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Welcome to IARP

Celebrating our 13th Year of Service to the Reiki Community Worldwide!

IARP, the International Association of Reiki Professionals®, is the professional association of the global Reiki community, working to promote wide reaching healing effects throughout the world and to provide members with extraordinary benefits and tools to enhance and expand their practices. We are an organization for you and work to create a supportive environment within Reiki. We provide a forum for support and professional, personal and spiritual growth.

Being recognized as a Registered IARP® Member, you are recognized as the "best of the best", attaining the highest standards of professionalism and service within Reiki. In our twelfth year of service to further the cause of Reiki and to work to serve you, the IARP has thousands of members in over 50 countries. There is no dogma, bureaucracy or ego, but support, a strong voice for you, great benefits and much more.

Let those in need of your services, sessions or classes find you easily, get connected with the global Reiki community, let your voice be counted as part of the professional Reiki community, and receive great benefits ncluding optional Professional & General Liability Insurance - join the IARP today! Being a member of IARP also helps to keep Reiki free for you to practice - your support is needed.

Who should join the IARP?
- Reiki Practitioners, part-time or full-time, who offer Reiki sessions or services
- Reiki Masters who teach Reiki
- Practitioners of other modalities or fields who incorporate Reiki into their practice
- Anyone who has taken a Reiki class who wants to practice on family, friends and further their knowledge of Reiki
- Anyone who has learned Reiki and wishes to support the love and beauty that is Reiki

IARP works for the benefit of the global Reiki community and all of its members. We have no agenda other than to see the Reiki community, individually and collectively, reach its full potential. This includes efforts to provide a forum for continual growth on professional and personal levels, and as a group, to create support among members in the Reiki community and to raise awareness of Reiki to the general public.

Get connected - Join and Get Registered Today! Click Here to go to our new web site to join or renew   You are an important part of our global family.  Visit www.iarpreiki.org

Please enjoy your visit and feel free to contact our Member Services Department at any time if we may be of assistance to you in any way. From all of us at the IARP, we wish you joy, peace and Reiki Blessings.