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One-Time Assessment Credit

Legislative Authorization
The Federal Deposit Insurance Reform Act of 2005 authorized eligible insured depository institutions to share a one-time assessment credit pool of approximately $4.7 billon. For more information on the credit provisions see credit legislation.

Preliminary and Final Credit Statements
All institutions received a Preliminary Estimated Statement of One-Time Credit dated October 16, 2006, and a Final Statement of One-Time Credit dated May 25, 2007. Based on the information in the FDIC’s official system of records, both statements include an historical summary of an institution’s own credit amount, credit amounts acquired through merger and transfer activity. The Final Statement also included credit amounts acquired under the de facto rule if the acquiring institution demonstrated that it qualified. Copies of the statements with their explanatory cover letters can be downloaded from https://www2.fdicconnect.gov.

Credit Summary Statement
For institutions with a credit, a credit summary statement is included with their invoice starting with the June 2007 invoice. The credit summary statement reflects an institution’s beginning credit balance; any credit amount acquired through merger during the current quarter; credit transferred in; credit transferred out; total credit available for current quarter; credit applied to the current assessment; and the ending credit balance. If an additional copy of the credit summary statement is needed, simply download it with your invoice at https://www2.fdicconnect.gov.

Two groups of institutions are eligible for assessment credits: (1) insured depository institutions that were in existence on December 31, 1996, and that paid a deposit insurance premium prior to that date; and (2) insured depository institutions that are considered successors to such institutions (including successors by merger and successors under the de facto rule explained below).

The computation of the credit amount is a two step process:

  1. Divide the institution’s December 31, 1996 base by the industry’s December 31, 1996 base to obtain the institution’s 1996 Assessment Base Ratio.
  2. Multiply the Assessment Base Ratio by the aggregate credit of $4.7 billion to obtain the institution’s credit amount.

The credit is applied only to amounts owed for deposit insurance (FDIC’s amount); it can not be used to offset amounts owed to FICO. For most institutions (those in Risk Category I), the amount of credit used in any quarter is the lower of the amount owed for deposit insurance or the amount of the credit available. The law establishing the credits also included some credit use limitations. For Risk Category I institutions, those limitations are:

  • Up to 100% offset of FDIC Premiums for debits from June 29, 2007 through March 30, 2008;
  • Up to 90% offset of FDIC Premiums for debits from June 30, 2008 through March 30, 2011;
  • Up to 100% offset of FDIC Premiums for debits from June 30, 2011 until the credit is exhausted.

For any institution that is undercapitalized at the beginning of the assessment quarter; certain institutions in Risk Category II (those that have a CAMELS composite rating of 3); and most institutions in Risk Categories III and IV, there are statutory limitations in the usage of the credit. The amount of credit that can be used in any quarter is a capped amount determined by multiplying that quarter’s average assessment rate for all institutions by an institution’s assessment base for the same assessment period. This information can be found in the final regulation for one time credits.

Accounting - Accounting guidance on the credit and other assessment-related reporting issues can be found in the Call Report Supplemental Instructions beginning with the Supplemental Instructions for December 31, 2006.

Tracking - The credit summary statement provided by FDIC with each invoice will include beginning balance at the start of the quarter, credit acquisitions and transfers processed during the quarter, the amount of credit used during the current quarter, and the ending balance of the quarter.

Exhaustion of the One-Time Credit - Institutions should plan for the exhaustion of their credit. Once the credit is exhausted, an institution will pay the combined total of the FDIC premium and the FICO assessment, lines 4 and 7 on the invoice. Please see the Credit Summary attached to the invoice for your institution’s remaining credit balance.

Prior period amendments - Prior period amendments to the Report of Condition and Income (Call Report) or Thrift Financial Report (TFR) may affect the amount of assessment due to both the FDIC and to FICO. If the amount due to the FDIC also involves an assessment credit, the credit amount will also be appropriately adjusted on the upcoming invoice and the assessment credit summary statement.

Merger transaction - The assessment credit, if any, of an institution acquired through merger should be reflected on your institution’s credit statement. If it is not reflected on your institution’s credit statement, email us at assessments@fdic.gov or call 1-800-759-6596 (8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time) and select - Option 2. Please have the details of the merger available – date of transactions, names and certificate numbers of surviving and disappearing institutions.

De facto rule transaction - If your institution acquired substantially all assets (at least 90%) and assumed substantially all deposit liabilities (at least 90%) from a transferring institution as of the date of the transaction, your institution may be entitled to a pro rata share of the one-time credit under the de facto rule. To make a claim, your institution must file a request for review of the one-time credit within 30 days of the date of the invoice following the transaction. Your institution must provide documentation sufficient to support the change sought. Please refer to FIL-93-2006 for further guidance on filing a request for review (see part 327.36(b) of the FDIC Rules and Regulations). For more information, contact Tom Hesselbrock at thesselbrock@fdic.gov or at (703) 562-6165.

Transfer of credits – If two institutions agree to transfer any portion of the one-time assessment credit, there is a two-step process to complete the transfer:

  1. The parties must submit a written agreement, signed by representatives of each involved institution, which specifies the dollar amount of the credit to be transferred. In addition, they must submit documentation to indicate that each representative has the legal authority to bind the institution (for example, a certification from the corporate secretary). This information can be submitted either via mail, fax, or email (with pdf attachments).
  2. Each of the involved institutions must also complete the Transfer Assessment Credit transaction in FDICconnect under the Assessment Payment Information Section. Upon receipt of the FDICconnect transactions from both institutions and the written agreement with supporting documentation, the FDIC will review the submission and will notify the parties once the agreement has been recognized. For more information, contact Donna Saulnier at dsaulnier@fdic.gov or at (703) 562-6167.

Last Updated 08/22/2008 Assessments@fdic.gov

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