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Parcel Viewer

Parcel Viewer is an application that allows you to search for and display information about real property parcels in King County, including simple parcel maps.

Parcel Viewer News

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The Survey has ended, thanks to all who responded!
July 7, 2008

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News Archive


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All Parcel Viewer users are subject to the Terms of Use.

START Parcel Viewer Search by Parcel Number

...or pick a search method from this complete list:



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Search by Parcel Number

start Parcel Viewer button: search by parcel number

help button: How to Search by Parcel Number

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Search by Address

start Parcel Viewer button: search by address

help button: How to Search by Address

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Search by Street Intersection

start Parcel Viewer button: search by street intersection

help button: How to Search by Street Intersection

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Search by Navigating on a Map

start Parcel Viewer button: search by navigating on a map

help button: How to Search by Navigating on a Map

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Advanced Mode (buffering)—Select multiple adjacent parcels according to their proximity to another parcel (includes all of the above search options)

start Parcel Viewer button: start in Advanced Mode

help button: Using Advanced Mode

See Also

Parcel Viewer Help | FAQs

graphic table element


Parcel Viewer News

illustration: survey announcementThe Survey has ended; thanks to all who responded!
July 7, 2008

Our online mapping applications, iMAP and Parcel Viewer, meet a broad range of user needs. First-time or occasional users might look up information about one particular piece of property. Others have come to rely on these tools as part of their day-to-day business.

We'll incorporate the results of the survey as we make iMAP and Parcel Viewer easy to use for a wide and diverse audience, and to make the user experience more and more productive.

And in the meantime, the prize drawing will be held on July 11th.

Parcel Viewer News Archive

Easier Access to Online Mapping

New, shorter, easier-to-remember and easier-to-type web addresses now simplify access to Parcel Viewer and iMAP. Anyone who does not already have the launch pages for the applications bookmarked (you're on the Parcel Viewer launch page) now needs to remember only the application names themselves. And it's easier and quicker to type the new address if you want to send them to a friend or colleague. All you need is the address for the KCGIS website:, followed by the name of the application.

Parcel Viewer is

iMAP is

Return users will be happy to know that their current bookmarks to these application launch pages are still valid.


Condominium Unit Descriptions Now Available

Parcel Viewer now provides better support for finding information about condominium complexes and individual condominium units.

  • Users can now enter an individual condominium unit's parcel number in Parcel Viewer to zoom to the parcel for the condominium complex. (Note: the parcel number is the first 10 digits of the 12-digit tax account number.)
  • Near the top of the property report for each condominium complex parcel, we have added a link which will allow you to retrieve a table that lists all of the units in the complex.
  • The table lists the taxpayer name, building number, unit number, and taxable value of each unit in the complex.
  • Each individual unit listing in the table links back to a complete property report for the unit.

See the iMAP & Parcel Viewer FAQs for more information and illustrations.go to top of page

Revised August 12, 2008


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