U.S. Institute of Peace Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute
  By communicating to both Americans and to an international audience, the Press and Public Diplomacy section of the United States Mission to the United Nations facilitates the worldwide flow of information concerning United States policy positions at the United Nations.
  The United Nations generates tremendous international media attention ensuring the Press and Public Diplomacy interacts with the worldwide press each day. Spokespeople from the Press and Public Diplomacy section provide information on US policies in the United Nations to the U.N. press corps, and facilitate interview requests with accredited media. The Press Section also releases statements and notices to the press and public on a regular basis. These releases are posted to our Web site in tandem with release.
  A major community relations thrust of the Press and Public Diplomacy section focuses on establishing and maintaining regular contacts with nongovernmental organizations (NGO). This focus on NGOs results in both external speaking engagements for the ambassadors and other senior Mission officers in addition to hosting panel discussions at the Mission.
  To address a wide range of policy issues throughout the year, the press and public diplomacy section arranges comprehensive briefings by Mission officers to address civic, business and student groups comprised of both domestic and international audiences.
  Each week, the United States Mission hears from thousands of people interested in gaining information about the United States position on various issues; sharing their comments regarding global affairs and offering their opinions and recommendations for possible courses of action. To ensure this communication is properly addressed, the Press and Public Diplomacy section runs a robust program with electronic and written components.