United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service
Office of Scientific Quality Review (OSQR)

OSQR News!

Updated 8/8/2008

New OSQR Handbook Released

The fully revised and updated OSQR Handbook is now available. Areas have been working with this as a draft manual for nearly two years. The new Handbook provides guidance on how to prepare project plans, including page limits and helpful advice on how to produce quality project plans. All are encouraged to read through this new Handbook before preparing their plans (please note that the main portion of the Handbook, not including the appendices is now shorter than the maximum length allowed for a Project Plan!). This new Handbook replaces the OSQR Manual (P&P 500.1).


Postponement Guidelines

The Postponement Guidelines (Bulletin 07-601) have been replaced by Appendix 13: Postponement Guidelines in the new OSQR Handbook. This represents a change to the location of this information but not to present practices as the OSQR, in cooperation with Area PAs implemented the procedures described in Appendix 13 more than a year ago.

What is OSQR?


OSQR Handbook 
Project Plan Information, Format 
Conflicts of Interest List 
Project Plan Revision


Schedule of Peer Reviews 
Postponement Guidelines 
A 1,000 Word Picture 
Some Advice from an Area Director 


Reviewer Information
Be a Peer Reviewer


Scientific Writing Resources 
OSQR Presentations 
ARS Focus Group on Peer Review 
OSQR Staff

Last Modified: 09/17/2008