Northwood, ND EF4 Tornado Damage Pictures

Public School
Public School
Trees uprooted
Trees uprooted
Garage destroyed
Garage destroyed
Plane Hangar slab
Plane Hangar Slab
House damage
House damage
Home damage
Home damage
Cars piled up
Cars piled up
Train car tipped over
Train car tipped over
Debris pile
Debris pile
Mobil homes
Mobile homes
Vehicles in field
Vehicles in field
Gabriel Construction
Gabriel Construction1
Gabriel Construction
Gabriel Construction2
Gabriel Construction
Gabriel Construction3
Vehicles tossed
Vehicles tossed
More vehicles tossed
more vehicles tossed
Vehicles demolished
Vehicles demolished
field scoured
field scoured & vehicles
Vehicles destroyed
Vehicles destroyed
Agvise Lab damage
Agvise Lab damage1
Agvise Lab damage
Agvise damage2
No building left
No building left 
Tree damage and debris
Tree damage & debris
Agvise Lab damage
Agvise Lab damage3
Vehicles in field
Vehicles in field
Tank thrown 1.5 miles
Tank thrown 1.5 mi.
Significant tree damage
Significant tree damage
car tossed
car tossed
slab of metal building
slab of metal building
bent anchor
bent anchor
only thing left of building
only thing left of building
Truck tossed
Truck tossed
Toyota Tacoma
Toyota Tacoma1
Toyota Tacoma
Toyota Tacoma2
Vehicles in field
Vehicles in field
Vehicles in field
Vehicles in field

  • NOAA National Weather Service
  • Grand Forks, ND Weather Forecast Office
  • 4797 Technology Circle
  • Grand Forks, ND 58203-0600
  • 701-772-0720
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