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Headline Archives

More Than 400 Charged Nationwide

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller, III and Deputy Attorney General Mark R. Filip

Director Mueller speaks to reporters during a press conference announcing more than 400 arrests related to Operation Malicious Mortgage. With Mueller is Deputy Attorney General Mark Filip.

Today, Deputy Attorney General Mark Filip and FBI Director Robert Mueller announced the results of “Operation Malicious Mortgage,” a massive multiagency takedown of mortgage fraud schemes involving more than 400 defendants nationwide who have been charged over the past three and a half months.

The operation focused primarily on three types of mortgage fraud—lending fraud, foreclosure rescue schemes, and mortgage-related bankruptcy schemes. “To persons who are involved in such schemes, we will find you, you will be investigated, and you will be prosecuted,” said Mueller. “To those who would contemplate misleading, engaging in such schemes, you will spend time in jail.”

mueller video
Watch Video: Director Mueller's Remarks at Press Conference
Among the 400-plus subjects of Operation Malicious Mortgage, there have been 173 convictions and 81 sentencings so far for crimes that have accounted for more than $1 billion in estimated losses. Forty-six of our 56 field offices around the country took part in the operation, which has secured more than $60 million in assets.

During its investigative phase, we worked closely with our partner agencies—including the Postal Inspection Service, Internal Revenue Service, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Secret Service, U.S. Trustee Program, and the Inspector General Offices of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Veterans Affairs, and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 

The FBI’s mortgage fraud caseload has doubled in the past three years to more than 1,400 pending cases. To address this steady growth, Mueller noted that every FBI field office focuses on this criminal priority. The Bureau also takes part in 42 mortgage fraud task forces and working groups. And we continue our joint efforts with federal, state, and local agencies. 

“Our objective, as always,” said Mueller, ”is to protect the consumer and stabilize our economic markets.”

Among the Bureau’s mortgage fraud cases are 19 sub-prime-related corporate fraud investigations. Most of these corporate fraud investigations, said Mueller, deal with accounting fraud, insider trading, and with criminal intent, the failure to disclose the proper valuations of the securitized loans and derivatives.

Deputy Attorney General Filip also said that the Justice Departments remains committed to investigating and prosecuting cases of mortgage-related securities fraud, noting today’s announcement of an indictment against two senior managers of failed Bear Stearns hedge funds.

- National press release 
- Mortgage Fraud: New Analysis of a Rising Threat
- FBI Mortgage Fraud webpage
- Bear Stearns indictment in New York
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