' Compensation insurance while on duty. This insurance is to help pay damage claims and medical expenses. All OPRD volunteers are covered by the State of Oregon for civil liability. This protects volunteers from being liable for claims of negligence or injury to others under these conditions: you are working on a state agency task assigned by an authorized supervisor, you limit your actions to the duties assigned, and you perform your duties in good faith and do not act in a reckless manner or with the intent to inflict harm on others. OPRD does not provide personal property insurance. It is strongly recommended you have all personal property covered by your own insurance. OPRD will not, and cannot, replace any lost, stolen or damaged property.

Page updated: November 05, 2007

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