Welcome to Immunology & Cell Biology

Immunology & Cell Biology spans the breadth of immunology, with a particular emphasis on the cell biology of the immune system.

The 2015 Impact Factor for Immunology & Cell Biology is 4.473 (ISI Journal Citation Reports ®, Thomson Reuters, 2016) and it is ranked the 22nd primary research journal in the field of immunology.

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Free online issue

Volume 94, No 10
November/December 2016

ISSN: 0818-9641
EISSN: 1440-1711

2015 Impact Factor 4.473*
35/150 Immunology
54/187 Cell Biology

Gabrielle Belz

*2015 Journal Citation Reports® Science Edition (Thomson Reuters, 2016)


Special Feature on Novel aspects of autoimmunity
The November/December 2016 issue contains a Special Feature on Novel aspects of autoimmunity. Major scientific advances often arise at the interface of disciplines, or are made possible by transformative technological advances. Progress in our understanding of the basis of autoimmunity over recent years provides great examples of this, and we have selected four of these to highlight in this ICB Special Feature. Together these articles reveal how recent technological advances have revealed important mechanisms underlying autoimmune disease, mechanisms that can now be examined in humans as well as mouse models. Our increasing ability to conduct in-depth studies in humans promises to continue to unlock the mysteries underlying autoimmunity, with inevitable benefits to patients with these diseases. Immunology & Cell Biology thanks the coordinators of this Special Feature – Ken Smith and Arthur Kaser – for their planning and input.

Post a video summary of your research
Immunology & Cell Biology is pleased to announce that authors can now upload video presentations to accompany their article when published. Presentations should provide a short, succinct summary of the research and be uploaded as Supplementary Material. Whilst enhancing reader experience, video summaries also provide an excellent tool for promotion to help increase visibility and reach. Please refer to the journal's Instructions for Authors for technical specifications.

CTI introduces Special Feature article collections
ICB's sister journal, Clinical & Translational Immunology, has recently introduced the first of several open access article collections: Inflammatory diseases: a translational perspective and Innate immune responses and vaccine design.

Cutting-edge single-cell genomics and modelling in immunology
The March 2016 issue contains a Special Feature on Cutting-edge single-cell genomics and modelling in immunology. The recent advent of single-cell genomics has offered unprecedented possibilities for hypothesis-independent characterization of cellular heterogeneity and regulatory states. At the same time, the vast datasets produced by these techniques have highlighted the need for new bioinformatics tools to utilize the contained information to the fullest. In this Special Feature, both the experimental methods for producing such data as well as selected modelling approaches are reviewed, with focus on the applications on the study of the immune system. Immunology and Cell Biology thanks the coordinators of this Special Feature – Tapio Lönnberg and Valentina Proserpio – for their planning and input.

Effects of exercise on the immune system and metabolism coming into the Olympic year
The February 2016 issue contains a Special Feature on the Effects of exercise on the immune system and metabolism coming into the Olympic year. The role of the immune system in exercise is complex and challenging. Too little exercise can depress the immune system. In contrast, too much exercise can also lead to a compromised immune system. This is a challenge that athletes face as they prepare for competition. Immunology & Cell Biology thanks the coordinators of this Special Feature – Mark Febbraio and Graeme Lancaster – for their planning and input.

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1 January 2017
