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Assessment Rate Cases and Outlook for DIF


    Prior to 2007, the FDIC Board of Directors reviewed premium rates semiannually. As of January 1, 1993, when the risk based assessment system was introduced, each bank and thrift paid an annual assessment rate of between 23 and 31 cents per $100 of assessable deposits. After the BIF reached the Designated Reserve Ratio (DRR) of 1.25 percent at the end of May 1995, the Board approved a reduction in assessment rates for BIF members to a range of between 4 and 31 cents per $100 in assessable deposits. In November 1995, the Board approved a new assessment rate structure for the BIF, with a range of between 0 and 27 cents per $100 in assessable deposits, effective January 1, 1996.

    The Deposit Insurance Funds Act of 1996 provided for the capitalization of the SAIF at the target DRR of 1.25 percent by means of a one-time special assessment on SAIF-member institutions. In December 1996, the Board lowered SAIF assessment rates to a range of between 0 and 27 cents per $100 in assessable deposits, which is identical to the rate schedule previously approved for BIF members. The new rates were effective October 1, 1996 for Sasser and BIF-member Oakar institutions, and effective on January 1, 1997 for all other SAIF-insured institutions. As a result of the merger of the BIF and SAIF to form the DIF effective March 31, 2006, all insured institutions are subject to the same assessment rate schedule.

    The FDIC merged the Bank Insurance Fund (BIF) and the Savings Association Insurance Fund (SAIF) to form the Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) on March 31, 2006 in accordance with the Federal Deposit Insurance Reform Act of 2005. As a result of the merger of the BIF and SAIF, all insured institutions are subject to the same assessment rate schedule. The amount each institution is assessed is based upon statutory factors that include the balance of insured deposits as well as the degree of risk the institution poses to the insurance fund.

    Beginning in 2007, rates will range between 5 and 43 cents per $100 in assessable deposits. Institutions in Risk Category I will be charged a rate between 5 and 7 cents.

    Risk Category
    Annual Rates (in basis points)

    * Rates for institutions that do not pay the minimum or maximum rate will vary between these rates.

    Note: Basis points is cents per $100 of assessable deposits (annual rate).

    Insurance Fund Ratios - The Designated Reserve Ratio (DRR) is the level that the FDIC Board would like the Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) to achieve as a percentage of estimated insured deposits. Current legislation permits the FDIC Board to set the DRR between 1.15 percent and 1.50 percent (previous legislation had a hard target of 1.25 percent). For 2007, the FDIC Board has set the DRR at 1.25 percent. The Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) Reserve Ratio is the current (or projected or historical) fund balance as a percentage of current (or projected or historical) estimated insured deposits.

    Memoranda on Assessment Rate Cases and Outlook for the DIF
    Before 2007, assessment rate cases were semi-annual reports to the FDIC Board of Directors recommending the deposit insurance assessment rates for the DIF (or, prior to the fund merger, the BIF and the SAIF).

    The rule on risk-based assessments adopted in November 2006 sets rates effective January 1, 2007. Rates are no longer required by law to be set semiannually.

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    Prior Assessment Periods

    Financial Institution Letters (FILs)
    A directory of Financial Institution Letters (FILs) pertaining to risk-related premiums.

    ASSESSMENT HOTLINE: 1-800-759-6596
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Last Updated 03/14/2008 Assessments@fdic.gov

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