Coldest April Weather in 25 Years - New Record Low Max for April 7th

Coldest April Weather in 25 Years
Temperatures Feel More Like January than April
New Record Low Maximum Temperature for April 7th
A broad and expansive trough of upper level low pressure centered over Southeastern Canada has resulted in a strong northerly flow, bringing cold air southward out of the polar regions. The result is some of the coldest April weather since the early 1980s across Central Indiana.
High temperatures Saturday afternoon only reached the low to mid 30s across Central Indiana. Some locations in North Central Indiana did not climb out of the upper 20s. These temperatures would be close to the normal readings that could be expected during January in Indianapolis. For comparison’s sake, the normal high temperature this time of year in Fairbanks, Alaska is 38 degrees.
The last time that two days in a row during April saw high temperatures in the mid 30s in Indianapolis was 1982 when the 6th and 7th experienced high temperatures of 31 and 36 degrees.
A new record low maximum temperature of 32 degrees was set for April 7th.  This breaks the old record of 36 degrees set in 1982.  See the Record Event Report below for further details.
This bitterly cold weather will damage or kill outdoor plants. Please refer to the latest frost and freeze statements below for more detailed information.
Low temperatures tonight are not expected to be cold enough to threaten the record low of 18 degrees. The current forecast indicates a low around 30 degrees in Indianapolis.
For current forecast low temperatures, visit the National Weather Service – Indianapolis web page at




Data Prepared by Logan Johnson, Climate Services Focal Point
Assistance Provided by National Weather Service Forecast Staff
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