US Citizenship and Immigration Services US Citizenship and Immigration Services
  Due to the preponderance of letters and emails we receive each day, representing every state and virtually every corner of the globe, the press desk of the US Mission to the UN respectfully requests that written correspondence abide by the following rules:
  • Please keep correspondence to one page, and no more than three pages. We are unable to address longer letters. If we need supporting documentation, we will ask for it.
  • Please ensure letters are properly addressed to the ambassador or official you are trying to reach, and that the person still serves at the Mission.
  • If you are writing as part of a campaign, for class or because of a particular news article, please provide this important information, as it ensures we provide the best response possible.
  • The U.S. Mission to the U.N. does not handle Visa requests or passport issues. For more information on that, go to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
  • When writing letters, please keep the following in mind:
    • Have you exhausted all research outlets via a Web search and/or with your local library prior to contacting us for information?
    • We do not need in-depth histories regarding the topics about which you are writing.
  • If you desire a response, please keep the following in mind:
    • Ask specific, concise questions
    • Ensure the you provide an accurate return address or email address
  • Eagle Scouts/Gold Star honorees: Please submit your requests for a certificate of congratulations electronically.
  • Unfortunately, we cannot honor autograph requests
  • Responses require 4-6 weeks minimum
    Note to teachers: We welcome the opportunity to provide information and support classroom activities, because of this please ensure that any letter-writing done for your school allows for the 4-6 week response time, and that it doesn't come up against a semester break or summer recess.
  Contact the US Mission to the UN