E-biomed: A Proposal for Electronic Publications in the Biomedical Sciences

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Marshall, Eliot. "E-biomed Morphs to E-biosci, Focus Shifts to Reviewed Papers." Science 6 August 1999: 810-811.

Saegusa, Asako. "Asia backs E-Biomed 'with peer review'" Nature 5 August 1999: 491.

Black, Harvey. "Science publishing evolves: greed or need?" The Scientist 7 June 1999: 1.

Bloom, Floyd E. "Just a minute, please." Science 9 July 1999: 197.

Bloom, Mark. "E-biomed plan irks journals." Physician's Weekly 19 July 1999: 1.

Butler, Declan. "NIH plan brings global electronic journal a step nearer reality." Nature 29 April 1999: 735.

Carrns, Ann. "Medical journals rush to meet Web's deadlines." Wall Street Journal 14 July 1999: B1.

Campbell, Paulette Walker. "NIH may use the Internet to distribute findings of research financed by its grants." The Chronicle of Higher Education 7 May 1999: A33.

"Critics query financing of proposed 'E-Biomed'." Nature 15 July 1999: 200.

Daukantas, Patricia. "NIH Web publishing plan raises scientific journals' ire." Government Computing News 12 July 1999: 1.

Garfield, Eugene. "Acknowledged Web posting is not prior publication." The Scientist 7 June 1999: 12.

"Give medical Web site a try." The Providence Journal 18 June 1999: B6.

Glaze, William H. Letter. The New York Times 15 June 1999: D3.

"The Gutenberg Internet." Wall Street Journal 11 June 1999: W11.

Jacobs, Madeleine. "Varmus pushes hard for E-biomed." Chemical and Engineering News 19 July 1999: 37-38.

Kiernan, Vincent. "Editor of 'Science' voices doubts on NIH's proposed on-line archive." The Chronicle of Higher Education 23 July 1999: A41.

Marshall, Eliot. "U.S., European backers differ on E-biomed plan." Science 16 July 1999: 315.

Marshall, Eliot. "Varmus circulates proposal for NIH-backed online venture." Science 30 April 1999: 718.

Marshall, Eliot. "Varmus defends E-biomed proposal, prepares to push ahead." Science 25 June 1999: 2062-2063.

"New Forum for Medical Research." LA Times 12 July 1999: A14.

"NIH E-biomed proposal: a welcome jolt." The Lancet 12 June 1999: 1985.

Pear, Robert. "NIH Plan For Journal On the Web Draws Fire" The New York Times 8 June 1999: D1.

Refinetti, Roberto. "Keeping up with the research literature through reprint requests." The Scientist 7 June 1999: 13.

Relman, A.S. "The NIH 'E-biomed' proposal - a potential threat to the evaluation and orderly dissemination of new clinical studies." New England Journal of Medicine 10 June 1999: 1828-1829.

Smaglik, Paul. "Science publishing evolves: tangled in the Web." The Scientist 7 June 1999: 1.

Sultzbaugh, Lance. Letter. Nature 15 July 1999: 207.

Tanne, Janice Hopkins. "Speed the science: medical reporting meets the digital journal." Columbia Journalism Review July/August 1999: 16.

Wadman, Meredith. "Varmus defends plan for global biomedical e-journal." Nature 24 June 1999: 720.