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Useful Links For Plant Conservation
Native/Rare Plants
Other Threatened and Endangered Species
Oregon Laws
US Fish and Wildlife Service links
US Bureau of Land Management links
Other Useful Links
Native/Rare Plants
ORNHIC Rare Plant Field Guide: Provides detailed information on federally or state listed threatened and endangered species.
Oregon Vascular Plant Atlas: This Oregon Flora Project website allows you to create your own native plant distribution maps.
Native Plant Society of Oregon: Organization dedicated to the enjoyment, conservation and study of Oregon 's native plants.
Center for Plant Conservation Plant Database: Search for detailed plant profiles of the United States' rarest plants.
Berry Botanic Garden: Information on Pacific Northwest native plants, plant collections and native endangered plant conservation.
NatureServe Explorer: Information on more than 65,000 plants, animals, and ecosystems of the United States and Canada, including particularly in-depth coverage for rare and endangered species.
Institute for Applied Ecology: Information on the institute's rare plant research projects.

Other Threatened and Endangered Species
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW): List of threatened and endangered animals in Oregon.
Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species of Oregon List: (ORNHIC, PDF - 1.3MB): Summarizes in list format rare, threatened and endangered plant, animal and invertebrate species, including those that are at-risk or potentially at-risk.
Threatened and Endangered Animal Field Guide (ORNHIC): Provides detailed information on federally or state listed threatened and endangered animal species.
Rare and Endangered Invertebrate Program: Information about how Oregon conserves listed invertebrates.
Federally Listed Species: Information on all federally listed plants and animals (U.S. Fish and Wildlife).
Federal Endangered Species Act: Information about the federal endangered species act (USFWS).

Oregon Laws
Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 564: This statute deals with threatened or endangered plants in Oregon.
Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 603-073: These rules outline how the state will implement the laws regarding threatened or endangered plants in Oregon.

US Fish and Wildlife Service links
USFWS Oregon Map - A clickable map of Oregon with U.S. Fish and Wildlife offices and refuges in Oregon.
USFWS Roseburg - United States Fish and Wildlife, Roseburg field office
USFWS Newport - United States Fish and Wildlife, Newport field office

US Bureau of Land Management links
BLM, Oregon State Office: The Bureau of Land Management web site for Oregon and Washington

Other Useful Links
The Department of Botany and Plant Pathology at Oregon State University

Page updated: September 20, 2007

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