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FICO Assessment


The Financing Corporation (FICO), established by the Competitive Equality Banking Act of 1987, is a mixed-ownership government corporation whose sole purpose was to function as a financing vehicle for the Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC). Effective December 12, 1991, as provided by the Resolution Trust Corporation Refinancing, Restructuring and Improvement Act of 1991, the FICO's ability to issue new debt was terminated. Outstanding FICO bonds, which are 30-year noncallable bonds with a principal amount of approximately $8.1 billion, mature in 2017 through 2019.

The FICO has assessment authority, separate from the FDIC's authority to assess risk-based premiums for deposit insurance, to collect funds from FDIC-insured institutions sufficient to pay interest on FICO bonds. The FDIC acts as collection agent for the FICO. The Deposit Insurance Funds Act 1996 (DIFA) authorized the FICO to assess both BIF- and SAIF-insured deposits, and require the BIF rate to equal one-fifth the SAIF rate through year-end 1999, or until the insurance funds are merged, whichever occurs first. Since the first quarter of 2000, all FDIC-insured deposits have been assessed at the same rate by FICO. Effective March 31, 2006, the BIF and SAIF were merged into the newly created Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF).

The FICO assessment rate is adjusted quarterly to reflect changes in the assessment bases of the fund based on quarterly Call Report and Thrift Financial Report submissions. The FICO rates for each quarterly collection since enactment of DIFA are presented below.

FICO Rates
(annual rates, expressed in basis points)
Quarter / year DIF* BIF* SAIF*
Fourth Quarter 2008 1.10    
Third Quarter 2008 1.12    
Second Quarter 2008 1.12    
First Quarter 2008 1.14    
Fourth Quarter 2007 1.14    
Third Quarter 2007 1.14    
Second Quarter 2007 1.22    
First Quarter 2007 1.22    
Fourth Quarter 2006 1.24    
Third Quarter 2006 1.26    
Second Quarter 2006 1.28    
First Quarter 2006 1.32    
Fourth Quarter 2005   1.34 1.34
Third Quarter 2005   1.34 1.34
Second Quarter 2005   1.42 1.42
First Quarter 2005   1.44 1.44
Fourth Quarter 2004   1.46 1.46
Third Quarter 2004   1.48 1.48
Second Quarter 2004   1.54 1.54
First Quarter 2004   1.54 1.54
Fourth Quarter 2003   1.52 1.52
Third Quarter 2003   1.60 1.60
Second Quarter 2003   1.62 1.62
First Quarter 2003   1.68 1.68
Fourth Quarter 2002   1.70 1.70
Third Quarter 2002   1.72 1.72
Second Quarter 2002   1.76 1.76
First Quarter 2002   1.82 1.82
Fourth Quarter 2001   1.84 1.84
Third Quarter 2001   1.88 1.88
Second Quarter 2001   1.90 1.90
First Quarter 2001   1.96 1.96
Fourth Quarter 2000   2.02 2.02
Third Quarter 2000   2.06 2.06
Second Quarter 2000   2.08 2.08
First Quarter 2000   2.120 2.120
Fourth Quarter 1999   1.184 5.920
Third Quarter 1999   1.160 5.800
Second Quarter 1999   1.176 5.88
First Quarter 1999   1.22 6.10
Fourth Quarter 1998   1.164 5.82
Third Quarter 1998   1.22 6.10
Second Quarter 1998   1.244 6.22
First Quarter 1998   1.256 6.28
Fourth Quarter 1997   1.264 6.32
Third Quarter 1997   1.26 6.30
Second Quarter 1997   1.30 6.50
First Quarter 1997   1.296 6.48
* Effective March 31, 2006, the BIF and SAIF were merged into the newly created Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF).

Last Updated 8/28/2008 insurance-research@fdic.gov

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