. : October 12, 2009 : . 

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The International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM)
is an international non-profit interdisciplinary organization dedicated to exploring and applying subtle energies as they relate to the experience of consciousness, healing, and human potential. ISSSEEM is in a unique position, acting both as a bridge builder between communities and a leader in the field, offering a community with a widespread appreciation of the energetic component within many disciplines including quantum physics, therapeutic modalities, healing, psychology, consciousness, psi and the understanding of our multidimensional existence.

Founded in 1989, ISSSEEM

systems and energies that interact with the human psyche and physiology, either enhancing or perturbing health.

Interconnects persons who work with or conduct research about subtle energies and human consciousness.

Encourages an exchange of information through conferences, seminars, and workshops.

Informs and Interfaces with members and the broader scientific community through Bridges, a quarterly magazine, and Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine, a peer-reviewed, scientific journal.

Cooperates with other organizations that have common interests and goals, enhancing the use of available resources.

ISSSEEM • 2770 Arapahoe Rd Suite 132, Lafayette,CO 80026 • 303-425-4625  

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