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Chief Information Officer Council (CIOC)
Overview Communities of Practice
Meeting Materials Desktop & Laptop Specification
Enterprise IRM Strategy Contact for More Information
EIRMS Tactical Planning
Membership Roster
The Chief Information Officer Council (CIO Council), originally formed in 2002, is comprised of state and local government Chief Information Officers and Information Technology (IT) leaders.  The CIO Council provides leadership and a forum for all agencies to collaborate in the management of information resources across state government. The CIO Council advises the State Chief Information Officer (State CIO) and state business leaders on: 
  • Strategic Information Resource Management (IRM) Planning
  • Statewide IRM policies
  • Statewide technical architecture and standards
  • Planning and implementation of statewide IT initiatives
This successful governance group has changed the way information technology is developed and implemented throughout Oregon state government.

Meeting Materials
CIO Council meeting materials

Enterprise IRM Strategy
The 2007-11 Enterprise Information Resources Management Strategy was endorsed at a joint meeting of the state’s Administrative Business Services Directors and CIO Council members June 26, 2007.
Enterprise Information Resources Management Strategy (pdf)
Previous Versions:
Enterprise IRM Strategy Archive

Enterprise IRM Strategy - Progress Reports
On January 23, 2008, the State Chief Information Officer presented an Enterprise IRM Strategy progress report to the Oregon Association of Government Information Technology Management.  This progress report focused on the achievements in information resource management and implementation of the Enterprise IRM Strategy goals and objectives.  
Enterprise IRM Strategy Progress Report - January 23, 2008 (pdf)

EIRMS Tactical Planning
The 2007 -11 Enterprise IRM Strategy directs the State Chief Information Officer (CIO) to ensure that EIRMS deliverables are defined and that milestone dates for completion of those deliverables are set throughout the four-year planning horizon.   
In collaboration with the CIOC, DAS Enterprise Information Strategy and Policy Division (EISPD) staff worked to identify an initial set of deliverables and milestones and create a tactical planning document.   
On January 8, 2008, the CIOC voted to endorse V1.0 of the EIRMS Tactical Plan with the understanding that the plan and associated documents would be forwarded to the Administrative Business Services Director's (ABSD) group for consideration and concurrence.
The State CIO presented V1.0 of the EIRMS Tactical Plan to the ABSD group on January 22 and February 26, 2008.  The ABSD endorsed V1.0 at its February 26, 2008 meeting. 
The more detailed EIRMS Tactical Plan V1.0 (.xls) is attached as a three-tab spreadsheet containing the following appendices:
Note:  We recommend this document be printed in landscape orientation on 11X17 paper.
  • Appendix A - Tactical Plan V1.0 – Active Tasks/Initiatives - The tasks/initiatives that are actively underway or planned to implement the approved EIRMS (i.e., actions already underway or planned, budget set, decisions made and commitments made/“above the line”)
  • Appendix B - Completed Tasks/Initiatives – Actions/deliverables that have been completed
  • Appendix C - Pended Tasks/Initiatives – Proposed actions that are not ready for initiation (for a variety of reasons) and so have been moved to a separate holding list for current and future consideration (“below the line” / to be reconsidered between January and June 2008)
Appendix D (.pdf) provides a summary of CIO Council input leading to the CIOC endorsement of the EIRMS Tactical Plan V1.0. 

John Margaronis, Chair
     Chief Information Officer
     Oregon State Lottery
Bob DeVyldere, Vice-Chair
     Information Services Manager
     Water Resources Department

Ben Berry, Chair
     Chief Information Officer
     Department of Transportation
John Margaronis, Vice-chair
     Chief Information Officer
     Oregon State Lottery

Stan McClain, Chair
     Chief Information Officer
     Department of Revenue
Jeff Marecic, Vice-chair
     Administrator, Information Systems Division
     Public Employees Retirement System

Curt Amo, Chair
     Assistant Director, Information Management Division
     Employment Department
Stan McClain, Vice-chair
    Chief Information Officer
    Department of Revenue

John G. Koreski, Chair
     Assistant Director, Information Systems and Services Division
     Department of Corrections
Curt Amo, Vice-chair
     Assistant Director, Information Management Division
     Employment Department

David White, Chair (retired)
     Chief Information Officer
     Oregon Department of Transportation
John G. Koreski, Vice-chair
     Assistant Director, Information Systems and Services Division
     Department of Corrections

Membership Roster
Name Title Agency
John Margaronis, Chair
Chief Information Officer
Oregon State Lottery
Bob DeVyldere,
Information Services Manager
Water Resources Department
David Almond
Chief Information Officer
Department of Revenue
Don Altermatt Interim Information Systems Director Department of Public Safety Standards and Training
Vikie Bailey-Goggins Administrator, Regulatory Operations Division Public Utility Commission
Ben Berry
Chief Information Officer
Department of Transportation
Tony Black
Brian Rhodes
Chief Information Officer, Lane County
Chief Information Officer, Benton County
Oregon Association of Government Information Technology Management
Bud Borja Chief Information Officer Judicial Department
Bill Carpenter
Administrator, Information Services Division Housing & Community Services
Mark Hall
Information Technology Director
Oregon Liquor Control Commission
Rick Howard
Chief Information Officer
Department of Human Services
Sandy Jefferson
Director, Information Technology Program Department of Forestry
Doug Juergensen
Administrator, Information Systems Division Department of Fish and Wildlife
John Koreski
Assistant Director, Information Systems and Services Division Department of Corrections
Trygve Larson Information Systems Manager Department of Parks and Recreation
Jeff Marecic
Information Systems Administrator
Public Employees Retirement System
Dorthy Oliver
Administrator, Information Management Division Department of Consumer and Business Services
Julie Pearson
Chief Information Officer
Secretary of State
Curt Pederson Chief Information Officer
Oregon University System
Jill Petersen
Information Systems Manager
Oregon Youth Authority
Dugan Petty
State Chief Information Officer
Department of Administrative
Steve Poland
Information Systems Manager
Department of Agriculture
Ron Pope Information Systems Director Oregon State Treasury
Mark Reyer State Data Center Administrator Department of Administrative Services
Herb Riley
Administrative Services Division Administrator Department of Veterans´ Affairs
Baron Rodriguez
Director of Technology and Information  Services
Department of Education
Troy Rutten Chief Information Officer Employment
Sohng Shin Business Systems Development Manager Department of Environmental Quality
Bret West
Administrator, Operations Division
Department of Administrative Services
Shelly Wiles Information Technology Manager Construction Contractors Board
Marc Williams
Chief Information Officer
Department of Justice
David Yandell
Director, Information Management Division Department of State Police

Communities of Practice
A Community of Practice is a collaborative workgroup of experts formed to conduct research and develop work products on specific CIO Council topics of interest.  The CIO Council forms Communities of Practice to ensure that enterprise IT work products are collaboratively developed by a representative group of stakeholders in partnership with the State CIO and DAS Enterprise Information Strategy and Policy Division staff. 
For more information regarding Communities of Practice

Desktop & Laptop Specification
For desktop and laptop specifications, please refer to the Oregon Smart Buy Web site.
The Oregon Smart Buy was developed to effectively leverage the State´s purchasing power by promoting collaboration among State agencies and institutions. With a data-driven approach, this project will leverage Oregon´s tremendous volume purchasing power to obtain better value for goods and services. "Smart Buy" will also review current procurement processes and techniques used by different State agencies to identify and eliminate inefficient practices.

Contact for More Information
Charlene Wood
Enterprise Information Strategy and Policy Division
955 Center St NE
Salem, OR  97301

Page updated: June 20, 2008

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