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  Latin America and the Caribbean Hurricane Season 2008

Disaster Assistance at a Glance

Affected Countries:
Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica

OFDA Response:
Emergency preparedness supplies, Emergency relief supplies, Emergency health supplies, Emergency shelter repair supplies

OFDA Preparedness:
Disaster preparedness, capacity building

Latest OFDA Report:
Latin America and the Caribbean Hurricane Season 2008 Fact Sheet #3 (133kb PDF)

Map of Latin America and Caribbean

Most Recent Disaster Declaration:

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Weather Service, the forecast for the 2007 Atlantic hurricane season (June 1 - November 30) will be above-average in terms of tropical activity. USAID/OFDA is well-positioned to respond to any disasters resulting from hurricanes through the region as the office maintains a network of Latin American and Caribbean-based disaster experts who serve as direct links to the countries in the hemisphere, increasing USAID’s ability to prepare for and quickly respond to natural disasters. Since 2000, USAID has provided more than $142 million in response to the devastating effects of hurricanes and tropical storms throughout Central America and the Caribbean, prior to the current hurricane season.

For information on USAID's hurricane recovery and reconstruction programs, please see here.

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Thu, 11 Sep 2008 11:01:47 -0500