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Welcome to the Office of Planning Web site.

The Office of Planning works to maintain an overall framework to guide the development of the State through a continuous process of comprehensive, long-range, and strategic planning to meet the physical, economic, and social needs of Hawaii's people, and provide for the wise use of Hawaii's resources in a coordinated, efficient, and economical manner - including the conservation of natural, environmental, recreational, scenic, historic, and other limited and irreplaceable resources which are required for future generations.

The Office of Planning's three main objectives are: 1) Fix responsibility and accountability to successfully carry out statewide programs, policies and priorities; 2) Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the operations of the executive branch; and 3) Ensure comprehensive planning and coordination to enhance the quality of life of the people of Hawaii.








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Office of Planning - Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism - State of Hawaii
P.O. Box 2359 - Honolulu, HI - 96804-2359 | Ph:  (808) 587-2846 | Fax:  (808) 587-2824
Last updated: August 2007