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Monthly Labor Review Online

November, 2000, Vol. 123, No. 11

Publications received

Economies in crisis

Glaeser, Edward L., David Laibson, and Bruce Sacerdote, The Economic Approach to Social Capital. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2000, 39 pp. (Working Paper 7728.) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

International Labor Organization, Yearbook of Labor Statistics, 1999. 58th ed. Geneva, International Labor Organization, 1999, 1353 pp. Available in the United States from ILO Publications Center, Waldorf, MD.

Israel Central Bureau of Statistics, Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, March, April and May 2000. Jerusalem, Israel Central Bureau of Statistics, 2000, 153 pp. each.

Ministere de L’Economie, Annuaire Statistique de la France, 2000, Vol. 103. Paris, Ministere de L’Economie, Des Finances et de L’Industrie, 1,026 pp.

Statistics Netherlands, Statistical Yearbook of the Netherlands, 2000. Voorburg, The Netherlands, Statistics Netherlands, 2000, 551 pp.

Madden, Janice F., Changes in Income Inequality within U.S. Metropolitan Areas. Kalamazoo, MI, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 2000, 199 pp.


Economic growth and development

Anderson, John E. and Robert W. Wassmer, Bidding for Business: The Efficacy of Local Economic Development Incentives in a Metropolitan Area. Kalamazoo, MI, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 2000, 243 pp.

Krugman, Paul, The Return of Depression Economics. New York, W.W. Norton & Co., 1999, 176 pp. $23.95.



Borjas, George J., Foreign-Born Teaching Assistants and the Academic Performance of Undergraduates. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2000, 13 pp. (Working Paper 7635.) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Card, David and Thomas Lemieux, Can Falling Supply Explain the Rising Return to College for Younger Men? A Cohort-Based Analysis. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2000, 51 pp. (Working Paper 7655.) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Schooling: Progress on Some Persistent Econometric Problems. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2000, 46 pp. (Working Paper 7769.) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Cobb, William H., Radical Education in the Rural South: Commonwealth College, 1922-1940. Detroit, Wayne State University Press, 2000, 263 pp.

Hoxby, Caroline M., Benevolent Colluders? The Effects of Antitrust Action on College Financial Aid and Tuition. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research Inc., 2000, 55 pp. (Working Paper 7754.) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Mary Joyce and David Neumark, An Introduction to School-to-Work Programs in the NLSY97: How Prevalent Are They, and Which Youths Do They Serve? Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2000, 35 pp. (Working Paper 7733.) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

____Evaluating School-to-Work Programs Using the New NLSY. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2000, 46 pp. (Working Paper 7719.) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Romer, Paul M., Should the Government Subsidize Supply or Demand in the Market for Scientists and Engineers? Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2000, 49 pp. (Working Paper 7723.) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.


Health and safety

Chappell, Duncan and Vittorio Di Martino, Violence At Work. 2nd ed. Geneva, International Labor Organization, 2000, 171 pp. $14.95, paper. Available in the United States from ILO Publications Center, Waldorf, MD.


Industrial relations

Alexander, Mark, Employee Performance and Discipline Problems: A New Approach. Kingston, Ontario, Queen’s University, Industrial Relations Center, IRC Press, 2000, 20 pp.

Barak, Michal E. Mor and David Bargal, eds., Social Services in the Workplace: Repositioning Occupational Social Work in the New Millennium. Binghamton, NY, The Haworth Press, Inc., 2000, 223 pp.

Chaykowski, Richard and others, Facilitating Conflict Resolution in Union-Management Relations: A Guide for Neutrals. Ithaca, NY, Cornell University, PERC Institute on Conflict Resolution, School of Industrial and Labor Relations, 2000, 36 pp. $15, paper.

Fitz-enz, Jac, The ROI of Human Capital: Measuring the Economic Value of Employee Performance. New York, AMACOM, American Management Association, 2000, 298 pp. $29.95.

Haspels, Nelien and Michele Jankanish, Action Against Child Labour. Geneva, International Labor Organization, 2000, 334 pp. $34.95. Available in the United States from ILO Publications Center, Waldorf, MD.

Heath, Simon, Good Faith in Wrongful Dismissal: Canadian Employment Law After Wallace v. United Grain Growers Ltd. Kingston, Ontario, Queen’s University, Industrial Relations Center, IRC Press, 2000, 32 pp.

Ichniowski, Casey and others, eds. The American Workplace: Skills, Compensation, and Employee Involvement. New York, NY, Cambridge University Press, 2000, 287 pp. $54.95.

Love, Carolyn Kristjanson, Mergers and Acquisitions: The Role of HRM in Success. Kingston, Ontario, Queen’s University, Industrial Relations Center, IRC Press, 2000, 16 pp.

Marjoribanks, Timothy, News Corporation, Technology and the Workplace. New York, Cambridge University Press, 2000, 221 pp., bibliography. $54.95, cloth; $19.95, paper.

Mathers, Tory, Coalition Building: A Progressive Strategy for Canadian Unions. Kingston, Ontario, Queen’s University, Industrial Relations Center, IRC Press, 2000, 14 pp.

Mulligan, Casey B., Can Monopoly Unionism Explain Publicly Induced Retirement? Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2000, 26 pp. (Working Paper 7680.) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Rich, Robert and Joseph Tracy, Uncertainty and Labor Contract Durations. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2000, 48 pp. (Working Paper 7731.) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Schmidt, Jeff, Disciplined Minds: A Critical Look at Salaried Professionals and the Soul-Battering System That Shapes Their Lives. Lanham, MD, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2000, 293 pp. $26.95.

Telford, Megan Elizabeth, Med-Arb: A Viable Dispute Resolution Alternative. Kingston, Ontario, Queen’s University, Industrial Relations Center, 2000, 17 pp.


International economics

Acemoglu, Daron, Simon Johnson, and James A. Robinson, The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: An Empirical Investigation. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2000, 70 pp. (Working Paper 7771.) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Bellofiore, Riccardo, Global Money, Capital Restructuring and the Changing Patterns of Labour. Northampton, MA, Edward Elgar, 1999, 202 pp. $85.

Rauch, James E. and Vitor Trindade, Information and Globization: Wage Co-Movements, Labor Demand Elasticity, and Conventional Trade Liberalization. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2000, 41 pp. (Working Paper 7671.) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.


Labor and economic history

Harris, Howell John, Bloodless Victories: The Rise and Fall of the Open Shop in the Philadelphia Metal Trades, 1890-1940. New York, Cambridge University Press, 456 pp. $44.95.


Labor force

Auer, Peter, Employment Revival In Europe: Labour Market Success in Austria, Denmark, Ireland and the Netherlands. Geneva, International Labor Organization, 2000, 140 pp. Available in the United States from the ILO Publications Center, Waldorf, MD.

Cappelli, Peter, Examining the Incidence of Downsizing and Its Effect on Establishment Performance. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2000, 43 pp. (Working Paper 7742.) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

U.S. Department of Labor, Report on the Youth Labor Force. Washington, 2000, 76 pp.


Labor and economic history

Bernhardt, Debra E. and Rachel Bernstein, Ordinary People, Extraordinary Lives: A Pictorial History of Working People in New York City. New York, New York University Press, 2000, 219 pp. $29.95.


Prices and living conditions

Gordon, Robert J., The Boskin Commission Report and Its Aftermath. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2000, 48 pp. (Working Paper 7759.) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.


Productivity and technological change

Benkard, C. Lanier, A Dynamic Analysis of the Market for Wide-Bodied Commercial Aircraft. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2000, 54 pp. (Working Paper 7710.) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Bernard, Andrew B. and others, Plants and Productivity in International Trade. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2000, 51 pp. (Working Paper 7688.) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Berndt, Ernest R., Robert S. Pindyck, and Pierre Azoulay, Consumption Externalities and Diffusion in Pharmaceutical Markets: Antiulcer Drugs. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2000, 53 pp. (Working Paper 7772.) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Gordon, Robert J., Interpreting the "One Big Wave" in U.S. Long-Term Productivity Growth. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2000, 71 pp. (Working Paper 7752.) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Hall, Bronwyn, H., Adam Jaffe, and Manuel Trajtenberg, Market Value and Patent Citations: A First Look. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2000, 47 pp. (Working Paper 7741.) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Jaffe, Adam B., Manuel Trajtenberg, and Michael S. Fogarty, The Meaning of Patent Citations: Report on the NBER/Case-Western Reserve Survey of Patentees. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2000, 43 pp. (Working Paper 7631.) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Thursby, Jerry G. and Marie C. Thursby, Who Is Selling the Ivory Tower? Sources of Growth in University Licensing. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2000, 25 pp. (Working Paper 7718.) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.


Wages and compensation

Beaudry, Paul and David Green, The Changing Structure of Wages in the US and Germany: What Explains the Difference? Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2000, 47 pp. (Working Paper 7697.) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Berman, Eli, Kevin Lang, and Erez Siniver, Language-Skill Complementarity: Returns to Immigrant Language Acquisition. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2000, 35 pp. (Working Paper 7737.) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Blau, Francine D. and Lawrence M. Kahn, Gender Differences in Pay. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2000, 38 pp. (Working Paper 7732.) $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

O’Shaughnessy, K.C., David I. Levine, and Peter Cappelli, Changes in Managerial Pay Structures 1986-1992 and Rising Returns to Skill. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2000, 45 pp. (Working Paper 7730.) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Birmingham, AL, National Compensation Survey, July 1998. Washington, 1999, Bulletin 3095-76, 45 pp. Stock No. 829-001-00937-1. $5. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954.

_____Employer Costs for Employee Compensation, 1986-99. Washington, 2000, Bulletin 2526, 293 pp. Stock No. 029-001-03360-5. $32. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-9328.

_____Knoxville, TN National Compensation Survey, July 1999. Washington, 1999, Bulletin 3100-04, 50 pp. Stock No. 3100-04. $6. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954.


Welfare programs and social insurance

Geanakoplos, John, Olivia S. Mitchell, and Stephen P. Zeldes, Would a Privatized Social Security System Really Pay a Higher Rate of Return? Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2000, pp. 137-157. (NBER Reprint, 2266.) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

_____Social Security Money’s Worth. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2000, pp. 79-151. (NBER Reprint 2267.) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Gillion, Colin and others, eds., Social Security Pensions: Development and Reform. (Executive Summary) Geneva, International Labor Organization, 2000, 43 pp. Available in the United States from ILO Publications Center, Waldorf, MD.

Grogger, Jeff, Time Limits and Welfare Use. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2000, 43 pp. (Working Paper 7709.) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

International Labor Office, World Labour Report, 2000: Income Security and Social Protection In a Changing World. Geneva, International Labor Organization, 2000, 321 pp. $34.95, paper. Available in the United States from ILO Publications Center, Waldorf, MD.




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