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Traffic Signal Information
Signal Operation Approvals Temporary Traffic Signals
Design Review and Approval Standard Drawings & Details
Design Manuals Product Approval & Evaluation
Technical Advisors & Bulletins Drawings & Database
Drafting Tools
MicroStation Cabinet Prints
Signal Operation Approvals
Traffic Signal
Traffic Signal Approval List
A list of traffic signals that have been approved for construction by ODOT. (in PDF format) 
Traffic Signal Approval Letters
The Traffic Signal Approval Letters for each Traffic Signal installation. (in PDF format)
Traffic Signal Approval Request Form
Region Traffic Managers, use this form to request the installation, modification or removal of a Traffic Signal.
Signals With Flashing Yellow Left Turn Arrows
A list of traffic signals that have Flashing Left Turn Arrows installed (in PDF format) 
Certified Traffic Signal Inspector Memo
This memo outlines the requirements for becoming certified to inspect ODOT Traffic Signal Installations.
Traffic Signal Policy and Guidlines
The purpose of these guidelines is to encourage uniformity in the location, operation, and maintenance of traffic signals in Oregon.
Emergency Vehicle Preemption and Transit Vehicle Priority Request Forms
For local jurisdictions who are seeking to equip their emergency response vehicles to preempt traffic signals.

Design Review and Approval
Region Review Form for Review of Contract Documents
Use this document to help streamline the review process of traffic signal plans.
Traffic Signal Design Approval Process (Flow Chart)
This document outlines the approval process for traffic signal plans.

Design Manuals

Traffic Signal Design Manual - (8 MB)
Title Page
Traffic Signal Loop Layout Examples
Title Page
The pages contained within the Traffic Signal Design Manual are current at the time of publishing. Keep in mind that the reference material will be periodically updated, so the user is cautioned against using the reference materials included in the manual indefinitely.
Last update to the Traffic Signal Design Manual was Feburary 1, 2007.
If you have an older copy please download a new copy.
The "Traffic Signal Loop Layout Examples" This is a 7 page guide that gives an in-depth look at intersection loop layout and loop wiring diagrams.
This document has been formally adopted by ODOT for all Traffic Signal designs. This document has been adopted by FHWA. ODOT will be reviewing all new, modified, and loop replacement traffic signal projects with this document as the minimum standard for approval of traffic signal plans.  

Technical Advisors & Bulletins

Drafting Tools
The files contained in the "Traffic_Drafting_Toolz.zip" file will help you in designing and drafting Traffic Signal Plans to ODOT Standards.
The "Traffic_Drafting_Toolz.zip"  file will be updated on a as needed basis. The user of these design and drafting aids shall be responsible for verifying that they are using the latest version to produce plans for the Traffic - Roadway Section.
It is important that you read the "Read Me.doc" This file contains valuable information on:
  • Updates to the MicroStation Cell libraries and the sidebar menu 
  • The installation of the MicroStation sidebar menu
  • How to launch the MicroStation sidebar menu
Updated - Sept 17, 2008

MicroStation Cabinet Prints
332 Cabinet Print
The most common controller cabinet used in new traffic signal installations
(Now in 11" x 17" Format).
332 Controller Cabinet with Video
The 332 controller cabinet used in new traffic signal installations with video detection (In 11" x 17" Format).
336 Cabinet Print
This cabinet configuration is used primarily for temporary traffic signals
(Now in 11" x 17" Format).
334 Ramp Meter Cabinet Print
This cabinet configuration is only used on ramp meter installations
(Now in 11" x 17" Format).
334 Count Cabinet Print
This cabinet configuration is only used for traffic counting stations
Signal Cabinet Print Guide for ODOT Traffic Signal Designers
Each new, modified or updated traffic signal installation shall have a new cabinet print drawn in MicroStation format and submitted to Traffic Systems Services Unit (TSSU).

Temporary Traffic Signals
Portable Temporary Traffic Signal Specifications
Specifications for Portable Temporary Traffic Signals on State Highways

Standard Drawings & Details
Current Traffic Signal Standard Drawings
Traffic Signal Standard Drawings (TM450 Series) for ODOT Traffic Signal Projects.
Traffic Signal Detail Drawings
Traffic Signal Detail Drawings (TM4400 Series) for ODOT Projects.

Product Approval & Evaluation
Submittals for qualified and conditionally field qualified equipment and materials.
Submittals f or signal controller and related equipment.

A list of certification exempt traffic management system components used by ODOT, Oregon Cities, Oregon Counties, and other applicable public agencies.
Information for Product Evaluation for The "Blue Sheets" and "Green Sheets".
Preliminary Product Evaluation Form
Blue and Green Sheet product evaluation procedure.
Vehicle Signal LED Specification
LED Traffic Signal Head Retrofit Kits.

Drawings & Database

Scanned Traffic Signal Drawings
This link will take you to the ODOT FTP site that contains all of the scanned drawings of ODOT Traffic Signals. These drawings cover the years 1949 thru 2007.
The link below will take you to a Microsoft Access zip file that contains a searchable database of; Signal Plans, Sign Plans, Illumination Plans, ITS Plans and Striping Plans.  This Access Data Base has been updated and now includes drawing information up to 2005.  The zip file must be downloaded to your hard drive and then unzipped or extracted to access the database information. 

This file is to be used for reference and historical drawing look-up only. 
It is the users responsibility to verify that the information is correct and accurate by verifying the information with this office before use.


Page updated: September 18, 2008

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