Commission on Water Resource Management

Petition to Amend the Interim Instream Flow Standard
for 27 Streams in East Maui

West Wailuaiki Stream Intake.  This intake is part of the East Maui Irrigation system, consisting of 388 separate intakes, 24 miles of ditches, and 50 miles of tunnels, as well as numerous small dams, intakes, pipes and flumes.
West Wailuaiki Stream Intake. This intake is part of the East Maui Irrigation system, consisting of 388 separate intakes, 24 miles of ditches, and 50 miles of tunnels, as well as numerous small dams, intakes, pipes and flumes.
Sep. 24, 2008 The Commission will hold its September meeting on the island of Maui to hear recommendations on eight east Maui instream flow standard petitions: Honopou; Hanehoi and Puolua (Huelo); Piinaau; Palauhulu; Waiokamilo; Kualani; Waikani; and East and West Wailuanui. The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 24, 2008, 11:00 a.m., at the Haiku Community Center, 1008 Hana Highway, in Haiku, Maui.

Commission meeting agenda

Submittal C1: Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar Company's Motion to Consolidate Petitions to Amend Interim Instream Flow Standards for East Maui Streams and Complaint Relating Thereto filed May 29, 2008

Maui Electric Company, Ltd.
ILWU Local 142
Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation
Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company (Supplemental Memorandum)
Teena Rasmussen
David Nobriga
James Tavares
Darren Strand
Sean Loa
Petitioners' Memorandum In Opposition, Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation for Petitioners Na Moku Aupuni O Koolau Hui, Beatrice Kekahuna and Marjorie Wallett

Submittal C2: Petition to Amend the Interim Instream Flow Standards for the Surface Water Hydrologic Units of Honopou (6034), Hanehoi (6037), Piinaau (6053), Waiokamilo (6055), and Wailuanui (6056), Maui (with Exhibits 1 and 2)

Exhibit 3: Instream Flow Standard Assessment Report, Island of Maui, Hydrologic Unit 6034, Honopou, September 2008, PR-2008-01

Exhibit 4: Instream Flow Standard Assessment Report, Island of Maui, Hydrologic Unit 6037, Hanehoi, September 2008, PR-2008-02

Exhibit 5: Instream Flow Standard Assessment Report, Island of Maui, Hydrologic Unit 6053, Piinaau, September 2008, PR-2008-03

Exhibit 6: Instream Flow Standard Assessment Report, Island of Maui, Hydrologic Unit 6055, Waiokamilo, September 2008, PR-2008-04

Exhibit 7: Instream Flow Standard Assessment Report, Island of Maui, Hydrologic Unit 6056, Wailuanui, September 2008, PR-2008-05

Exhibit 8: Compilation of Public Review Comments (CPRC), Hydrologic Units of Honopou (6034), Hanehoi (6037), Piinaau (6053), Waiokamilo (6055), Wailuanui (6056), Island of Maui, September 2008, PR-2008-07

Exhibit 9: The Importance of the Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company to the Hawaii Economy and Conditions for Its Survival: A consultant paper by Leroy O. Laney, Ph.D.

Sep. 19, 2008 Press Release: State Water Commission to Hear Recommendations on Eight East Maui Stream Petitions
Sep. 2-3, 2008 The Commission conducted a site visit of East Maui for the areas of Honopou, Haliimaile, Wailuanui, and Waokamilo over the course of two days. Due to the access and safety concerns, portions of the site visit were limted and not open to the general public. Other portions of the site visit were open to the general public. View the Commission meeting agendas for more detailed information.

Click to view the DAR presentation
Click to download the DAR presentation in PDF format
  Click to view the video segments listed below

Sep. 2, 2008
Part No. 1 (01:14:26): Haiku Community Center, Hana Highway, Haiku, Maui, Presentation by the Division of Aquatic Resources on East Maui Stream Surveys

Part No. 2 (01:14:26): East Maui Irrigation System, Honopou Stream Diversions to Wailoa Ditch and New Hamakua Ditch

Part No. 3 (18:51): East Maui Irrigation System, Honopou Stream Diversions to Lowrie Ditch

Part No. 4 (16:57): East Maui Irrigation System, Honopou Stream Diversions to Haiku Ditch

Part No. 5 (16:00): Kekahuna and Wallett Properties at Honopou Stream, below Hana Highway

Part No. 6 (13:23): East Maui Irrigation System, Wailoa Siphon

Part No. 7 (14:11): East Maui Irrigation System, Kamole Weir

Sep. 3, 2008
Part No. 1 (50:01): East Maui Irrigation Company's Paia Office, Paia, Maui

Part No. 2 (34:40): East Maui Irrigation System, Wailuanui Stream Diversions to Koolau Ditch

Part No. 3 (27:38): Wailuanui Lookout and Wailua Road, Mouth of Wailuanui Stream

Part No. 4 (24:35): Waiokamilo Stream near Dams #2 and #3
Aug. 18, 2008 HC&S filed a Motion to Consolidate Petitions to Amend Interim Instream Flow Standards for East Maui Streams and Complaint Relating Thereto Filed May 29, 2008.
Motion to Consolidate Petitions and Complaint (without Exhibits)
Jun. 27, 2008 Staff received five stream survey reports from the Hawaii Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR) for Honopou, Hanehoi, Piinaau, Waiokamilo, and Wailuanui Streams.
Honopou Stream [3.4 MB]
Hanehoi Stream [3.1 MB]
Piinaau Stream [4.0 MB]
Waiokamilo Stream [3.5 MB]
Wailuanui Stream [4.0 MB]
May 29, 2008 NHLC filed a complaint (CDR.1937.6) on behalf of Na Moku, Beatrice Kekahuna, Marjorie Wallett, and Maui Tomorrow. The complaint alleges that Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company (HC&S) is wasting water. The allegation is based on testimony of HC&S employee Lee Jakeway who testified at the Land Board contested case hearing on November 15, 2005.
Complaint/Dispute Resolution CDR.1937.6
Jun. 10, 2008 Following the initial agency/public review and public fact gathering meeting, the Commission compiled all public review comments that were received. All comments were separated into individual sections according to the submitting organization or individual.
Compilation of Public Review Comments for the Hydrologic Units of Honopou (6034), Hanehoi (6037), Piinaau (6053), Waiokamilo (6055), and Wailuanui (6056) [48.9 MB]
Apr. 10, 2008 The Commission held a public fact gathering meeting on Thursday, April 10, 2008 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Haiku Community Center in Maui to receive comments of the reports. The deadline to submit comments to the Commission was June 10, 2008. A Frequently Asked Questions page was distributed at the meeting.
Frequently Asked Questions
Mar. 6, 2008 The Commission issued a Notice of Public Fact Gathering Meeting to receives comments on the Instream Flow Standard Assessment Reports for five surface water hydrologic units in east Maui: Honopou, Hanehoi, Piinaau, Waiokamilo, and Wailuanui. Instream flow standard assessment reports are prepared to present the best available information for each hydrologic unit.
Notice of Public Fact Gathering Meeting
6034 Honopou [3.4 MB]
6037 Hanehoi [3.1 MB]
6053 Piinaau [4.0 MB]
6055 Waiokamilo [3.5 MB]
6056 Wailuanui [4.0 MB]
Feb. 19, 2008 The Hawaii Supreme Court issued a order (No. 28970) denying the Petition for Writ of Mandamus.
Supreme Court Order No. 28970
Jan. 25, 2008 NHLC, for Petitioners Na Moku, Beatrice Kekahuna, and Marjorie Wallett, requested that the Hawaii Supreme Court issue a Writ of Mandamus to Respondents Commissioners Laura H. Thielen, Chiyome L. Fukino, Meredith J. Ching, James A. Frazier, Neal S> Fujiwara, Donna Fay K. Kiyosaki, and Lawrence H. Miike, regarding matters related to the Petition to Amend the Interim IFS for 27 East Maui Streams.
Petition for Writ of Mandamus (without Exhibits)
Jan. 2006 The U.S. Geological Survey released the second of two studies regarding east Maui streams entitled, Effects of Surface-Water Diversions on Habitat Availability for Native Macrofauna, Northeast Maui, Hawaii.
Jul. 2005 The U.S. Geological Survey released the second of two studies regarding east Maui streams entitled, Effects of Surface-Water Diversions on Habitat Availability for Native Macrofauna, Northeast Maui, Hawaii.
Jul. 23, 2001 NHLC met with Commission staff to discuss the handling of the 27 petitions. Agreement was reached that efforts would focus on Honopou, Hanehoi, Waiokamilo, Kualani, Piinaau, Palauhulu, and Wailuanui Streams.
Follow-up letter from NHLC dated July 26, 2001
Jun. 22, 2001
Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation (NHLC), on behalf of Na Moku 'Aupuni o Ko'olau Hui (Na Moku), Beatrice Kepani Kekahuna, Marjorie Wallet, and Elizabeth Lehua Lapenia, filed a Petition to Amend the Interim Instream Flow Standard for 27 streams in East Maui.

Alo Stream
Haipuaena Stream
Hanawi Stream
Hanehoi and Puoloa Streams
Honomanu Stream
Honopou Stream
Kapaula Stream Kolea and Punalau Streams
Kopiliula Stream
Kualani Stream
Makapipi Stream
Nuailua Stream
Paakea Stream
Palauhulu Stream
Piinaau Stream
Puakaa Stream
Puohokamoa Stream
Wahinepee Stream
Waiaaka Stream
Waianu Stream
Waikamoi Stream
Waikani Stream
Waluaiki (East) Stream
Wailuaiki (West) Stream
Wailuanui Stream
Waiohue Stream
Waiokamilo Stream
