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MSFC Freedom of Information Act

Guide for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requesters


Any individual may submit a FOIA request to NASA by mail, fax, electronic mail or in person, at the following addresses:
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Attention: Freedom of Information Act Office
Mail Stop CD50
MSFC, AL 35812
(256)544-1837 Voice
(256)544-0007 Fax

The request must be in writing. No telephone requests will be accepted. If you do not know the exact title of the document you are seeking, you should provide a reasonable description of the documents. The more information that you can provide about the document, such as its author or date, the more expeditiously your request will be processed. Your request will be logged and a tracking number assigned to it. The tracking number assigned is of great importance to you as a requester because, in the event you would like to check the status of your request, the number enables us to locate where in the process your request is.

You should submit your request to the FOIA Office at the NASA Center that authored the documents or the Inspector General's FOIA Office at NASA Headquarters for all Inspector General documents. If you do not know which NASA Center to contact, then you may submit it to NASA Headquarters. Headquarters will attempt to identify the responsible Center and forward your request.

We have included a link to the NASA FOIA Contacts List, along with their telephone and fax numbers, and the appropriate [numerical prefix for contracts generated by a particular center, i.e. "NAS5" indicates that the contract was generated by GSFC] contract number assigned to that Center. Also, a link is included to the NASA FOIA regulations, "Availability of Agency Records to Members of the Public" which will provide you with more detailed information concerning the processing of your FOIA request.

In addition, there is a link to the Marshall Space Flight Center FOIA Homepage, each NASA Center Homepage, the Government Interactive Locator System (GILS) and the NODIS Directives Library. These links provide you with the capability of locating information throughout the agency that is available to the public without going through the FOIA.

NASA FOIA Contacts List

List of NASA FOIA contacts including: center, name, address, telephone number, fax number and appropriate procurement contract number.

Information on the NASA FOIA process

"Availability of Agency Records to Members of the Public." NASA's Regulations concerning FOIA are currently being reviewed in light of the passage of the E-FOIA amendment of 1996 (14 CFR Part 1206).

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