U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service logo National Wildlife Refuge System Logo Celebrating a Century of Conservation
Banner graphic displaying the Fish & Wildlife Service logo, the National Wildlife Refuge System logo and the Celebrating a Century of Conservation tagline
Research Refuge
10901 Scarlet Tanager Loop
Laurel, MD   20708 - 4027
E-mail: michelle_donlan@fws.gov
Phone Number: 301-497-5510
Visit the Refuge's Web Site:
Seasonal tram tours through the forests, meadows, and wetlands on the refuge.
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  Wildlife and Habitat
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Most of the refuge is forested habitat, which are protected from disturbance. Most habitat management is focused on water level manipulations on the many wetland impoundments to benefit waterfowl and shorebirds; on open grassland/meadow areas maintained as grassland habitat; and on the development of scrub-shrub habitat. Invasive species management is receiving more attention recently. Attempts are made to suppress the establishment and /or spread of unwanted non-native plants on Patuxent Research Refuge. During the fall and spring migrations, many waterfowl species stop to rest and feed. Over 200 species of birds occur on the refuge. Increasing forest fragmentation in the area due to urban development has damaged many populations of neotropical migrants. The refuge is one of the largest forested areas in the mid-Atlantic region and provides critical breeding habitat and an important nesting island for these species.

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