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Steps To Selecting PSN Grantees

Overview of PSN Grants

Step One: Develop a Strategy

Step Two: Designate the Selection Committee

Step Three: Select and Certify a Fiscal Agent

Step Four: Develop an Overall Budget

Step Five: Determine a Method for Selecting Subrecipients

Step Six: Certify Applicants

Step Seven: Hold a Final Subrecipient Selection Meeting

Step Eight: Complete the Application

Task Force Role After Award

Tool Box Contents

Contact Information

Step Six: Certify Applicants

Although the U.S. Attorneys will not be actively involved in the selection of a grantee or subrecipients, it is appropriate and necessary that they certify the applicants as suitable to apply. This certification ensures that every candidate for either a fiscal agent or a subrecipient is appropriate for federal funding and that each is an entity within the community that the U.S. Attorney can work with as part of the U.S. Attorney's PSN Task Force.

After the task force provides the U.S. Attorney with the list of potential subrecipients under a noncompetitive process or all applicants under a competitive process, the U.S. Attorney will review them using the certification process below.

The U.S. Attorney's certification of applicants will be conveyed to the selection committee, whose members will then review and make final selections from the certified organizations. At a later time, when final selections have been made, the U.S. Attorney will prepare a certification letter to cover all subrecipients. (See Step Eight.)

Tool Box

Sample Certification Letter for Fiscal Agents

Sample Certification Letter for Subrecipients

Summary of Standards of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Rules

U.S. Attorney Certification Process for the Fiscal Agent and Subrecipients

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