Protecting Oregon's Environment
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Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

Land Quality 


Tanks Home Page
Heating Oil Tanks
Leaking Underground Storage Tanks
On-Line Petroleum Release Reporting
Underground Storage Tanks
Above Ground Storage Tanks
Septic Tanks
Conferences, Training & Workshops


The Tanks Section is comprised of the Underground Storage Tank Program, Leaking Underground Storage Tank Program, and the Heating Oil Tank Program.  We've provided links to DEQ's Above Ground Storage Tank plan review and approval program, and Water Quality's Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (septic systems) program for your convenience. [More...]

Heating Oil Tank Program (HOT)

The HOT Program handles issues related to:

  • Tanks storing fuel oil (typically Number 1 and 2 diesel oil) to heat buildings for human habitation.
  • Requirements for the voluntary decommissioning of HOTs.
  • Reporting releases from HOTs and the cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination.
  • Rules for contractors working on HOTs and the cleanup of soil contamination.

Leaking Underground Storage Tank Program (LUST)

The LUST Program handles issues related to:

  • Cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination from spills and releases from regulated underground storage tanks.
  • Contractors working on cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination at LUST sites.
  • Enforcement of State and Federal LUST rules.

Underground Storage Tank Program (UST)

The UST Program handles issues related to:

  • Tanks storing gasoline, ethanol, diesel, biodiesel and listed hazardous substances.
  • Tanks greater than 110 gallons in size (greater than 1,100 gallons in size if residential or farm use).
  • Tanks in use after 1974.
  • Rules governing installation, removal and modification of UST systems.
  • Reporting releases from USTs and the cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination.
  • Rules for contractors working on USTs and the cleanup of soil contamination.
  • The same universe of USTs as the Federal underground storage tank program (RCRA Subtitle I Tank Program).

Above Ground Storage Tanks (AST)

The AST Program handles issues related to:

  • Rules that apply to the operation of facilities with ASTs of 10,000 gallon or greater capacity if petroleum is received from pipelines or vessels. Additionally, spills or releases of reportable quantities of petroleum or hazardous substances from ASTs must be reported to DEQ's Emergency Management Program. Note: The program has not adopted rules regarding the installation or removal of ASTs storing petroleum or listed hazardous substances.
  • For more information on DEQ's AST Program, click the Fact Sheets link and review the prevention, planning and preparedness discussions in the DEQ Spill Management Program fact sheet and the DEQ Emergency Response Program fact sheet.
  • Although not covered by DEQ’s program, certain ASTs are regulated by:

Septic Tank Program

The disposal of sewage from homes and businesses into septic tanks is managed by DEQ’s Water Quality Division:

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For more information about DEQ's Land Quality Division and its programs, see the contact page.

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
Headquarters: 811 Sixth Ave., Portland, OR 97204-1390
Phone: 503-229-5696 or toll free in Oregon 1-800-452-4011
Oregon Telecommunications Relay Service: 1-800-735-2900  FAX: 503-229-6124

The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality is a regulatory agency authorized to protect Oregon's environment by
the State of Oregon and the Environmental Protection Agency.

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